
Gayle's Gambit

Welcome to my little niche. My name is Gayle Corfman, and I am married to the esteemed award-winning author of Corfy's Corner . For details, see Corfy's Corner.
Jason is probably too shy to say it's the best site on the internet.
There's not much to tell about me. I was born October 23, 1972 and raised in the boondocks of Columbus, Indiana, in the southern part of Bartholomew County.
After going through the public school system, I attended Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana, and graduated in 1995 with a bachelors degree in print journalism and a minor in art history.
I met my husband at Franklin, and we married October 25, 1997. Currently, I am a staff writer at The Shelbyville News Shelbyville News. We now live in Greenfield in our brand new house. In addition to my interest in keeping people informed about local news, I enjoy reading, sewing, crochet, cross stitch, and plastic canvas, in addition to trying to write a book myself, Grandview Before Grandview, a history of Grandview Lake in Bartholomew County.
My husband and I used to live in
Greensburg, the legendary area extolled in story and song that features the tree growing in the Decatur County courthouse clock tower. Contrary to popular belief, the tree is not fed by the springs in the clock. Click here to see the infamous tree.
My husband is a systems coordinator at the Greenfield Daily Reporter, where he does virtually everything he's asked to do with computers.
Come see the rest of my site. I hope you find it worthwhile.


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