Vivek Sadananda Pai Prabhu's last letter, Gauranga Prema Dasa's last response, and a warning to all offenders:

> > Have I committed any offenses,
> > made any mistakes, and/or
> > done anything I shouldn't have?

> Yes, you keep acting like a child even when someone
> asks you to grow up and behave. You claim to represent
> Srila Prabhupada, but I don't recall him ever telling
> someone to go to hell simply because they disagreed
> with him.

> Anyway, you're now on my bozo filter and you'll find
> your messages bounced back to you. Please desist from
> mailing me, or I'll have to file a formal harassment
> complaint.


WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO DISAGREE WITH SRILA PRABHUPADA? Anyways, it's not just because you have disagreed with him that you are now in, and are also in the future, going to a hell which will be much worse than the one you are obviously already in now. It's because you refuse to give up your offensive mentality. DON'T DISAGREE WITH SRILA PRABHUPADA, AND STOP OFFENDING A GREAT PERSONALITY LIKE LORD JESUS CHRIST, who is a pure devotee of the Lord, OR I'LL FIND MORE AND MORE WAYS TO FOLLOW SRILA PRABHUPADA'S INSTRUCTION RECORDED IN THE NECTAR OF DEVOTION. REMEMBER IT, AND REMEMBER IT WELL: When one offends a devotee of the Lord, it is our duty to become as angry as FIRE!!!!! You have some nerve making such hypocritical accusations, while being the offensive dog that you are who dares to write the horrible things you have written about the glorious guru, Lord Jesus Christ, who is a worthy son of God, as opposed to you and your dog Vijay, who wrote the offensive texts you have agreed with and defended to the end. What right do you have to tell me, or for that matter, anybody, what to do? Please refer to the text from THE SCIENCE OF SELF REALIZATION regarding, what some spiritual teachers say: "In my opinion you should do this." Quit trying to protect your false ego. This is quite unbecoming the vaisnava that you apparently claim to be. By the way, when have I made any claims, other than the fact that I am aspiring to be the sincere servant of the servant of God? In your son's "texts," which you have so obstinately chosen to defend, he has obviously demonstrated a total disregard for the position of Lord Jesus Christ. He seems to consider, and actually even believe, that Lord Jesus Christ is an ordinary person, therefore I believe that you should review the following passage again:


Actually, anyone who is preaching God's glories must be accepted as a guru. Jesus Christ is one such great personality. We should not think of him as an ordinary human being. The scriptures say that anyone who considers the spiritual master to be an ordinary man has a hellish mentality. If Jesus Christ were an ordinary man, then he could not have delivered God consciousness.

And Prabhu, what's with the "!" exclamation point at the end of Vijay's title, "RE: Jesus Christ?" Is this his way of belittling the position of Lord Jesus even more than he has attempted to do so far? Is this not, as most "Christians" might say, "taking his name in vain"?

Please also refer to the following text, as it appears to apply to your situation:

BHAGAVAD-GITA 5.4 Karma - Yoga - Action in Krsna Consciousness


sankyha-yogau prthag balah
  pravadanti na panditah
ekam apy astitah samyag
  ubhayor vindate phalam
sankhya - analytical study of the material world; yogau - work in devotional service; prthak - different; balah - the less intelligent; pravadanti - say; na - never; panditah - the learned; ekam - in one; api- even; astitah - being situated; samyak - complete; ubhayoh - of both; vindate - enjoys; phalam - the result.


Only the ignorant (That's you and your dog-like son) speak of devotional service [karma-yoga] as being different from the analytical study of the material world [Sankyha]. Those who are actually learned say that he who applies himself well to one of these paths achieves the results of both.

