Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church and Monsatery

A community of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America (THEOCACNA)

What do you look for in a worship community?
Have you felt rejected by your current or past community because of your marital status, sexuality, age, or desires to know more?
Are you looking for a spiritual home where all other Apostolic faiths are accepted and honored as parts of the true church, founded by Jesus Christ himself, without criticism or threats of "excommunication"?
Are you looking for a community of men where Jesus is central to your life and where worship is a primary way of life with balance in the secular world where we often need to find our livelihood and financial support?
Then maybe this community is a place where you can find a spiritual home.

The Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church and Monastery is here "To serve and support individuals along their path of oneness with God by providing liturgical structure balanced with spiritual enlightenment and awareness through an understanding of the Eastern fathers and spirituality."

Who are we? ...

The Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church and Monastery is an Orthodox, Catholic and Apostolic community under the jurisdiction of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America (a.k.a American Orthodox Catholic Church)which was founded by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Moscow Patriarchate at the instigation of St. Tihkon, Patriarch of Moscow, in 1927 and holds valid lines of Apostolic Succession. Our community is fully sacramental. We hold the importance and special aspects of the Seven Mysteries (sacraments) as a means of God's grace to flow in the everyday lives of creation. We celebrate and expresses ourself through the Divine Liturgies and services as handed down to us by the Fathers of the Eastern (Byzantine) Apostolic Churches. We avail ourselves of traditional worship, and integrate various spiritual backgrounds into our Christian lives. Individuals are encouraged to recognize God's Divine Presence within. We welcome men 18 years and older into our monastic community and we welcome families of all walks of life into our worship community.

We hold that nothing stands between humanity and God, "in whom we live and move and have our being". We acknowledge that our human condition is marred by our fall from grace through the sin of Adam and Eve which has caused mankind to remain in a state of separation from a complete union with God. However, we also acknowledge that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to restore that union and open for us the way to salvation.

We invite you to be part of our community. You are welcome to come as you are and know that you are loved. We will not judge you because of where you came from, what your life has been like, who you love or how you have lived in the past. All we care about is that you are looking to be reconciled with God and receive his rich and abundant mercy in your life.

For more information, write or call at:

Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church
Office of the Bishop-Abbot
11655 Briar Forest Drive #69
Houston, Tx 77077-5033
Phone: 281-496-0064

Read the weekly messages and bulletin from the oratory

Our financial statements are available for your viewing. Please email the bishop and request a copy

Learn more about Services at our Houston Oratory:

Learn more about Your vocation to ministry

Learn more about The Liturgical Arts Service, a non-profit division of the EOCCNAS specializing in vestments and liturgical products

Learn more about the American Orthodox Catholic Church;

If you feel drawn to our ministry and would like to help us spread this message of love and compassion please joining the St. Nicholas Society or consider making a donation through Pay-pal by clickking on the button below.

We thank the following businesses for their support of our ministry:
Reynolds Chiropractic San Antonio, TX and Dr. Jeffery Reynolds.
The Stamford Dental Group Stamford, CT and Dr. Jack DeGrado, DDS.
Blanco Eyeworks San Antonio, TX and Dr. Kip Orbeck OD.

(C) 1996 Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Catholic Monastery. A Gregorian Calendar Jurisdiction of THEOCACNA