In This Section:
Casting/Closing Circles
Calling/Closing Quarters
Casting a Circle
Calm and center yourself while standing in the middle of the room. When calm and centered, beginning walking clockwise around the circle with the index finger of your dominant hand (the one you write with) pointing out and down. Walk the circle three times imagining a barrier (I use white light) of some kind springing up from your hand (I usually start in the North, but you can start at any of the quarters) but only say this once:
I conjure thee, O great circle of power,
So that you will be for me a boundary
Between the world of men and realms of the mighty spirits -
A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy
Containing the power I will raise within thee.
I call upon the guardians of the North, East, South, and West,
To aid me in the consecration.
In the name of the Lord and the Lady
Thus I do conjure thee,
O great circle of power!
Once done saying this and walking the circle pound the floor with your hand and say:
This circle is sealed!
There are many ways of casting circles; I got this one from Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf. It is always good to end the same place you started and to seal it there.
Closing a Circle
Always take up your circle in reverse. If you had cast the circle beginning in the North you should now begin in the West and move to the South, East, and then North. Walk around the room counter-clockwise with your index finger of your dominant hand pointed out and down. As you walk, think of yourself as drawing the circle back up into your hand. When you get back to the quarter you started at, pound the floor and say:
This circle is open, but never broken.
We are the people, we are the power,
We are the change!
So mote it be!
Like I said with casting circles there are many different versions, and this is just one of them. This was also taken from Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf.
Calling the Quarters
As with casting a circle, there are many variations of calling the Quarters or Watchtowers. Each of the directions relates to a set of correspondences. To do this you must locate the four Cardinal Directions (North, East, South, and West) within the circle you previously cast.This is how I call the Watchtowers:
Standing in the East, with arms raised, face inward (toward the center of the circle) say:Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East! By the powers of Air and Invention, Hear Me!
***After saying each incantation lower arms and move to the next direction.***
Move to the South, arms up, say:
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South! By the powers of Fire and Feeling, Hear Me!
Move to the West, arms up, say:
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West! By the powers of Water and Intuition, Hear Me!
Standing in the North, with arms up, say:
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North! By the powers of Mother and Earth, Hear Me!
Move to the Center, raise arms and look up at the sky, say:
As above
Arms still up, look down at the ground, and say:
So below!
Closing the Quarters
You should close all of the Quarters before leaving the circle. They are closed in reverse order, like how you take down the circle.Arms open face (out away from center) North, slowly cross arms over chest while saying:
Watchtowers of the North, element of Earth.
Thank you for your participation in this ritual today.
Go if you must stay if you will.
Hail & Farewell.
***After saying this closing, move to the next direction. ***
Arms open face West, slowly cross arms over chest while saying:
Watchtowers of the West, element of Water.
Thank you for your participation in this ritual today.
Go if you must stay if you will.
Hail & Farewell.
Arms open face South, slowly cross arms over chest while saying:
Watchtowers of the South, element of Fire.
Thank you for your participation in this ritual today.
Go if you must stay if you will.
Hail & Farewell.
Arms open face East, slowly cross arms over chest while saying:
Watchtowers of the East, element of Air.
Thank you for your participation in this ritual today.
Go if you must stay if you will.
Hail & Farewell.
This page written by Midnyte Rose ©1999.
Background by The Silver Branch