When Srila Prabhupada says that Christianism means Vaisnavism, we should understand that neither should be neglected, or in other words, that you cannot claim to be a Vaisnava, if you neglect or ignore the authority, or position of Lord Jesus, nor can you claim to be completely following Lord Jesus Christ, if you disrespect and/or refuse to follow the teachings of any and every bona fide acarya in the line of disciplic succession, because the instructions imparted by one are identical to those imparted by all the others, regardless of how they are adjusted for time, place and circumstances. Of course, Lord Jesus had many more things to teach his disciples, but at that time, they had not the ears to bear it. What I'm trying to say, is that a devotee of Krsna must accept Lord Jesus, based on the principle that guru is one, in addition to all of the bona fide acaryas in the line of disciplic succession, then he or she will be accepted as a true Christian (or one who is Christ-like) which means Vaisnava or vice versa, and will therefore be eligible to enter the kingdom of God (Krsna)... that's if all authorities are accepted, and therefore followed perfectly. Of course, we are not actually Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Muslims or Jewish in the strictest sense of the term. As I'm sure you must have heard by now, everyone is jivera 'svarupa' haya - krsnera 'nitya-dasa' (an eternal part and parcel, servant of the Father of Jesus, (and for that matter, of everybody) who is known as Lord Sri Krsna. However, we are followers of all Vaisnava acaryas in the line of disciplic succession, who never contradict the teachings of any great saint or worthy son of God..., or at least were supposed to be. They are all in perfect harmony; one, yet different in form, and of course, they are different souls, but they are one in spirit. This means that they are also one in purpose. We should also never forget that they, and the Father (Lord Sri Krsna) are also one, sort of like the sunshine and the sun; inconceivably, simultaneously one, yet different; one in quality or spirit, but not the same as the Supreme in quantity. We never see the sun without the sunlight, yet although, in this way, the sun and the sunshine are one, distinction can be drawn between them. There is sunshine AND there is the sun, and together, as they always are, they are ALSO one, therefore based on this analogy, we can understand how it is possible for Lord Jesus who is one WITH the Father to offer prayers to Him. We should never confuse him with the Supreme, just as we would never confuse a particle of gold with a gold mine, or a drop of salt water from the ocean with the entire ocean, even though it possesses the same ingredients ie. salt and water, however this of course, gives us no excuse to blaspheme or offend the pure part and parcel of the Lord. Not even the ordinary demigods, what to speak of the pure ones, should be offered disrespect in any way, shape, or form, and as you know, it is also an offense to blaspheme, not only the Vedic literatures, but any literatures in pursuance of the Vedic version. As mentioned in previous correspondence, which you apparently ignored, the father of a son, for example, would never tolerate an offense to that son, from someone who is envious of his father, therefore why would anybody even dream that God, The Supreme Father, from whom we derive the propensity to protect and care for the children, would tolerate any offense to a beloved son who loves and serves Him purely? How can anybody, therefore, justify offending His WORTHY son, known as Lord Jesus Christ. Just imagine how you would feel if someone who was envious of you decided to take it out on your son instead. I understand that to the degree that we are not completely purified, to that degree we are still envious of the Supreme, but we should not think that this unresolved problem or in other words, this degraded condition of ours can be used as an excuse to commit aparadhas (offenses).

In connection with the passage regarding the pastime of Ambarisa Maharaja, who was offended by Durvasa Muni, Srila Prabhupada has written that if someone offends the Lord they can be forgiven by chanting the holy names, but if one offends His pure devotee, the Lord never forgives the offender, lest the offender repents and apologizes for the offense(s) committed at the lotus feet of His devotee. It appears that you have offended both the Lord and His pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada, because you have contended with what has been transmitted by the Lord through His pure devotee (Srila Prabhupada). Over and above this, you have offended Lord Jesus Christ, who is recognized by great acaryas in the line of disciplic succession, like Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, all the true saints, and verily everyone who's anyone... except of course, you and your "good" son Vijay. Therefore I feel the following passages are appropriate in this connection. As stated previously, according to the Nectar of Devotion, it is our duty to become as angry as fire when the Lord and/or His devotee are offended.

Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 3, Ch. 18]


Although the Lord was pained by the shaftlike abusive words of the demon, He bore the pain.


        sri-bhagavan uvaca
satyam vayam bho vana-gocara mrga
  yusmad-vidhan mrgaye grama-simham
na mrtyu-pasaih pratimuktasya vira
  vikatthanam tava grhnanty abhadra
sri-bhagavan uvaca - the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; satyam - indeed; vayam - We; bhoh - O; vana-gocarah - dwelling in the forest; mrgah - creatures; yusmat-vidhan - like you; mrgaye - I am searching to kill; grama-simhan - dogs; na - not; mrtyu-pasaih - by the bonds of death; pratimuktasya - of one who is bound; virah - the heroes; vikatthanam - loose talk; tava - your; grhnanti - take notice of; abhadra - O mischievous one.


