One Additional Year

2003, 16/17 Jan, Thursday/Friday (Hey peeps! Note the date!)

God has been chastising "Israel" more and more severely for her sins for the last three years. But instead of repenting, "Israel" has become increasingly stubborn.

God, however, is a MERCIFUL God, so instead of destroying "Israel" now, at the end of the THIRD year, He will relent for ONE additional year before He turns His back on "Israel". Luke 13:6-9.

If "Israel" does NOT repent before the end of the FOURTH year, and the Bible indicates that "Israel" will not, then God will turn His back on them and let them suffer under the heels of the "Assyrians" until they finally turn back to Him.

By the way, unless you know who "Israel" & "Assyria" are, this will NOT make any sense as it unfolds. So, WATCH as events unfold and it will become CRYSTAL CLEAR to you exactly WHO God means when He says, "Israel" & "Assyria". Unfortunately, most of the people God calls "Israel", like in excess of 99% of them, will NOT understand that God is talking to them until they are THRUST into the Great Tribulation, which will begin shortly after the end of this FOURTH year. At that time God will TURN HIS BACK on them and NOT answer when they cry to Him for help. Will YOU be one of those people????

FOOTNOTES: 1. (030118) Well, these dates have come and gone, with no VISIBLE major quake. No war, although it could soon happen considering President Bush already has 60,000 troops in the Middle East, 65,000 more enroute, and another 125,000 getting ready to go. The only thing noticable in the news is that the U.N. weapons inspectors last Thursday (U.S. time) found undocumented weapons in Iraq. Doubt if this would be considered a major quake, but it is yet too early to tell, as this finding COULD spark another war in Iraq.