Tony Ingram ... the holographic nature of god.
When I studied atomic physics it all made sense to me but one thing was missing and left unexplained.It was the force that brought it all to life, the force that makes atoms and their particles vibrate and emit energy, the force that gives particles the ability to seemingly know where they are to go and what they are to do. It was these questions that made me ponder as to the possibility of this unexplained force, which is an integral part of everything in existence, as being a divine force - perhaps the very life force of God.
These feelings were reinforced through further study and confirmation from philosophers such as democritus and physicists such as Lothar Schafer, professor of physical chemistry at the University of Arkansas and educated at the University of Munich in Germany. Professor Schafer confirms My beliefs in a book He wrote called "In Search of Divine Reality",where He makes four statements of a special significance to My inner theories. These statements are as follows:
the first being-"At the foundations of physical reality,the nature of material things reveals itself as non-material".
The second statement is as follows: "The elementary components of real things partake of a kind of reality that is different than that of the things that they form".
The third statements is as follows: "local order is affected by non-local, faster than light phenomena".
The fourth statement is as follows: "In the world of quantum phenomena,entities with mind-like properties are found".
It is these and other confirmations of My beliefs that have led Me to become and hold to Pantheistic ideals. Pantheism allows Me to keep my beliefs that God is everywhere and everything as well as the understanding that the Universe/God is holographic in nature and therefore all of it's parts are Universes/Gods within themselves.
Pantheism is open for me to keep my knowledge and beliefs in science as well as my spirituality. And real Pantheism, with it's original roots set in ancient Greek philosophy, does not deny my belief in myself being an eternal spirit as well as a god in the form of a holographic part of the whole.
Tony W. Ingram
January 8, 1999

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