Are we doomed?
Can the United States be conquered?
What would happen to the United States if:
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 270 million Americans? |
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans? |
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans? |
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 210 million Americans? |
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans? |
NOTE: I tried contacting them to determine number of planes owned and flights per day, but they did not respond. I doubt that they want Americans to realize the how many jets there are and how often they come and go.So, WHAT would prevent these FOREIGN NATIONALS from smuggling bombs, soldiers, and other war materiel INTO the United States? NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, NOTHING!
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans? |
Flight Controllers
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans? |
What would happen to the United States if:
HOW could we stop these FOREIGN NATIONALS from ENSLAVING the REMAINING 110 million Americans? |
The Coincidences
The Conclusion