On 25 Nov 1998, Agrahya dasa wrote:
> > The Hare Krsna Hotel for the Homeless,
> > Helpless and Hungry/ISKCON Inc. where
> > everyone is welcome
> Hare Krishna. I don't think it's quite that simple to
> introduce varnasrama. Here's a quote from Srila
> Prabhupada:
> "Our temples are not hotels for lazy men and crazy men."
> Vaishnava dasanudas,
> Agrahya das
Srila Prabhupada had a dream.
Once, Srila Prabhupada had a dream about a great assembly of "drunkards." In that "dream," he saw that some of them were even chanting Hare Krsna. He was very excited about this dream, and when asked if these "drunkards" who were chanting Hare Krsna would again become "drunkards," he replied, "No," and that they had already bought their ticket. All this is recorded in the Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta.
Once, very early one morning, hours before it was time rise for mangala-aroti, I was awakened by a surcharged feeling of inspiration to write. While the words seemed to flow out onto the paper, I realized that I was being divinely inspired. At first, I wasn't so much aware of what it was all about, but afterwards, it became all too clear. It was, or rather is, the Lord's perfect plan for introducing and establishing the divine varnasrama system.
Our endeavor to introduce and establish this system of social and spiritual organization is based on the causeless compassion of the Lord, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and on His munificence, mercy and magnanimity, because this system involves the loving co-operation of all the Lord's children, in the transcendental, sanatana or eternal, occupational service of our Supreme Father, which is most suitable to everyone's nature, and is therefore, the most beneficial engagement for one and all, both individually and collectively. The organization, which will inevitably accomplish the mission, of introducing and establishing the bases for the varnasrama system in this age, shall be named: The Hare Krsna Hotel for the Homeless, Helpless and Hungry/ISKCON INC.
Some people may consider this project, an experiment for testing the authenticity of the Lord's order to, and the intrinsic value of, establishing the daivi varnasrama system "immediately, even in this age of Kali." Others, will immediately, or eventually, as the case may be, see, as has been shown to me, that in absolutely no way, shape, or form, such a project, [that you could call a proposal, if you are so inclined] which is based on the principle of adherence to the daivi or divine varnasrama system, otherwise known as the divine system of varnasrama-dharma or the eternal, occupational, social and spiritual, system of organization, can fail, and no one within all the three worlds, who will, or even could, ever possibly, even come close, to being able to stop it from happening. It has already happened, and it is, as His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada has envisioned, only time that separates.
The "proposed" project will not be a place for "lazies and crazies," but rather, THE PLACE, that will cure insanity and lethargy. It will also not exclusively be a place which simply cures just one or two, but rather, the place for perfecting and engaging ALL who suffer from these maladies, as well as, the place for perfecting and engaging ALL who do not. It will in one sense, and will not, in another, be considered one of "our" temples. Everyone from all walks of life, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, age, sex or marital status, psycho-physical condition or any other consideration of so-called qualification, will be more than welcome to participate in the Supreme Lord's divine system of co-operation and organization, which ultimately and inevitably uplifts each and every spiritually, subtly and grossly, embodied living entity to the highest level of spiritual realization, and eternally engages everyone, in accordance with each individuals constitutional position, with regards to his or her relationship with the Supreme, in the spiritual occupation which is designated by God, the Caitya Guru or Lord and Master, dwelling and instructing from within, who reveals our sanatana-dharma, or eternal spiritual occupational engagement, or in other words the eternally, divine, manifestation of spiritual or transcendental love, which is exhibited by the performance of pure devotional service, and is also referred to as daivi varnasrama-dharma, not only from within, but also from without, through the transparent, transcendental via medium known as the external manifestation of God and referred to as the guru or spiritual master, who is the sum total of all the demigods, the sastras or scriptures, and the saintly people who have appeared all throughout history, and is therefore the Supremely tailored occupational activity desired by each and every living entity, who are actually all spirit souls in reality, and as parts and parcels of the whole, are eternally related to the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, Supreme Personality. Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the savior of the most fallen, therefore, anybody who thinks that the homeless, helpless and hungry people [of this presently hellish planet] fit into this category, will obviously see, that such a project, as the one now being "proposed," is perfectly in line with the divine, loving, merciful, munificent and magnanimous mood of our eternal Lord and Master. Furthermore, for future reference, regarding the actual position of these particular people, please refer to the submission posted on this forum which deals with the issue of God's demigod army and remember the demigod's are literally waiting in line to take birth on this planet, during Lord Caitanya's 10,000 year reign. The demigods are intelligent and therefore understand the value and importance of austerity. Think of it, an entire army of modern day "monkeys," analogously referring, naturally, to Lord Ramacandra's army of incarnated demigods, who historically appeared as warrior monkeys, presently in the stage of preparation. They know that Lord Caitanya has appeared and is the savior of the most fallen, so where would you want to be, when those, who may to some, appear to be the most fallen are the first to be saved, as history, invariably and inevitably repeats itself, repeatedly, over and over again, just as it did when His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada was not only just simply, exclusively spiritually, but also physically, present, and delivered so many of the so called "hippies"?
