Are we doomed?

Can the United States be conquered?


Did you know that FOREIGN NATIONALS own the largest water works in the world and that this U.S. company delivers drinking water to around 30 MILLION people in and around New Jersey?



What would happen to the United States if:
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans)?
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans?

There would be nothing but CHAOS! Such a scenario would make the fall of the Twin Towers INSIGNIFICANT! If you owned this company and wanted to conquer the United States, what would you do? You are right, you would decimate 10% of the U.S. population, then use the resulting chaos as a base to conquer the rest of the U.S.


But this is ONLY ONE tiny piece of the whole puzzle. How about adding THIS to the mix? FOREIGN NATIONALS own the U.S. company that makes and supplies MOST of the TANKS to the U.S. Military establishment! This FOREIGN owned company also supplies numerous other items to the U.S. Military.



What would happen to the United States if:
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
BOTH at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 270 million Americans?

Oh, 'That could never happen,' you say. 'There are not enough of these FOREIGN NATIONALS in the U.S. to conquer the remaining 270 or so MILLION Americans,' you say. And you are correct. They only have a token presence here at this time. And, you say, 'That the logistics of bringing in a large enough army to do the job is almost impossible.' Again you are correct.


Now lets up the ante a tad more. The U.S. Government has granted a FOREIGN NATION the use of one of our military bases! As this is being written, there are 24 (YES, TWENTY-FOUR) FOREIGN FIGHTER JETS on this base along with 300 (YES, THREE HUNDRED) FOREIGN AIR FORCE PERSONNEL! We have also granted this FOREIGN NATION UNPRECEDENTED and EXCLUSIVE flyover rights that allow this FOREIGN AIR FORCE to fly over ANY PLACE in the U.S., EVEN SENSITIVE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS!



What would happen to the United States if:
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans?

Oh, 'That could never happen,' you say. 'We have our Stealth fighter jets and we could stop that FOREIGN AIR FORCE before they even got started.' Are you sure?


Time to add another piece to the puzzle. Our Stealth fighter jets are headquartered on the SAME EXACT military base that the 300 (YES, THREE HUNDRED) FOREIGN AIR FORCE PERSONNEL are ALSO based at!



What would happen to the United States if:
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans?

Oh, 'That could never happen,' you say. 'We have our early warning system that would alert us in time to stop them.' Are you sure?


First off, our early warning system is designed to alert us when we are attacked from OUTSIDE our borders. It is NOT designed to alert us from INTERNAL attacks.

Secondly, and very important, our early warning system is ALSO headquartered on the SAME EXACT military base that the 300 (YES, THREE HUNDRED) FOREIGN AIR FORCE PERSONNEL are ALSO based at!



What would happen to the United States if:
  • our early warning system is sabotaged, AND
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans?

And again you say, 'That could never happen. There would still be 210 MILLION Americans left.' Well, yes, assuming that the FOREIGN AIR FORCE dropped ONLY nuclear bombs and did NOT wage a BIOLOGICAL war. For the sake of argument, lets say that the FOREIGN AIR FORCE did NOT use biological weapons, highly unlikely at best.


Would there really be 210 MILLION Americans left? Maybe for a very short while. Think about it. If the above scenario were to happen, HOW WOULD THOSE AMERICANS WHO ARE STILL ALIVE EAT? There would little or no communication. Our road system would be in shambles. There would be no fuel for the trucks to bring food to the masses. In short, we would be STARVING. Historically, disease epidemics follow hard on the heals of famine.

So, WHAT would prevent at least ANOTHER HUNDRED MILLION Americans from dying from starvation and disease and the resulting civil war over food? NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING!


What would happen to the United States if:
  • a hundred million Americans died from famine/disease, AND
  • our early warning system is sabotaged, AND
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans?

Oh, 'That could never happen,' you say. 'There would still be 110 MILLION Americans left.' What? Only 110 MILLION? How many of these STARVING millions would be ABLE to fight? Maybe, just maybe, 10 MILLION. 'But,' you say, 'the logistics of bringing millions of conquering FOREIGN MILITARY PERSONNEL to the U.S. is impossible.' Are you sure?


First, WHY would a conquering army need to number in the millions? The U.S. is HUGE. There would be NO reason to have more than a few thousand CONQUERORS here. Rather than bringing millions of FOREIGNERS here to administer millions of rebellious Americans scattered over such a HUGE country, it would make MORE sense to round the Americans up and ship them to SLAVE CAMPS scattered around the world.

