The countdown begins ...
2000, 16/17 Jan, Sunday/Monday (Hey peeps! Note the date!)
Beginning today, the countdown to Armageddon begins. God is VERY unhappy with "Israel", so He is now beginning to cut and prune with the hope that "Israel" will repent and return to Him. This will continue for the next THREE years, after which He will relent for ONE additional year before He turns His back on "Israel".
For the next four years God will increasingly chastise "Israel" for her sins against Him. Since "Israel" has a LONG history of stubborness, this chastisement will get worse and worse as time goes on, until God is forced to abandon "Israel" at the beginning of the FIFTH year (16/17 January 2004, Friday/Saturday).
"Israel" has now passed beyond the point of no return, unless she repents, which is not likely until it is far too late.
-   Watch the FINANCIAL markets over the next four years - They are heading for DESTRUCTION.
-   Watch the WEATHER - It is going topsy-turvy and will cause massive CROP losses.
-   Watch EUROPE - It is fast becoming the RICHEST and MOST POWERFUL region of the world.
-   Watch JERUSALEM - It is prophesied to AGAIN be a SPLIT city.
-   Watch the POPE - The Bible says the Pope will soon RELOCATE to Jerusalem.
-   Watch the ISLAMIC countries - They are trying to bully the rest of the world, but they are about to be TROUNCED by "Assyria" which REFUSES to be bullied.
-   Watch BRITAIN - It will voluntarily or involuntarily LEAVE the European Union.
-   And watch what else happens around the world.
This is going to be a VERY wild ride into OBLIVION for "Israel". Hang on to your seats!!!!
COMMENTS: 1. (000922) If you do not know who "Israel" is, just wait. God will show the whole world on the evening & night of 2 April 2004 just who "Israel" REALLY is. On that evening "Israel", "Ephraim", and "Judah" shall ALL be destroyed (Hosea 5:5). May you understand BEFORE that fateful night!
2. (001104) The Bible says that ONLY those who OBEY will have UNDERSTANDING. So, if you do NOT understand what is happening, YOU ARE NOT OBEYING GOD AND ARE NOT OBEYING THE BIBLE. If you want understanding, you MUST study your Bible and you MUST obey what you read. If you do, God PROMISES to give you UNDERSTANDING.
FOOTNOTES: 1. (020223) Note how in the last several years, especially just last September, how the ISLAMIC countries are bullying (PUSHING AT in the words of the Bible) the rest of the world, in particular the non-Islamic nations NORTH of them. This is going to get worse and worse as time goes on until 'ASSYRIA' steps in and DESTROYS these countries. The U.S. is too SPINELESS to get the job done, so ASSYRIA will do it for us, then use that war as a springboard to conquer the U.S., Israel, Britain, and many of the rest of the first world countries.