The Two Witnesses

The Introduction

The first thing to note about the two witnesses is that they are God's witnesses. They are NOT volunteers! They are NOT self-appointed! GOD chose them and empowered them! In fact, it is quite possible that these witnesses will try to avoid God's draft just like many of God's ancient prophets did, i.e., Jonah and others.

The next point to consider is that we do NOT know if they are both men, both women, or one of each. Nor do we know whether they knew each other before God chooses them. Neither is anything noted about their ages or their origins. For all we know they could be a husband and wife team, or ANY two people from ANYWHERE on earth!

They are prophesied to prophesy for exactly 1260 days. That is APPROXIMATELY 3-1/2 years or APRROXIMATELY 42 months. 3-1/2 years is about 1278 days. 42 months is about 1240 or 1278 days depending up whether you use the common calendar or the Biblical calendar. Since God specifically says 1260 days in this verse as opposed to 3-1/2 years or 42 months, we must believe that the exact length of their ministry is 1260 days.

Finally, note how they are dressed. Are they clothed in suits and ties? NO!!! In sackcloth!!! But what is sackcloth? Sackcloth is a heavy cotton cloth used for sacks, like flour sacks, gunny sacks, and the like. A modern equivalent could be denim, like Levis. It would be very symbolic if these witnesses wore denim clothes made by Levi, as the tribe of Levi was used by God as the ministers for ancient Israel.

It is time to stop again and digest what we have just read. First, in verse 4, note that God equates the two witnesses with two olive trees and two candlesticks.

Then verse 5 says that the two witnesses have the God-given RIGHT and COMMAND to kill anyone that tries to hurt them. What does it mean. "fire proceedeth out of their mouth?" I don't know, but consider this possibility. Could this mean a gun of some kind? The mouth of a gun is where the bullet exits the gun. So could that be what God is saying here? Regardless of what it means, the two witnesses are given only one way to kill those who try to hurt them, by using "fire proceeding out of their mouth."

Now we discover that the two witnesses have TOTAL power over the WEATHER, over DISEASE, over FAMINE, over EARTH, over AIR, over WATER, over EVERY natural element on the earth. And for the duration of their prophecy they can do ANYTHING that they want with them at ANY time for ANY reason. Could YOU handle such power wisely? What if YOU were to become one of the two witnesses?

In verse 7, we find that at or near the end of the 1260 days, the two witnesses are killed by a "beast." What is this beast? Obviously it is some sort of government as only governments can make war against anything. How long will that war be? We do not know and have no way of knowing. Most likely it will be very short, culminating in the death of the two witnesses.

The next verse tells us where the two witnesses will be killed. Since Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, Jerusalem must also be where these witnesses are killed. Why were the two witnesses in Jerusalem at that time? Were they in Jerusalem for the duration of their witnessing, or did they come there for some other reason shortly before being killed? Again, we do not know, and the Bible does not say.

We need to stop and think on these verses a bit. First, in verse 11, we find out that the two witnesses will be resurrected AFTER 3-1/2 days. Do we know WHEN this will happen? No. The Bible does not say. Will they be resurrected back to human flesh? Again, we do not know.

In verse 12, a 'great voice' (God? Jesus? or???) from heaven commands the two witnesses to ascend to heaven. And their enemies SAW them go there. Is this heaven where God resides? Not hardly!!! NO ONE can see that heaven. In this verse, it simply means that the two witnesses rose into the earth's atmosphere. That is the ONLY heaven that has clouds that people can SEE! See any dictionary for the various definitions of heaven to prove this for yourself.

The next verse records a great earthquake in Jerusalem within the SAME HOUR, and the number of dead killed by that earthquake. FINALLY, people are starting to wake up to the fact the it is GOD that they have been fighting against, and not some imposter as they had been led to believe for the last two millenia.

Once the two witnesses are resurrected and rise into heaven, the second woe ends. Now the third woe comes quickly, or immediately upon the heels of the second woe. Then what? The seventh angel sounds, announcing the arrival Jesus to take control of the world.

Now stop and think about this for a minute or so. If Jesus returns immediately after the two witnesses rise, and we know that the two witnesses were on the scene for exactly 1260 days, we can calculate IN ADVANCE the EXACT day of Jesus' return to earth!!! All we need to know is WHEN the two witnesses begin their work! This passage proves conclusively that contrary to popular opinion, and contrary to the misreading of Matthew, we CAN know the DAY and even possibly the HOUR of Jesus' return YEARS in advance of His return.

The Conclusion


1) (040103) Will the world in general realize that their 'tormenters' (the two witnesses) are actually sent by God as outlined in the Bible?

I doubt it. Why? First consider the makeup of the world. How many of the 6 billion plus humans have ever HEARD of the Bible? Probably less than 1 billion. How many of those have ever SEEN a Bible? Considerably less. And of those, how many have read any part of the Bible? Less yet. And of those, how many have ever read Reveletion. Even less yet. And of those, how many have actually read about the two witnesses? Even less yet. Bottom line is that I DOUBT if there are even ONE MILLION people worldwide that could connect their tormenters with the Bible.

2) (040103) So WHY did God describe in relative detail who these people are and what they will do?

Obviously it was not for the world in general. If it was, then the world in general would be cognizant of the Bible and its contents, specifically about the two witnesses. So, why? I can think of only one reason. TO GIVE THE CHURCH OF GOD A TIMELINE OF EVENTS SO THE CHURCH COULD KNOW, IN ADVANCE, THE EXACT TIME OF THE RETURN OF JESUS. The Bible REPEATEDLY states that God will NOT do anything with out FIRST telling His people what He is doing. In my book, that means that He will NOT send Jesus back without FIRST telling His Church EXACTLY WHEN that would be. These passages in Revelation tell everyone with understanding EXACTLY WHEN Jesus will return. Who has 'understanding?' According to the Bible, ONLY those who OBEY God, for He PROMISES understanding to those who OBEY. So, do you understand? If not, you are NOT obeying God!

3) (040103) Is there any way to know what kind of people these witnesses are and where they hail from?

Not really, but we can speculate and come up with educated guesses. I believe that most likely that they will come from somewhere in the English speaking world. Why? Simply because English is the most widely spoken language on Earth today. Note that English does NOT have the most NATIVE speakers - that honor belongs to Chinese. But would it make ANY sense for God to choose witnesses speaking Chinese? No, for two reasons. First, they could NOT communicate with the world at large, which obviously is a requirement of the two witnesses. Second, most Chinese are Bhudhist, Confucionist, or Taoist, none of which have anything to do with the Bible.

I also believe that the two witnesses will be connected in some way to the Church of God. Why? How will the two witnesses do their job if they do not know what their job is? In other words, I believe that somewhere in the English speaking world are two people that are or have been connected with the Church of God, that God has been training for DECADES prior to them actually showing up on the world scene. How else could they be 'witnesses' for God if they did not know what God wants them to do for Him?