The Personality of Godhead said: Indeed, We are creatures of the jungle, and We are searching after hunting dogs like you. One who is freed from the entanglement of death has no fear from the loose talk in which you are indulging, for you are bound up by the laws of death.

I have heard from devotees, that many believe Hitler felt that he was punishing the Jewish people for what they did to Lord Jesus. Who knows if they were the same ones, reincarnated? Did Hitler know? Who can say? Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu has stated that he believed Hitler was Asvatthama. Is it true that Asvatthama is expert in the esoteric sciences? Of course, I am not trying to glorify Hitler or Asvatthama, but we can understand that somehow or other, everything is Krsna's perfect arrangement to bring us all back to Him as quickly as we are willing to go, and therefore even Asvatthama/Hitler has a chance, nay, will actually be joining everyone in the march back home, back to the kingdom of God, by the mercy of the saviour of the most fallen (Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu), and those who represent Him, and we can also understand that everyone including Asvatthama/Hitler has certain propensities, potentials, and a certain tendency to serve the Lord in a certain capacity. Of course, there is, and therefore will be, no heinous activity accepted in the performance of "favorable" pure devotional service, but we can understand that the paramahamsa is capable of finding gold even in a filthy place, and is therefore capable of engaging everyone in a way which is suitable to their nature. For example a killer of children could perhaps, by the grace of God, become a protector of them. By the mercy of Mahaprabhu, a lame man can run, back home, back to the kingdom of God, a blind man can see, materially and spiritually... perfectly, and a dumb man can speak eloquently in glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A bigot could become a anti-racist, nay the best antiracist, who understands fully that we the people of this universe are simply embodied spirit souls with equality, on the spiritual platform.

(Of course, no one has a body equal to another's. That would imply, for example, that men and women are equal, but how can this be so? Men are incapable of giving birth to children, and women are incapable of producing semen, which is the ingredient for the life force (the soul) to enter. Men and women are obviously different, and therefore by definition not equal.)


BTG: The founders of America said that another natural right is the right to liberty, or freedom - freedom in the sense that the government doesn't have the right to tell you what kind of job you have to do.

Srila Prabhupada: If the government is not perfect, it should not be allowed to tell people what to do. But if the government is perfect, then it can.

BTG: The third natural right they mentioned was that every human being has the right to pursue happiness.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. But your standard of happiness may be different from my standard. You may like to eat meat; I hate it. How can your standard of happiness be equal to mine?

BTG: So should everyone be free to try to achieve whatever standard of happiness he wants?

Srila Prabhupada: No, the standard of happiness should be prescribed according to the qualities of the person. You must divide the whole society into four groups: those with brahmana qualities, those with ksatriya qualities, those with vaisya qualities, and those with sudra qualities. Everyone should have good facility to work according to his natural qualities.

You cannot engage a bull in the business of a horse, nor can you engage a horse in the business of a bull.

(Often, as in the case of this particular passage, when Srila Prabhupada uses the word "his," he is
referring to both men and women.)

Even for those who are liberated souls, it is recommended by Lord Sri Krsna (God), who spoke through Srila Prabhupada, that they perform the individually prescribed duties outlined in the scriptures, to set an example for the people in general, or in other words, that those who are actually liberated, as referred to in the Bhagavad-gita 2.31 PURPORT, fully situated in Krsna consciousness, as referred to in the Bhagavad-gita 3.35 PURPORT, who have transcended the modes of material nature, as also referred to in the Bhagavad-gita 3.35 PURPORT, and who have developed spontaneous attachment for hearing about Krsna's activities and pastimes, as referred to in the Nectar Of Devotion [CH. 13], should be acting like either brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas or sudras, for proper management of the material world. This instruction is recorded in the book called, "Conversations With Srila Prabhupada" Vol. 7 pg. 302:

Srila Prabhupada: Vaisnava is transcendental, but for proper management of the material world one should be acting like a brahmana, one should be acting like a ksatriya...)" in order to set examples for the people in general.

