
In 1 Thessalonians 5:21, God commands us to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." That implies that if it cannot be proven, then it is bad. But most people NEVER prove whether what they believe is true or not. Do you? Can you PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you believe about the Bible is true? If you can't, does your belief REALLY reflect what God says? Or is it at odds with God's Word? How do you know?

No matter what you believe about God and the Bible, God COMMANDS you to PROVE that your belief is correct! And that implies that if your belief is wrong, you have two choices. Either you change your belief to coincide with God's, or you reject what God says is true. Now if you claim to be a Christian, you really have only one choice, change to what God says. If you don't and still say you are a Christian, you are a hypocrite. Or, to put it in God's language, you are a liar, just like Satan, the father of lies!

Changing long-held beliefs is NOT easy. Satan will put all kinds of roadblocks in the way! However, if those beliefs are wrong, there is really NO choice for any professing Christian! Professing Christians are required by God to make the needed changes no matter what Satan throws in the way.