The Ways of Witches
I am a very spiritual athiest, which is not to say I am agnostic by any means. I simply do not believe in a higher power, except perhaps Gaea Herself. I do believe, however, in Energy and Psychology and Nature and a lot of other things that comprise the Force of crafts. From time to time I will utilize a small spell for my health or for that of others, and normally those will work. Occasionally I have a go at a binding spell I know if I truly believe someone will hurt themselves or someone else.
I do have two very good friends, Senya Nyte and Sabrina (I dont know her last name or her Craft name, but Sabrina is her Birth name, and I think its bloody occult enough), who are very into Wicca. They cast a mean Tarot. They are cool, funky people with good hearts. For them, I list these sites.
True Story: 2/9/00, I have a headache and am terribly nauseous. I have zippo meds on hand (cause Im a po' ass student, that's why) so I go onto the net, trying to find a good physical healing chant. I find one for headaches right off. It works. Yayme. On to the nausea...but wait! I can't find one...where there could really be some do-good stuff, there is merely a grip of money-making spells.
I'm going to say this ONCE. This goes for ANY and ALL religions. You do NOT join a religion for the pretty clothes, bountiful holidays, nifty keen presents, to be 'one of the group', to be different, to be cool, so you can preach at everyone about it, or so you can be saved. You just DON'T. Its a karma thing. It doesnt count if you do religious things for selfish reasons. You join a religion because you believe its tenets and you want to make the world a better place with them.
I'm not saying you have to be all uptight and holier-than-thou about your religion of course (and yes, Im taking the opportunity to rant here), but at least respect the religion to which you claim membership.
While I hope to run a more or less "pure" list of Wicca sites, there are some misguided sites on the list. Learn for yourself which are which. Also, it does not hurt to take a grain of good information from a mass of bad. You just need to be able to decipher which is witch.
Witch Net -- Ambrosia Knight's Witch Net. The first Witch site I ever saw. A good resource for the eclectic Witch. Awesome astrology section.
Pagan Path -- A vast vast website with everything from full online courses to spells to reader stories. Sort of the end-all be-all of newletters.
A Little Bit About Wicca -- A little homepage about what it is to be Wicca, very thorough on its subject, I must say.
A Mystikal Grove -- A newsletter-style website for the Witch community. Has articles on education, witches on TV, and community projects. Like if Mayberry had Pentacles. -- A list of Pagan, Wicca, and Witchcraft links, arranged with love and care.
A Blessing -- An adorable site with helpful tips and warm thoughts from The Busy Witch. Candle color chart, potpurri recipes, Faerie stories, tarot, and more!
Black Raven's Nest -- Lots of information about Wicca tools, and aspects of the craft, as well as music. Dont forget to sign the g-book! Also: awards for cool Wicca sites!
Blodeuwedd's Realm -- This site includes information about wicca, witchcraft, paganism, Tarot, rituals & magick. If you are of an open mind, and an open heart, then please enter in Perfect Trust and Perfect Love! An incredibly beautiful site.
Catala Silvermoon's Realm of Witchcraft -- GORGEOUS and helpful guide for leading a Witch's life.
Crystal Sands -- The Sears Catalogue of Witchcraft. You want it? They've got it. Running short on eye of newt? They'll hook you up. Cauldron not up-to-date? They'll help you find a new one.
Diana Warrior's Wicca Page -- Another Wicca link page. Y'know. In case I missed something.
Earth Angel's Wicca Page -- Small, pretty site with a variety of spell casting tips and guidlines.
Grove's Wicca Page -- Instructive. Back to Basics and Beyond.
Mjolnir's Pagan and Wicca Page -- Mjolnir's a philosopher, a poet, an awesome programmer, and above all, devoutly pagan. Has a book/tarot/craft store. And very opinionated. I like his style.
Pan's Land of Mirth -- The Pagan website of Starlight and Graybeard Dances. Informative, pretty, thoughtful. Silver Pom-pom site.
Satinka's Wicca Page -- Everything from the Sabbats to a Kid's Wicca Page and back. Good vibes from this site.
The Witch's Voice: So You Wanna Be A Witch -- A REALLY good start for the aspiring witch. Spend HOURS here. Seriously.
Wicca and Witchcraft -- Besides the standard information, sports an illustrated Book of Shadows
Wicca 101 @ Reddeer & Elenya's -- Its an instructional site, very peaceful.