Our endeavor will not exactly be like shooting for a rhinoceros, so to speak [although to some, it may appear so], because it has already been sanctioned by the Lord, the spiritual master, and many qualified devotees. We can simply be, [as stated previously, by Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality] "instruments" in a fight which has already been fought and won.
History, as also stated previously by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, invariably and inevitably repeats itself. In the Mahabharata for example, we see all the elements which make up a perfect mystery, orchestrated by the master of mystery, once again, the Supreme Personality, who is famous for His transcendental tendency to "work" in mysterious ways." In all of His pastimes, which of course includes the current one, known as, "The Sri Krsna Caitanya Lila," we see intrigue, adventure, espionage, treason, fraud, corruption, deceit, misrepresentation, discrimination, reversals and criminal activity of all types, as we can plainly see present before us, even within the International Society for Krsna Consciousness communities, just as it was in the past, so also it will be in the future. There was the selfish Kuru Dynasty, who fought against the righteous Pandavas, the Jews against Jesus, the Hindus and Muslims who taunted and tried to torture the great saint Haridasa Thakura, the smartas who tried to kill His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja and of course there was the Gaudiya-Math. Need I say more? Yes. There are so many corrupt, so-called religious organizations on the planet at present, that it will literally take a miracle or two, to purify this place and re-establish the kingdom of God. Yet, although we can expect history to invariably repeat itself, we should and must also understand that Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu has established a ten-thousand year reign, so there are some major improvements scheduled for the relatively or practically immediate, near future, as well, and this is how it's going to happen: When the "proposed" organization is established, the Lord and His devotees will immediately have an entire army at their disposal, what to speak of an unlimited reservoir of manpower, to help with our ultimate goal of taking over the world, and re-establishing the kingdom of God. At this point, if it's not, it should and must be made clear, that Srila Prabhupada has come here, to literally take over our government. And, let me also inform any of you, who still have any doubts about this, that He is still alive and well, and anyone who says other"wise," as stated previously, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and me, is obviously suffering from some sort of sick sense of so-called reasoning. We are going to establish God's system of government in a place where mudhas claim that we cannot. They have declared their independence of God and His system, and at present, are claiming that His property, which of course, includes every tract of land, and every square inch of it, belongs to them. Based on this misconception, they have inaccurately assumed that God's representatives can, should and therefore must be restricted, by their laws, from establishing the Lord's system of government, in what they have selfishly and rebelliously decided to call "their" jurisdiction. There is not one place at present, on this presently God forsaken planet, that is not currently considered the property of "people" who make up one or another type of Godless governing system. This of course, includes America, the so-called land of the free and the brave, where the motto is supposed to be, "In God we trust." A government system that boasts that the people of this land trust in God, but yet tolerates the wholesale slaughter of defenseless living beings [the animals], including even the cows, who so kindly and munificently, provide us with an over-abundant supply of a substance which provides a vital supply of nutrition for the finer tissues of the brain, [and therefore helps us all to understand the finer aspects of the Lord's instructions, contained in all the revealed scriptures], which can be transformed into so many nice, palatable, nay delicious foodstuffs, that can be offered to the Lord, and then enjoyed as prasadam, or the mercy of the Lord, [who has so kindly arranged for there to be enough of this wonderful substance to raise the cow's young, and also all of her human brothers and sisters, or in other words sons and daughters of the one Father of all living entities [God] as well] is simply and utterly demoniac, much like Adolf Hitler's insane plot to annihilate, what he considered to be, the inferior species, and should, and will be treated as such.
