Make a Joyful
Noise Preschool
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pdf brochure

  The Joyful Noise Philosophy
Our goal is to meet the early spiritual, social, physical and intellectual needs of children.  Make a Joyful Noise Preschool is a Christian based learning center designed for three through five year old children. We strive to provide a safe, nurturing, child centered environment.  Children learn best through example and discovery.  We use stories, games, music, dramatics, art and structured play to build an early development foundation.  Activities will be designed around the children's ages and maturity levels.  Specific skill areas addressed at the school will include:
  • Christian Education
  • Fine and gross motor activities
  • Social skills
  • Language development
  • Pre-reading skills
  • Pre-math skills
  • Scientific discovery
  • Music and movement
  • Dramatic and visual arts

Joyful Noise Classes
Our 3 and 4 year old program is designed for children who turn 3 by September 1. These classes will meet two times a week for 2 hours and 15 minutes. 

Goals for our 3 & 4 year old class include large motor skills, small motor skills, self-help skills, language development, cognitive development and social-personal skills.  These goals are addressed through exploration of centers, circle time, story time, arts and crafts, small group play, and large muscle play time.

Our Pre-K program is designed for children who are 4 and a half by September 1.  This class meets 3 days a week for 2 hrs and 45 minutes.

The goals for these classes include large motor skills, small motor skills, self-help skills, language development, cognitive development, social-personal skills, and kindergarten-readiness skills. We will address these areas as we explore learning centers, circle time, Art, Science, small group/ large group play  and more.

Christian Education

Make a Joyful Noise Preschool will include Bible Stories and Christian music in it's curriculum.  We will offer prayers at snack time, etc.  We will be teaching about the wonders of God's creations, and about Jesus, God's son.

We may have Cornerstone Christian's pastor, (Dave Kleinfeldt) and other church members be guest “Chapel” Story tellers. 

Music and children's literature

Music will be integrated into the preschool's curriculum throughout the day.  We'll sing, listen to music, make our own music, and move to music.   Children's Literature holds a special place in the director's heart so we will be sharing many stories with the children and then expand their messages with art and other activities.  We will also be offering you opportunities to order books through the Scholastic Book Clubs.

2007-2008 Classes


Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 TO 11:15 A.M.
$95.00 PER MONTH



8:45-11:45 AM
$130.00 PER MONTH


  • All classes will have a teacher and a teachers assistant in the classroom.  Parent-volunteers are welcome!
  • Children must be completely toilet trained when entering preschool.  (No pull ups, please.)

Registration Information

3 & 4 YEAR-0LD CLASS (check if requested)

  • Meets Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00-11:15 AM
  • $50.00 Non-Refundable Registration fee, payable at sign-up
  • $95.00 per month tuition, due at first of each school month
  • Children must be three by September 1.

4 & 5 YEAR-0LD CLASS (check if requested)

  • Morning session offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 to 11:30 AM
  • $50.00 Non-Refundable Registration fee, payable at sign up
  • $130.00 per month tuition, due at first of each school month
  • Children must be 4 yrs, 6months by September 1. (These classes are designed to be Pre-Kindergarten classes)

REGISTRATION MAY BE MADE BY MAIL (Download the registration forms by clicking here) OR IN PERSON (the preschool office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8Am to 12 noon during school year) Or, turn your check in to church office secretary, upstairs. Please make checks payable to Cornerstone Christian Church and add the memo: Joyful Noise Preschool.

Please return the registration form and fees as soon as possible to ensure your spot for next year. Also, Child's up-to-date Immunization records must be completed and verified, and other necessary forms need to be on file here too. (So, don't forget to fill out all the sheets that were included in your registration packet). We're looking forward to a great year!

If a total of ten students are in need of an afternoon (4 & 5's) program, an additional class may be added to the schedule. Days and times to be determined. The decision on whether or not to add another class will be made by August 21.

Joyful Journeys!

Joyful Journeys - New activities at Make A Joyful Noise Preschool

Beginning in October we will offer 4 different programs on Wednesday and Friday afternoons 12 noon to 2 PM. Our MWF preschoolers (and others) have the opportunity for before-class-care (11:30-NOON) for an additional $10.00 per month. Care is not available earlier than 11:30 and is not available after class. Joyful Journeys is available to all morning students (both age groups) and to children, ages 3-5, from our community. Your child may participate in 1, 2, 3 or all 4 Journeys

Journey 1 - Oct.-Nov. Whizkids
Your "Little Einsteins" will get to conduct experiments and create interesting concoctions. This class helps kids learn math and science while having fun.
Registration Deadline: Sept. 24th.
$160.00 or two equal payments of $80.00 each.
Journey 2 - Dec.-Jan. FitKidz
Move and groove to upbeat music. We will stretch and dance and play active games. Also some obstacle courses and tumbling is included. We will learn about healthy food choices and share healthy snacks!
Registration Deadline: November 16th.
$140.00 or two equal payments of $70.00 each.
Journey 3 - Feb.-Mar. Kidzcook.
Even little ones can mix, stir, spread, measure and pour! We'll even get to make up our own recipes and compile a cookbook.
Registration Deadline: January 18th.
$170.00 or two equal payments of $85.00 each.
Journey 4 - April-May ArtSmarts
Your child will use a variety of medium and textures in order to express themselves creatively. This class will also have the opportunity to practice a few performing arts.
Registration Deadline: February 22.
$160.00 or two equal payments of $80.00 each.

All participants must be signed up by the stated deadlines. Six kids are needed for a program to open.

The sign up fees are: $25.00 for an individual Joyful Journey program.
$45.00 for 2 Journeys
$65.00 for 3
$90 for all 4 programs.

I have worked with children of all ages for over twenty-five years. My experience includes: Directing Christian Education programs at various churches, Assisting and teaching at Skyline Presbyterian Preschool, Assisting in a public school in Fort Worth, TX, leading classes at Wenatchee's Valley Academy of Learning, Substitute teaching for the Wenatchee School District, helping out at Dalmation Daycare, working in the Children and Youth programs at Wenatchee Valley's YMCA, assisting at Make A Joyful Noise Preschool, and finally directing and teaching at Make A Joyful Noise

My education: I have a Bachelor's degree In Educational Ministries from Northwest Christian College, with a minor in Business Administration. Prior to that, I attended Butte Community College in Chico California for one year. I have also attended a number of pertinent classes, conferences and workshops.

A Ministry of  Cornerstone Christian Church 
12 N. Chelan St.
Wenatchee, WA  98801
(509) 665-9133 (Kleinfeldt home), 
(509) 663-2149 (church office)
(509) 421-2148 (cell)

