The Four Horsemen
of the

NOTE: At the time this was originally written these dates were a reasonable guesstimation. At this point in time (040131) there is very good reason to doubt that they are indeed valid. Only time will tell.

1986, 16/17 Jan, Thursday/Friday
  5746, 7 Shebat (Hebrew Calendar)
  26 Ellul year begins (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

1990, 16/17 Jan, Tuesday/Wednesday
  5750, 20 Tebeth (Hebrew Calendar)
  1 Tishri year begins - Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hashanah (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

1999, 16/17 Jan, Saturday/Sunday
  5759, 29 Tebeth (Hebrew Calendar)
  10 Tishri year begins - Day of Atonement- Yom Kippur (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)

2004, 16/17 Jan, Friday/Saturday
  5764, 23 Tebeth (Hebrew Calendar)
  15 Tishri year begins - Feast of Booths - Succoth (Nehemiah 6:15 Time Line)
  Day 1335 (Daniel 12:12 Time Line)