Anybody who walks down the filthy, disgusting streets, of any downtown section, of any major city, in this so-called civilized country, what to speak of the others, can plainly see the result of such a godless system. And, why are there so many people aimlessly wandering these streets, when there is obviously so much that needs to be done? In order to facilitate the development of Krsna or God consciousness for one and all, this mess has to be cleaned up, and major corporations, such as the tobacco, liquor, and pornography industries, all the slaughter houses, and the all other organizations like these, which are also affiliated with demoniac manifestations of the hellish domains, have to be completely shut down, immediately! This is obviously, an absolute requirement and a definite pre-requisite, for the complete re-establishment of Rama-rajya, otherwise known as the kingdom of God on earth.
Those who claim that the land belongs to them, and have established their own system of government, will certainly object profusely, to the establishment of God's divine government system, on that which they claim is "their" property, which obviously belongs, wholly and solely, to the Supreme Personality, who has emphatically and boldly declared that:
bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram suhrdam sarva-bhutanam jnatva mam santim rcchatibhoktaram - the beneficiary; yajna - of sacrifices; tapasam - and penances and austerities; sarva-loka - of all planets and the demigods thereof; maha-isvaram - the Supreme Lord; su-hrdam - the benefactor; sarva - of all; bhutanam - living entities; jnatva - thus knowing; mam - Me (Lord Krsna); santim - relief from material pangs; rcchati - one achieves.
A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.
How will we accomplish all of this with our present, limited supply of resources and manpower? Obviously, we won't. In order to completely accomplish that which the Lord and His representatives have ordered, we have to become fully instrumental in cooperatively executing the will of the Lord, who has so kindly provided us with an entire army of individuals, who by force of circumstances, primarily due to the presently degraded, demoralizing, and demoniac system of so-called "organization," have no choice, but to find any place that offers food [which, should preferably be, extremely palatable and nutritious prasadam, as will be offered in the "proposed," nay planned organization], work [which, actually should be service to the Supreme], and shelter [or asrama, as in the case of what would, nay will, immediately be, when The Hare Krsna Hotel for the Homeless, Helpless and Hungry is established], without discrimination.
The contention that most, if not all, homeless, helpless and hungry human beings, [who, might I remind you, are all embodied spirit souls, no less] are lazy, crazy, drug and alcohol, addicted animals, has become a common fallacy, even amongst some members of the vaisnava communities. I have personally witnessed that, in many cases, more often than not, it is primarily due, to the absence of any reasonable opportunity, offered by the current so-called social "system," that so many people, inevitably, find themselves in so many situations, which, even ultimately, appear to be quite hopeless, and not necessarily due to a lack of qualifications, skills, previous training, or experience in any given, particular field of expertise. A good number of them are even, actually quite intelligent, and many of them [and you would be surprised how many] have natural potential ksatriya qualities, and even more of them would make excellent sudras, who could easily assist the vaisnavas, in ways we can't even imagine. This organization will also be an excellent place for those devotees who some call, "fringes". Maha Visnu Swami refers to this section of the organization as a "halfway house". Anyone who, for whatever reason, doesn't feel welcome at the ISKCON temples, will be more than welcome to participate in this organization. We are looking forward to the return of all the great souls, who are apparently no longer engaged in "active duty." In Hari Sauri Prabhu's Transcendental Diary, it says that Srila Prabhupada said "Srila" Ramesvara will become the president of the United States, and we also look forward to the day when anyone who is presently, or who, in the future will become qualified to lead this Country, and set an example for all others to follow.
Initially, with the newly acquired army, we will systematically attack each industry, like Mac-Donalds, Burger King, Denny's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and all the other flesh peddlers out there, with graphic propaganda demonstrations. Remember that Lord Sri Krsna appears to annihilate the miscreants, protect His devotees and re-establish the principles of religion, however, He has appeared in the present age in His most merciful mood as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is killing the demoniac mentality of "the people," and in this way is accomplishing the goals of His mission, as outlined in the passage from the Bhagavad-gita being referred to here, however, we should not make the mistake of considering that his followers are pacifists, simply because the demoniac people are initially just shown the stick, so to speak. When, and I do mean when, and not if we are physically attacked, violence will unfortunately, inevitably be necessary for protection of those dwelling in the civilized communities. Srila Prabhupada has stated that violence may even be necessary in a situation where good arguments fail. Of course, every possible measure will be adopted to avoid any physical confrontation. Under God's direction, which must also be dictated and confirmed by the guru, sastra and sadhus, every method there is, and is yet to come, will be utilized to prevent any form of conflict, what to speak of an all out war. Obviously, the best war is the one that was avoided. The saintly kings are very careful about this. After all, they have lead the battle, and are considered cowards if they are not injured each and every day of the war. Let us not be fooled though, war is inevitable in a society which is so attached to the ways of this world.