Kavicandra Maharaja once told me that Srila Prabhupada had once said, that Adolf Hitler was actually sincere, and that he had read the Bhagavad-gita, but that he just didn't understand it. Another example of how a person might be engaged in accordance with propensities, potentials, skills, tendencies, desires etc., in ways other than just organizing, making speeches etc., is, for example, if that person has the tendency to punish offenders, he might be further engaged, in the proper way, under the direction of Krsna and His bona fide representatives like Lord Jesus Christ and Srila Prabhupada, who wrote that wrath, when employed in Krsna consciousness becomes our friend instead of our enemy. (Bhagavad-gita 3.37 PURPORT) In this passage he cites the example of Hanuman who fought with the demon named Ravana. Similarly, we are apparently engaged at present in fighting with the antichrist who has dared to publicly display his ignorance on a public forum referred to as the internet, and specifically as the "btg-talk" website. I have learned that ignorance means to ignore the truth, and the truth of this particular matter is that the pure devotee should not, must not and ultimately will not be offended, because we will not tolerate it. If you think that Hitler was something, you will soon see that you ain't seen nothin yet. Let me inform you, that I intend to raise up an entire army of "hoodlums" and so-called bums ("monkeys," if you will, or in other words, a modern version of the monkey-army that appeared when Lord Ramacandra appeared, made up of what appears to be a modern-day demigod-army, just like the demigod-army that formerly appeared during the pastimes of Lord Ramacandra in the form of monkeys, for the war against the demon named Ravana and all his demoniac followers) to make war with anyone who has the audacity to oppose, or compete with, the instructions or position, of any pure devotee. Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared in the form of a transcendental sound known as the holy name, and let me assure you that He has not appeared alone. He never does, but even if he did, of course that would also be sufficient to destroy your offensive mentality. From the historical pastime recorded in the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, of Jagai and Madhai (formerly known as Jaya and Vijaya), who offended Lord Nityananda Prabhu, we learn that Lord Caitanya is not some sort of mundane sentimentalist who tries to make an artificial show of never becoming angry. He is the saviour of the most fallen, but let us not forget that he never tolerates an offense to any of his pure devotees, as we've read about in the case of the Kazi who broke a devotee's mrdanga drum. Now you, O Lord Moderator, are trying to break the "Brhat-mrdanga" by executing your so-called privileges of Lordship called censorship, in an attempt to Lord it over me, and who knows who else. Well let me just tell you how I should feel about that:

Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 4, Ch. 8]


How wonderful are the powerful ksatriyas. They cannot tolerate even a slight infringement upon their prestige.


The qualifications of a ksatriya are described in the Bhagavad-gita. Two important qualifications are to have a sense of prestige and not to flee in battle.

Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta Vol. 6 pg. 232:

"The pen is mightier than the sword," Ramesvara declared. "Yes," Srila Prabhupada answered. "It is a revolution. That is what I thought as I wrote on and on..."



Violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments fail.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 3 pg. 208:

Srila Prabhupada: When there is need of fight, we shall fight.



Arjuna was saintly and therefore wanted to deal with them in saintliness. This kind of saintliness however is not for a ksatriya.



As such for a ksatriya, it is better to be vanquished following the rules of violence than to imitate a brahmana who follows the principles of non-violence.



sva-dharmam api caveksya
  na vikampitum arhasi
dharmyad dhi yuddhac chreyo 'nyat
  ksatriyasya na vidyate
sva-dharmam - one's own religious principles; api - also; ca - indeed; aveksya - considering; na - never; vikampitum - to hesitate; arhasi; - you deserve; dharmyat - for religious principles; hi - indeed; yuddhat - than fighting; sreyah - better engagement; anyat - any other; ksatriyasya - of the ksatriya; na - does not; vidyate - exist.


Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation.

Have I committed any offenses,
made any mistakes, and/or
done anything I shouldn't have?
If so, I'm sorry.

Aspiring to be the sincere
servant of the servant,

Gauranga Prema Dasa

Hare Krsna


Dear Prabhus

Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Have I committed any offenses,
taken any quotes out of context,
made any mistakes, and/or
done anything I shouldn't have?
If so, I'm sorry.

Aspiring to be the sincere
servant of the servant,

Yours Truly,
Gauranga Prema Dasa

Hare Krsna