The Times
of The World!
Thru 400 AD  
401 AD-1899 AD
1900 AD-1950 AD  
1951 AD-1975 AD
1976 AD-1985 AD  
1986 AD-2003 AD
2004 AD-2008 AD  
2009 AD and later
NOTE: (050419) Recent events have made it possible to correct (hopefully) some of the errors in this timeline. Even at that, there are still some possible errors, but until events show otherwise, it is impossible to determine where they are.
2004, 16 Jan, Friday sunset
- (9804) Fifth and final phase of judgement of 'Israel' ends. All five phases total 70 years (5 times 14 years each). 'Israel' found guilty of abandoning God. Now is cast out of God's sight.
- (9804) Warning of world ends. (Matt 24:14).
2004, 16/17 Jan, Friday/Saturday
15 Tishri year begins - Feast of Booths - Succoth (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
2004, 2 Apr, Friday Night
2005, 16/17 Jan, Sunday/Monday
16 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
15 Tishri year begins - Feast of Booths - Succoth (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
- (9804) 1335 days begin (Dan 12:12).
- (9804) 1290 days begin (Dan 12:11).
- (9804) TRIBULATION begins.
- (9804) 1260 days begin.
- (9804) 3-1/2 years begin (Dan 12:1, 6-7, Rev 12:14).
- (9804) 42 months begin (Rev 11:2, 13:5).
- (9804) FIFTH SEAL opened. New martyrdom of saints begins (Rev 6:9-11).
- (9804) Beginning of Holy City [Jerusalem] being trodden down by the Gentiles for 42 months (Luke 21:24, Rev 11:2).
- (9804) Two witnesses begin prophesying for 1260 days (Rev 11:3).
- (9804) FOURTH SEAL opened.
- (9804) Fourth sign of Christ's second coming.
- (9804) Famine of the Word begins. (Amos 8:11-12). Apparently Satan will again inspire the Whore of Revelation to AGAIN attempt to destroy ALL Bibles worldwide and destroy all true knowledge of God as was done during the Middle Ages. In other words, the Dark Ages SHALL return!
- (9804) Seventh and final head of Beast suddenly resurrected to power (Rev 13:3)
- (050430) Seems to be VERY interesting to me that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of GERMANY was elected Pope Benedict XVI on this very day!!!
- (9804) Time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:7).
- (9804) 2300 'days' begin (Dan. 8:13-14).
Year 487 1/2 resumes - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
Second half of the seventieth week begins - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
- (031129) Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy is resumed on this day (Daniel 9:24-25).
- (9804) Abomination of desolation set up in holy place (Dan 12:11, Matt 24:15).
- (9804) Jerusalem surrounded with armies (Luke 21:20).
- (9804) God's Church commanded to flee (Matt 24:16-20, Luke 21:21).
- (9804) God's Church flees into wilderness to be protected for 3-1/2 years (Rev 12:14).
- (9804) World War III starts. Beast attacks and conquers 'Israel' and 'Judah' all on same night. This is exactly 66 years (6 times 11) after Hitler annexed Austria in 1938.
- (9804) One third of 'Jacob' will be smitten by a 'knife' [war] and one third 'scattered' [sold as slaves around the world] (Ezek. 5:1-2).
- (9804) One third shall fall by the sword [war] and one third scattered into all the winds [slavery] (Ezek. 5:12).
- (9804) Satan inspires Beast to make war with remnant of God's Church [those that chose to disobey God and not go to a place of safety] (Rev. 13:7).
- (9804) Jerusalem overrun by the king of the north [Beast] (Dan. 11:41, Rev. 11:2).
- (9804) Jordan [Edom, Moab, Ammon] not conquered (Dan. 11:41). Is this the safe place for God's Church?
- (9804) God's Church is now in safe place for duration of Tribulation (Ezek. 5:3, Rev. 12:14).
2006, 16/17 Jan, Monday/Tuesday
17 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
2007, 16/17 Jan, Tuesday/Wednesday
17 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
- (9804) Day of the Lord begins (Joel 2:31, Matt 24:29).
- (9804) Day of Lord equals one year (Isa 34:8, 63:4).
- (9804) SIXTH SEAL opened. Great heavenly signs occur (Rev 6:12).
