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In real life:
Home town: Athens,( Greece )
Im Artemis D'Olympia. I am SPIFFY! I am the leader of a peachy Army and Court.

See that avatar up there? It used to be the Angel (irony, folks. Look it up), but all the niftiest people on here have the Metalfire one, and darn it, Im nifty!

I LOVE Queen, Doors, Beatles, Stones, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Simpsons, South Park, La Femme Nikita, Buffy, Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, fencing, archery, animals, computers, writing long funny stories with no ending, reading just about anything funny and political, horseback riding, acting, singing, and logic games. That should give you some idea of my personality.

I HATE HATE HATE Spice Girls, girls without self-respect, guys in general (unless theyre keen in which case theyre in my Army or Court), bureaucracy (its a bit-ca to spell), and people who replace modern slang with throwback cutsey terms!!

Rose tint my world, keep me safe from trouble and pain.

He cries and I see it,
He smiles and I see.
He thinks of others,
Those are not me.
He knows I love him,
He knows I care.
I only wish I could be there,
Then I remember he's male and not worth the bother

Stampy: He thinks he's people!

If you wanna Adopt an Elyfunt of your own contact ilitrit!

My Tiger named Tiggy!

If you want one, take it up with GreatWhiteTiger.

Meet Reighn! Thanks to sberazat!

The Weather in Hell

The Goddess Behind The Goddess

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To: LadyArtemis