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![]() SP: A buen hambre no hay pan duro. TR: For good hunger there is no hard bread. ENG: Anything tastes good when you're hungry.
SP: A donde fueres haz lo que vieres. TR: Wherever you go, do what you see. ENG: When in Rome do as the Romans do.
SP: A otro perro con ese hueso. TR: To another dog with that bone. ENG: You're pulling my leg.
SP: Ahora que hay modo. TR: Now that there is a way or mood. ENG: Make hay while the sun shines.
SP: Al hierro caliente batir de repente. TR: Beat the hot iron at once. ENG: Strike while the iron's hot.
SP: Antes que te cases mira lo que haces. TR: Before you marry look what you do. ENG: Look before you leap.
![]() SP: Beben agua en el mismo jarrito. TR: They drink water from the same little jug. ENG: They're as thick as thieves.
![]() SP: Cada quien tiene su manera de matar pulgas. TR: Each has his way to kill fleas. ENG: There's more than one way to skin a cat.
SP: Cada perico a su estaca, cada changa a su mecate. TR: Each parrot on its perch, each monkey on its rope. ENG: To each his own.
SP: Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos. TR: Faces we see, hearts we don't know. ENG: You can't judge a book by its cover.
SP: Claro como el agua de Xochimilco TR: Clear as the water of Xochimilco ENG: Clear as mud.
SP: Comer frijoles y repetir pollo TR: To eat beans and belch chicken ENG: His bark is mightier than his bite.
SP: Beben agua en el mismo jarrito. TR: They drink water from the same little jug. ENG: They're as thick as thieves.
SP: Como el burro que tocó la flauta TR: Like the burro that played the flute ENG: By a stroke of luck
SP: Como quitarle un pelo a un gato TR: Like the shedding of the hair of a cat ENG: Like a drop in the bucket
SP: Con estos bueyes hay que arar. TR: With these burros one must plough. ENG: One must make do with what one has.
SP: Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. TR: The shrimp that falls asleep, the current carries it away. ENG: You snooze, you lose.
![]() SP: De tal palo, tal astilla. TR: From such a log such chips. ENG: A chip off the old block
SP: Dar la suave a uno TR: To give the smooth to someone ENG: To polish the apple
SP: Darle un beso a la botella. TR: To give the bottle a kiss ENG: To take a swig
SP: De la subida más alta es la caída más lastimosa. TR: Of the highest rise, the shortest fall. ENG: The bigger they are the harder they fall.
SP: Desnudar un santo para vestir otro TR: To stip on saint bare to clothe another ENG: To rob Peter to pay Paul
SP: Después de atole TR: After the atole (corn meal drink) ENG: Hindsight is better that foresight.
![]() SP: El agua es para los bueyes, el vino para los hombres. TR: Water is for oxen, wine is for men. ENG: Let the fish drink water.
SP: El campo fértil no descansado, tórnase estéril. TR: The unrested fertile field turns sterile. ENG: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
SP: El perico dice lo que sabe, pero no sabe lo que dice. TR: The parrot says what he knows , but does'nt know what he says. ENG: To learn something parrot fashion. SP: En caliente y de repente TR: In heat and suddenly ENG: Strike while the iron's hot. SP: En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo. TR: In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife. ENG: In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife. SP: En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo. TR: In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife. ENG: The blacksmith's mare and the shoemaker's children are the worst shod. SP: En menos que canta un gallo TR: In less time than the rooster crows ENG: In the shake of a lamb's tail
SP: Entrada de caballo y salida de burro TR: Enter on horseback, exit on a burro ENG: To go off with a bang and out like a light
SP: Es como llevar piedras al cerro. TR: It's like carrying coles to the hill. ENG: Like carrying coals to Newcastle
SP: Eso es harina de otro costal. TR: That's flour from another sack. ENG: That's a different story.
SP: Estar como perro en barrio ajeno TR: To be like a dog in a neighbor's yard ENG: To feel like a fish out of water
SP: El hijo de la gato, ratones mata. TR: The son of a cat kills mice. ENG: Like father like son.
SP: Está pensando en las musarañas. TR: He or she is thinking about the creepy-crawlies. ENG: He or she is daydreaming.
![]() SP: Falta lo mero bueno. TR: The true good is lacking. ENG: We are not out of the woods yet.
![]() SP: Gato escaldado del agua fria huye. TR: The scalded cat flees cold water. ENG: Once bitten twice shy
![]() SP: Hacer lo que otro no puede hacer por uno TR: To do what no other can do for one ENG: To go powder one's nose
SP: Haz bien y no mires a quien. TR: Do right and do not look at others. ENG: Mind your own business.
![]() SP: La carne de burro no es transparente. TR: The flesh of the burro is not transparent. ENG: I can't see through you. SP: Le patina el coco. TR: His coconut (head) slips. ENG: He has a screw loose. ![]() SP: Más loco que una cabra TR: Crazier than a goat ENG: As mad as a hatter
SP: Más vale llegar a tiempo que en convidado TR: Better to arrive on time than to be invited ENG: First come, first served SP: Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. TR: A bird in the hand is worth more than a hundred flying. ENG: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. SP: Meter la cuchara TR: To put the spoon in ENG: To stick one's oar in SP: Meterse entre las patas de los caballos TR: To put oneself amidst the horses feet ENG: To get out of one's depth SP: Mientras que en mi casa estoy, rey soy. TR: While in my house, I am king. ENG: A man's house is his castle. ![]() SP: No hay nada tan atrevido como le ignorancia. TR: There is nothing more bold than ignorance. ENG: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. ![]() SP: Otro gallo nos cantará. TR: Another (different) rooster will sing for us. ENG: That's a horse of a different color. ![]() SP: Por un pelito de rana TR: By a little hair of the frog ENG: It was a close shave. SP: Prietitos del mismo arroz. TR: The little black one's of the same rice. ENG: It's all in a day's work. ![]() SP: Quedarse como el que chiflóen la loma TR: To remain like the one who whistled on the hill ENG: To be left holding the bag SP: Quedarse con un pie en el estribo TR: To remain with a foot in the stirup ENG: To be left standing ![]()
![]() SP: Saberlo de buena fuente TR: To know it from a good source ENG: To hear it straight from the horse's mouth SP: Sacarse el gordo TR: To draw the fat one ENG: To hit the jackpot SP: Ser más listo que un coyote TR: To be more ready (alert) than a coyote ENG: As sharp as a tack SP: Si esta víbora te pica, no hay remedio en la botica. TR: If this snake bites you, there's no remedy in the pharmacy. ENG: You're playing with fire. SP: Si mi tia tuviera ruedas, sería una bicicleta. TR: If my aunt had wheels she would be a bicycle. ENG: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. ![]() SP: Tener más lana que un borrego TR: To have more wool than a lamb ENG: To have money to burn ![]()
![]() SP: Vivito y coleando TR: Alive and wagging tail ENG: Alive and kicking ![]() SP: Yo pregunto si la manteca es unto. TR: I asked if the butter is grease. ENG: I didn't beat around the bush. SP: Yo te conozco bacalao, aunque vengas disfrazado. TR: I know you codfish, even though you wear a disguise. ENG: I know your game. SP: Yo tengo una tía que toca la guitarra. TR: I have an aunt who plays the guitar. ENG: What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? ![]()