The Times
of The World!

Thru 400 AD   401 AD-1899 AD
1900 AD-1950 AD   1951 AD-1975 AD
1976 AD-1985 AD   1986 AD-2003 AD
2004 AD-2008 AD   2009 AD and later

NOTE: (050419) Recent events have made it possible to correct (hopefully) some of the errors in this timeline. Even at that, there are still some possible errors, but until events show otherwise, it is impossible to determine where they are.

2004, 16 Jan, Friday sunset

2004, 16/17 Jan, Friday/Saturday
  15 Tishri year begins - Feast of Booths - Succoth (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

2004, 2 Apr, Friday Night

2005, 16/17 Jan, Sunday/Monday
  16 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

  15 Tishri year begins - Feast of Booths - Succoth (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

  Year 487 1/2 resumes - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
  Second half of the seventieth week begins - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)

2006, 16/17 Jan, Monday/Tuesday
  17 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

2007, 16/17 Jan, Tuesday/Wednesday

  17 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

2008, 16/17 Jan, Wednesday/Thursday
  19 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

  'Days' 0 (Daniel 8:13-14 Time Line)
  104th 19-year anniversary (13 x 2 x 2 x 2) (Beginning of Church)

2008, 26 Sep, Friday morning

2008, 29 Sep, Monday sunset
  Year 490 ends - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
  End of the seventieth week - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)

2008, 8 Oct, Wednesday sunset