Second, even though there is no such FOREIGN ARMY here now, I can think of dozens of reasons why a silly U.S. Government may allow and/or encourage such an army to come, naively ignoring that such an army might 'bite the hand that feeds it.'

One of the main reasons that Rome fell is that the Romans sent their soldiers around the known world to administer the conquered Roman provinces, while AT THE SAME TIME brought in FOREIGN NATIONAL SOLDIERS to protect the home turf! COULD that happen here? Consider WHERE we have our soldiers, IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, EUROPE, etc. Consider also that we have FOREIGN NATIONAL AIR FORCE PERSONELL here. Are we falling into the same TRAP?

Third, such an FOREIGN ARMY along with bombs and other war materiel could be smuggled into the United States shortly before a scenario like this began. Smuggled in? 'Not possible,' you say? Are you sure?

So, HOW could a FOREIGN ARMY be SMUGGLED into the United States? Well, did you know that the LARGEST private AIRPORT in the United States is OWNED by FOREIGN NATIONALS? And that those SAME FOREIGN NATIONALS also OWN one of the LARGEST fleets of jets in the WORLD? And that those same jets arrive and depart at that SAME airport DOZENS and DOZENS of times per day? Maybe with even a HUNDRED flights per day?

NOTE: I tried contacting them to determine number of planes owned and flights per day, but they did not respond. I doubt that they want Americans to realize the how many jets there are and how often they come and go.
So, WHAT would prevent these FOREIGN NATIONALS from smuggling bombs, soldiers, and other war materiel INTO the United States? NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, NOTHING!


What would happen to the United States if:
  • thousands of soldiers were smuggled into the U.S., AND
  • a hundred million Americans died from famine/disease, AND
  • our early warning system is sabotaged, AND
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans?

But, you say, that could never happen! The federal air controllers that regulate the flights at all airports, including the largest private airport in the United States would prevent that from happening. Are you REALLY sure about that?

Flight Controllers

First, the federal air controllers regulate the FLIGHTS into and out of an airport. They do NOT regulate the CONTENTS of those flights. However, due to the nature of their job, they are our first line of defense against unusual flight patterns, which could signify something larger in the works.

Second, even if they knew something fishy was happening, any actions would be lost in the beaucracy until too late. Witness what happened on 911. The flight controllers were not even able to regulate the air space, let alone the contents of the planes, due to massive slow-moving beaucracy until it was TOO late!

Third, the Bush administration, to cut costs, wants to ELIMINATE FEDERAL flight controllers at PRIVATE airports. This administration wants the private airports to regulate their own flights in conjunction with federal controllers at the public airports. Since there is ONLY one private airport of any size in the U.S., and that airport is owned by FOREIGN NATIONALS, this policy would allow FOREIGN NATIONALS to regulate planes entering and leaving the United States! That is like having the FOX guard the hen house!

So, WHAT would prevent these FOREIGN NATIONAL flight controllers from aiding and abetting smuggling of war materiel? NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, NOTHING!


What would happen to the United States if:
  • thousands of soldiers were smuggled into the U.S., AND
  • a hundred million Americans died from famine/disease, AND
  • our early warning system is sabotaged, AND
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans?

And as usual, 'That could never happen,' you say! 'Even if they smuggle in soldiers, there is no way to deploy them around the United States. Like, are they going to bring in tanks use them to deploy troops? Like, how stupid would the government be to allow that to happen?' Well, you might have a point there.


But who says that these FOREIGH NATIONALS don't ALREADY have a method in place to deploy these troops? And who says that they must be OBVIOUS troops? Why not DISGUISE these soldiers as EMPLOYEES of an EXISTING NATIONWIDE company, of course owned by the SAME FOREIGH NATIONALS?

Is this possible? Well, you decide. The SAME FOREIGH NATIONALS that own the LARGEST private airport in the United States also have THOUSANDS of employees throughout the United States. I see several on the local streets and roads EVERY SINGLE day, and I know that they can be found EVERYWHERE in EVERY nook and cranny of the U.S. They also own one of the largest private fleets of vehicles in the United States.

As you can see, this FOREIGH NATIONAL
So, WHAT would prevent these FOREIGN NATIONAL soldiers from DISGUISING themselves as EMPLOYEES of a company that you see every day? NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, NOTHING!


What would happen to the United States if:
  • thousands of soldiers were smuggled into the U.S., AND
  • a hundred million Americans died from famine/disease, AND
  • our early warning system is sabotaged, AND
  • our Stealth fighter jets were sabotaged, AND
  • 24 of our largest cities were destroyed (60 million Americans), AND
  • our military equipment was sabotaged, AND
  • we suddenly lost ONE TENTH of our population (30 million Americans),
ALL at the SAME time?

HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans?

And again I know what your response is: 'That could never happen here.' And I wish you were correct. Unfortunately, it is VERY possible that something like this could happen. Maybe, not exactly this way. What I DO know is that sooner or later the United States will be conquered. In my lifetime? Maybe. In yours? Maybe. Your childrens'? Maybe.

The Coincidences

I could go on and on with this for many pages, but I think you get the picture by now. It IS POSSIBLE for the U.S. to be conquered AT ANY TIME.

Some of the other areas I did not cover include FOREIGN NATIONAL ownership of our financial markets, our truck makers, our tool and die makers, etc. Nor did I touch upon the fact that FOREIGN NATIONALS are employed by FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS to do nothing but try to invade our defense and security system computers. Think what would happen if a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT had access to our defense computers! At the correct time they could DESTROY the information in those computers and then do the above scenario, leaving our defense establishment UNABLE to counterattack! Our nation would be HELPLESS without computers to activate weapons and soldiers!

The REALLY scary part of this whole scenario is the EVERY, and I mean EVERY, single instance noted above is about FOREIGN NATIONALS that owe allegiance to the SAME FOREIGN GOVERNMENT! COULD that FOREIGN GOVERNMENT use these FOREIGN NATIONALS to coordinate an attack on the Unites States? ABSOLUTELY. That SAME FOREIGN GOVERNMENT has a THREE THOUSAND year history of using FOREIGN NATIONALS as TROJAN HORSES. I see no reason for that to change!

Is it a COINCIDENCE that we are so vulnerable to a SINGLE FOREIGN GOVERNMENT? Not likely. According to the Bible our country will eventually be DESTROYED in ONE night! This destruction would not be possible UNLESS the destroyers are ALREADY INSIDE of the United States! Any attempt at our destruction from bases overseas would fail. Sure we would be hurt, but not fatally. We have lots of warning posts around the world to alert us to impending external attack. We have nothing internally to prevent such an attack as outlined above, nor any similar attack.

For destruction of this country to be effective, the destruction must be SUDDEN, it must be UNEXPECTED, it must be NATIONWIDE, it must be INTERNAL, it must be INSTANTANEOUS. The above scenario fills the bill, as do several other scenarios.

According to the Bible, we will be destroyed by enemies WITHIN our borders. It will happen suddenly, it will be nationwide, and it will be instantaneous, in only ONE night. Unless the enemy is ALREADY WITHIN OUR BORDERS, this is physically IMPOSSIBLE. Simple logistics of mounting a war against the United States from overseas makes our destruction impossible except when the enemy has already been INVITED in as Rome did.

The Conclusion

Does the Bible say anything about when this will happen and who will destroy us? Yes, and no.

The who part is directly stated in the Bible. It so happens that the who in this case is the SAME EXACT FOREIGN NATION as in the above scenario. That is what makes this whole scenario scary. We could be conquered by exactly who the Bible says will conquer us at any time! At NO time in our past history has this been possible, but it is NOW possible! Does that mean it will happen today, tomorrow, or the next day? I have no idea. What I do know is that such Biblical destruction is NOW possible, so it is just a matter of time before it actually happens.

As for then when part, but Bible does not specifically state. What is indicated is that the destruction will happen on ONE night in SOME year at approximately Easter time. After destroying the United States, the destroyer will ship surviving Americans to slave camps worldwide. Best estimate is that 100 million Americans will survive at this time. Two and a half years later in the fall, the surviving Americans will be released from slavery and over the next year will make their way to the Middle East. Survival count at this time is estimated at being only 30 million Americans left. If that is so, then about 270 million Americans will die in that 3-1/2 year period.

If it were to happen in 2005, the most likely date would be April 18th, although unless something very significant happens on/about March 19th in the Middle East, it is not likely this year. Basically, the timing of our destruction, according to the Bible, will be somehow tied to some major military action in the Middle East by this same FOREIGN NATION 30 days prior to our destruction. So, watch the Middle East for a sudden conflict beginning about 30 days before Easter by a FOREIGN NATION who has many major ties in the United States. Then begin counting days.

One other indicator would be the death of the current Pope. According to St Malachy's prophecy, the next Pope will be the LAST Pope before Christ returns. If that is true, then our destruction MUST come within the lifetime of that Pope. Since this is not from the Bible, there may be a question as to the likelyhood of this prophecy being true. Regardless, it is something to consider.