in the

The Problem

In 1993 terrorists bombed one of the World Trade Center Towers in New York City in the hope of collapsing it against the other one so it would also collapse. They failed. However, they vowed to destroy both of them. On 11 September 2001, they finally suceeded, killing thousands of people when the towers came crashing down. If they would have waited one more hour the death toll would have been far far in excess of 50,000. As best I know, this is the LARGEST number of victims in a SINGLE human agressive action in the HISTORY of the world!

What defies imagination is HOW those terrorists could have accomplished this feat without (1) massive conspiracy in the highest levels of the United States Government, (2) God causing (or allowing) all of the hundreds of 'coincidences' that led up to this massive attack on the United States, OR (3) some combination of both. You look at the following facts and decide for yourself.

The Coincidences

The Cause

Note that God appoints TERROR for those who DISOBEY Him. Does THIS sound like New York City, Oklahoma City, & the Pentagon?

Now you may be thinking that this verse only applies to ancient Israel. Don't be deceived. God does NOT have one standard for one person, nation, etc and another standard for another person, nation, etc. He has ONE law, unchangeable for ALL people. God is NOT a respecter of persons, i.e., God does NOT discriminate in administering His law. He treats EVERYONE the SAME based on THEIR OWN ACTIONS. If you don't want to be terrorized, you MUST obey God, else He PROMISES TERROR for you!

So in the next verse God promises two more things for the disobedient. First, they shall be SLAIN which normally implies an ATTACK against those who are slain. Does THIS sound like New York City, Oklahoma City, & the Pentagon? Secondly, God PROMISES that the enemies of the disobedient SHALL reign over the disobedient. For that to happen, the disobedient MUST FIRST be CONQUERED by their enemies.

Since our great nation is now being TERRORIZED, and our people are now being SLAIN, does that mean that the next major step is SLAVERY for us??? ABSOLUTELY!!! A THOUSAND TIMES 'YES'!!! God PROMISES slavery UNLESS we REPENT and OBEY Him. Will our people listen and change before it is too late? Not according to history, nor the Bible. Historically, MOST nations never listen until it is TOO LATE. Biblically, ONLY Nineveh listened and repented in time. NO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE TURNED BACK TO GOD WITHOUT GOING INTO SLAVERY FIRST.

Incidently, WHO are our enemies? Are you SURE that you know? According to God, our enemies will REIGN over us. And to reign, the enemies MUST conquer. Does that mean a shootem up war? Not necessarily. It could mean an economic war, like a trade war, or TAKEOVER OF OUR INSTITUTIONS AND INDUSTRIES BY FOREIGNERS EFFECTIVELY MAKING US THEIR SLAVES. So, WHO are our REAL enemies? Find out who OWNS our economy and you will KNOW who is our REAL enemy. When our people are terrorized and slain to the point we are too weak to retaliate, then the REAL enemies will physically ENSLAVE us.

As you can see, God will UTTERLY destroy the disobedient. Since we as a nation are disobedient, as proven by the TERROR we are now subject to, and as proven by the fact our people are being SLAIN thousands at a time, God has NUMBERED our days. The United States is now on the road to total OBLIVION.

When? I do not 'know' for sure, although I STRONGLY suspect that we as a nation have only about 2-1/2 years left to REPENT before it is TOO late. If the Bible is infallible, and I believe that it is, then our fall must be VERY soon. Recent events have reinforced my belief that if we knew the exact date, we should be counting down the days.

Note verse 32. It says that ENEMIES will be living in the LAND (COUNTRY) that God is destroying! Do WE have ENEMIES living in the U.S.??? Were the hijackers our enemies? Were they living HERE? Are ANY of their FAMILIES STILL here? What about OTHERS that are STILL here? What about the FOREIGNERS living in NEW JERSEY that were CELEBRATING the demise of the Twin Towers? Are THEY our ENEMIES? Are there OTHERS? What does God think about ENEMIES living in our country? If the U.S.A. is God's country (as some claim), would God allow HIS enemies to live here? Read your Bible. Throughout it, GOD COMMANDED the leaders of HIS nation (Israel) to UTTERLY DESTROY their enemies. God PROHIBITED the Israelites from allowing their enemies to live in Israel. Further, He PROHIBITED the Israelites from following the CUSTOMS of their enemies.

Now what about the U.S.A.? Are we FORBIDDING our enemies to live here? Are we SHUNNING the customs of our enemies? As a so-called "Christian" nation, should we ALLOW non-Christian foreigners to bring THEIR customs here? Would God allow it IF this was HIS nation, as some claim? God says that one must CHANGE and CONFORM to what God says, if one wants to live in HIS nation. So, IF the U.S.A. is God's country, we should REQUIRE that foreigners settling in the U.S. leave ALL of their OLD customs BEHIND and ADOPT the customs of their NEW country. Look at the history of the U.S. Until recently, immigrants have historically left ALL of their customs behind, even their language, and adopted the customs of the U.S.A. Now we have 'Political Correctness'. So now EVERYONE may do what is right in his OWN eyes, regardless of the consequences to others. Now we have a nation with MILLIONS and MILLIONS of NON-changing foreigners living here, taking advantage of our prosperity, while at the SAME time working to UNDERMINE the very fabric of our society. The END RESULT of this was, is, and always will be, DESTRUCTION of the society from WITHIN, by FOREIGNERS. "A house DIVIDED against itself CANNOT stand!" WE ARE NOW STARTING TO SEE THE BEGINNING OF THAT DESTRUCTION!

Let's look at the hijacking another way. If the hijackers had NOT been living here, WOULD IT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE TO DESTROY THE TWIN TOWERS??? Not likely. First, it is doubtful that the hijackers could have boarded any international flight with weapons, even those originating in the U.S. Second, the longer the flight, the more likely the arrival times will diverge too much to get more than one plane to a target. Third, by the time they would have arrived, the fuel load would have been small, resulting in much less damage, even if they did get to the target. And fourth, the numerous dry runs would not have been possible without alerting customs, INS, etc that something was up. Sounds like like Twin Towers disaster is a DIRECT result of our DISOBEDIENCE of God's command PROHIBITING our enemies from living in our land.

The Conclusion

So, what can YOU do? God has condemned our NATION to the ashheap of history for our collective sins. That is now a foregone CONCLUSION unless we as a nation REPENT and OBEY God. That is NOT likely to happen. But that does NOT mean that YOU as an individual have to suffer the same fate. God PROMISES to PROTECT those that OBEY Him, regardless of the fate of the nation as a whole. So, what you can do is to change YOUR life from one of disobedience to God to obedience. Then no matter what happens to the nation, you yourself will be protected.