- (9804) Sun darkened and moon turns to blood (Joel 2:31, Rev 6:12).
- (9804) Sun darkened, moon darkened, stars fall from heaven, earth greatly shaken immediately after TRIBULATION ends (Matt 24:29, Rev 6:12-14).
- (9804) SEVENTH SEAL opened. SEVEN TRUMPET PLAGUES start (Rev 8). FIRST TRUMPET PLAGUE is fire and hail mingled with blood and one third of all trees and of all green grass burned (Rev 8:7). SECOND TRUMPET PLAGUE is burning mountain cast into the sea rusulting in one third of sea turning to blood and one third of sea life dying and one third of ships wrecked (Rev 8:8-9). THIRD TRUMPET PLAGUE is a great star called "Wormword" falling and poisoning one third of fresh water and destroying many men (Rev 8:10-11). FOURTH TRUMPET PLAGUE is on third of sun, moon, stars, day, and night darkened (Rev 8:12). FIFTH TRUMPET PLAGUE is FIRST WOE which is Beast attacking Eastern hordes (Rev 8:13-9:12, Dan 11:44). SIXTH TRUMPET PLAGUE is SECOND WOE which is Eastern hordes counter-attacking with a 2 million-man army which kills one third of men (Rev 9:13-19). SEVENTH TRUMPET PLAGUE is THIRD WOE [See Sept 12/13, 2007]
- (9804) 'Israel' released from captivity (Hos 6:2).
- (9804) 144,000 sealed (Rev 7:4).
- (9804) All nations gathered against Jerusalem (Zech 14:1-2).
2008, 16/17 Jan, Wednesday/Thursday
19 Tishri year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
'Days' 0 (Daniel 8:13-14 Time Line)
104th 19-year anniversary (13 x 2 x 2 x 2) (Beginning of Church)
- (9804) 2300 'days' end [From Apr 1, 2004]
- (9804) Saints rise to meet Jesus.
- (000430) This is what some would term as the 'rapture'. Most likely, if Gideon's army is a type of God sifting out His people, then ONLY 300 saints will be ready to meet Jesus on this day.
- (9804) 1976th (19 times 13 times 8) anniversary of beginning of God's Church in 31 AD.
2008, 26 Sep, Friday morning
- (9804) Two witnesses killed in Jerusalem (Rev 11:8-9).
2008, 29 Sep, Monday sunset
Year 490 ends - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
End of the seventieth week - (Daniel 9:24 Time Line)
- (9804) TRIBULATION ends.
- (9804) Day of the Lord ends.
- (9804) 1335 days end.
- (9804) 1290 days end.
- (9804) 1260 days end.
- (9804) 3-1/2 years end.
- (9804) Two witnesses resurrected (Rev 11:11-12).
- (9804) SEVENTH TRUMPET PLAGUE is THIRD WOE which is Christ's return to this earth (Rev 11:15-19).
- (9804) SEVEN LAST PLAGUES begin to be poured out upon the earth (Rev 15). FIRST PLAGUE is poured out upon men who worshipped the Beast or had the Mark of the Beast and all such men developed a noisome sore (Rev 16:2). SECOND PLAGUE is poured out upon the the sea which becomes as blood and all creatures in it die (Rev 16:3). THIRD PLAGUE is poured out upon all fresh waters and they become as blood (Rev 16:4). FOURTH PLAGUE is poured out upon the sun and it scorches men with great heat (Rev 16:8-9). FIFTH PLAGUE is poured out upon the seat of the Beast which is tormented by extreme darkness (Rev 16:10-11). SIXTH PLAGUE is poured out upon the river Euphrates and it dried up preparing the way for the kings of the East for final battle at Armageddon (Rev16:12-16). SEVENTH PLAGUE is Christ returning with the saints amidst great earthquakes, thunder, lightning, and hail (Rev 16:17-21).
- (9804) Jesus Christ returns to rule the Earth (Rev 11:15).
- (9804) Jesus conquers all nations that have come against Jerusalem (Zech 14:3).
2008, 8 Oct, Wednesday sunset
- (001015) Jerusalem liberated from Gentile rule (Luke 21:24, Rev 11:2).