Srila Prabhupada has compared the fruitive workers [vikarmis], which includes practically all the people of this world, to hogs, dogs, camels and asses, who elect the biggest ass to lead them, because, like the animals, they are exclusively engaged in basically doing nothing more with their lives than attempting to satisfy their selfish bodily senses, by, as is also the basic propensity of every common creature, simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending, and therefore find practically, or absolutely no time to utilize the God given ability awarded to them in the human form of life, for inquiring about absolute truth, and so, instead of learning how to solve the problems of life in the material world, such as repeated births and deaths, old age and disease, adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika miseries, or miseries like mental distress and disease, which come from the mind; miseries coming from the body made of blood, bones, urine, puss, bile, mucus, stool, skin, hair and foul air, all "nicely" packaged in a prespirating bag of flesh, that cannot contain all these foul substances, which constantly ooze out of it's orifices, and pores that often leak a diluted form of urine, otherwise known as sweat; miseries coming from other living entities like mosquitos, flies, rats, cock-roaches, bees, and all the other different kinds of bugs buzzing about and crawling all over and under everyone's skin, spiders and snakes, scorpions and all the other types of creepy, crawling maggots and bloodsucking, puss dwelling, parasites and animal flesh eating, carnivorous beasts, and of course the obnoxious people that have to be dealt with on a daily basis; miseries caused by natural disturbances like earthquakes, floods, mudslides, tornadoes, tidal waves or tsunamis, excessive heat and cold, too much snow, rain, hail and just plain old overcast, lousy, cloudy days etc, etc., etc., these people are constantly engaged in a vain attempt to become "successful" and in order to become successful, which to them, means satisfying the selfish senses, which are never satisfied, they often travel here to there on four wheels, instead of four legs, in what they commonly call a "rat race," for survival and happiness, but the more they get the more they want; and said that, when dogs are together in a kennel, there will always inevitably be strifes or fights, just as there will always be contention, conflict, and confrontation, in the so-called human civilization, made up of the two legged animals, who only do just what the other animals do, but don't ever endeavor to utilize the God given ability, awarded only in the human form of life, to awaken and develop the love for God, which lies dormant, deep within the core of every conditioned souls heart.
I have heard from reliable sources that Srila Prabhupada has said, "There will come a day when someone is asked to chant Hare Krsna, then Bang Bang!" At present most people do not know how dangerous this philosophy is to the current conception of how we should live our lives. It cannot be defeated, but at present most people do not know this, and therefore don't take us so seriously. There are some, however, like cult deprogrammer Ted Patrick, who has publicly declared that this movement, is as powerful and dangerous as the movement apparently orchestrated by Adolf Hitler. This movement cannot be stopped, and when the mass of people realize that this philosophy, which dictates that we be, literally instrumental in overthrowing all their demoniac social systems, cannot be defeated, naturally they will retaliate. Due to envy of God, they will refuse to follow Him. Krsna [God] is the Supreme Controller and Enjoyer and the people of this world are envious of His position. People want to independently control and enjoy God's energies. This tendency to imitate the position of the Supreme Controller and Enjoyer can be easily witnessed by observing the mentality of the materialistic people who never endeavor for the perfection of life, or in other words the development of love for God, from the time of birth, right up to the time of death. How many people wanted to know the purpose of life when they came into this world? Can we honestly claim that we were initially inquisitive about why we are here, and why we are suffering? No, we wanted a good education, a good job for acquiring a substantial income, a nice wife or husband as the case may be, a car, a house, security and ultimately what we consider success by material standards, and in order to achieve this we tried to manipulate the Lord's material energy in our attempt to imitate Him, by independently controlling and enjoying or Lording it over the material energy. Anyone who thinks like this claims proprietorship over anything which appears to them to have some relationship with their body, which they consider to be the self rather than understanding that the spirit soul within is the true self. They therefore think for example that this is my house, my car, my wife and children and my country and anybody who interferes with their conception of what belongs to them is, of course their enemy. This bodily conception of life can only cause anguish and strife and anyone who is against their beloved bodily conception of life, becomes a target of their propaganda and other types of attack. We can certainly expect them to get upset about the fact that we are going to establish and enforce God's government system, with or without their permission. Srila Prabhupada often said that when we realize how badly we are being cheated by the current leaders of society, there will be a revolution, and that if they knew what he was doing, they would have killed him. We should not be in the least bit