Tony Ingram ... the spiritual aspect of Pantheism.
Part of My philosophy of the spiritual aspect of Pantheism can be found in My response to a quote from Albert Einstien that He had sent in a response to a letter He had recieved inquiring of His feelings about an afterlife.
Albert Einstiens quote is as follows: "Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions,the concept of a soul without a body seems to Me to be empty and devoid of meaning"
My response is as follows: First of all our inner experiences consist of more than mere reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions. If this were not true than Man would not be capable of having an original thought,this pertaining to deeper thought other than per chance speculation. Such as every word uttered by Einstien Himself could not have been simply regurgitated data He had absorbed from a past resource.
As for the latter portion of Einstiens quote, I percieve the concept of a soul without a body to be more the practical existence. For to entrap such a far superior entity as the immortal soul in an extremely limiting organic and mortal container seems to Me to be more so devoid of logic. Unless that is, there might be a higher purpose of sorts which could only be derived from a super-immortal entity such as that which is referred to by many as God.
Tony W. Ingram
April 24th 1998
Posted Responses:
"To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness. In this sense, and in this sense only, I belong to the rank of devoutly religious men." -- Albert Einstein
From Tony's Quote of Dr. Einstien to the one above, the two quotes may appear to be in conflict. However, how one views such is dependant upon the definition of "Soul".
In the sense of the Christian definition Dr. Einstein's quote as presented in Tony's submission may be correct. On the other hand if one views the "Soul" from the physics point of view, i.e., "Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but only changed in form" then Tony's disagreement with the quote maybe correct. In the "Phoenix Panthism" view, which is along the line of the "Physics" of the matter, then we all return to the Holistic Sum in a form unconceivable to us. In the Phoenix theism of the matter we are "recreated" in some form in which we may or may not have knowledge of our previous existence. In is in a sense a matter of reincarnation.
PHXCON on the subject of souls.
January 1,1999

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