Page started 1-21-1999 |
This is one of those catch-all pages, just have a look. :-) |
Please note : Early stages of construction. |
Don't forget to scroll over here to the right ----------->----------->-----------> |
This item we call simply a "push - pull". We use it when we need to move a non running car, truck or tractor into the shop. All of our vehicles have trailer hitches. It it like a wagon tongue with a hitch on both ends. - A quick tip - if you use pipe, either weld the ends shut or fill the ends with foam-in-place insulation to keep wasp out. |
This wagon gear was built by my father during the late 1940's from Model "A" Ford parts. Model "A"s were as common then as hernias at a pyramid raising. - The hopper bed was given to me by a friend who didn't need it and wanted to build a flat bed hay wagon on his gear. - Notice the wide steps I like to build on all my wagons. The guys at the grain elevators love them. This wagon is used as an over-flow wagon and we don't load it as heavy as the newer ones. I think it needs a new coat of wax. :-) |
Ever do do something temporary ? I made this truck bed in a few hours for this shortened truck that I use to pull my 16' deck tandem trailer in 1992. I mounted full length tool boxes on each side which also serve as sides. It is still on the truck, I didn't say how temporary. :-) |
My father worked for Allison Engineering setting up and test running aircraft engines for several years during WWII. This was 12 hours a day, seven days a week except for one day in 1942. He was also farming full time. This is the front page of a Snap-On catalog which was put out just for Allison employees. - Check out those prices. |
To go back to the "MAIN BARNYARD" |
I have one of these that my father aquired from a good friend that had owned a service station in the 1930's |