afraid of all this, though, because Krsna has made it perfectly clear, that if, nay, when, we surrender to Him, He will protect us from all sinful reactions. The story of Govardhana Hill is quite appropriate in this connection. Let us not offer anything to the so-called gods of this world, and let us continue to keep our faith in Krsna. Rest assured! He will not let us down under any circumstance. Let us cooperate with all His servants, including of course, the demigods, who abide by the will of the Lord, and as promised, spiritual peace, prosperity and ecstasy will reign for all. In the passage of the Srimad-Bhagavatam wherein the life of Prthu Maharaja is recorded, Srila Prabhupada has written that the opulence in His kingdom was actually quite conducive to the development of Krsna consciousness, and it has also been stated many times that a similar situation to that of Lord Rama's kingdom, could be introduced immediately, even in this age of Kali. As prophesied earlier in the philosophical autobiography, entitled, To be or not To be a Hare Krsna Devotee...Mein Kampf III, the people of this world who pride themselves in their ability to remain civilized during a debate, even when faced with overwhelming opposition, will initially attempt to defeat the philosophy of Krsna consciousness with mundane argument and reason, utilizing their modern technology. The initial stage of this is referred to, in this book, as the computer wars, and as you can see, this has already begun. The philosophy will obviously become a more popular subject in all forms of the media. When the opponents of God and His ways realize that this philosophy cannot be defeated, they will, without a doubt resort to other less civilized and conventional methods of retaliation. Then the children, as was the case, especially when Srila Prabhupada first began his mission in the west [and still is to some extent], will be the target of anti-Krsna, Christos or Christ propagandists, because they will not want any hope for the future of the movement to exist, and also because they will be very sentimentally "concerned" on the mundane level or platform, for them. This will naturally give rise to the "Mothers Force," made up of those who naturally have a strong bond of affection for the children and an overwhelming, impelling, inspiration to provide protection. It is all a natural sequence of events, and, as once again, stated previously, history certainly does repeat itself. We all remember when so many of their son's were being mercilessly butchered during the Vietnam "conflict," how the mother's gloriously united to provide protection for them with protests and so many forms of propoganda. Even presently the children have again become an issue on the internet and throughout all forms of the public media and right on schedule, our beloved Mothers have made their appearance all over the internet and other forms of the media as well. The issue of women is much more important than many men may think, because like they say, "Hell hath no fury like the scorn of a woman's wrath." Of course, we are all spirit souls, but still there is an obvious distinction of mind and body, as clearly illustrated an enunciated all throughout the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I will not dwell on this subject, as it is now, and will always continue to be a popular subject of strife and contention amongst those who are embodied and conditioned by the materialistic, bodily, conception of life.
The so-called mundane, moral aspect of the Hare Krsna Hotel for the Homeless, Helpless and Hungry, is primarily meant to serve as a front for the confidential mission of establishing varnasrama-dharma, which will ultimately and inevitably take the world by surprise, even though it has all been spelled out for them, just as it has always been in the past. Most people, at least in the west, equate religion with some sort of altruistic activity consisting primarily of acts revolving around conceptions based on mundane morality, therefore they will be very pleased with the Hare Krsna movement for establishing an organization which will solve one of the biggest problems plaguing modern "civilization" [homelessness]. How happy they will be when the dirty filthy scum dwelling, spirit souls mind you, of "their" streets will be transformed into clean, law abiding [according to the laws of God, of course] civilized citizens of GOD'S KINGDOM. Certainly, especially at this point in time, the movement could use some good PR. This organization will not be just for the homeless, helpless and hungry, but rather a place for anybody who wishes to experience a radical and substantial improvement of lifestyle, as a result of participation in the varnasrama system, which is a self sustaining system that is more opulent than any system the people of this world have ever invented. The lowest class of people in this system live more opulently than the so-called highest class of people in any of the concocted systems of this world. It is said that a saintly king doesn't even have to tolerate bad weather for his citizens, what to speak of all the other problems that plague the members of other systems, concocted by mental speculators. In the Tenth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is clearly stated that the king is responsible for everything, including even the things which occur [to some] seemingly by chance, like miscarriages for example. When the participants of this system experience the "immediate" improvement of lifestyle, inevitably associated with the act of adherence to the will of the Supreme, they will naturally become more inquisitive about the origin of this system, and I'm sure the vaisnavas will be more than happy to enlighten them further.