Greetings to all the bookworms around the world!
This is the entrance to my personal library, especially the shelves with books by Elizabeth Peters. On the following pages I try to give an overview to some of her books and characters and present some additional information I gathered. But although Peters is my favourite author of free-time literature there are lots of others I came to know and adore, such as Robin Cook, Alice Walker, Milan Kundera, ever memorable Agatha Christie, Jane Austen etc. Not all of them can be described in detail but I wrote some reviews to one or the other book I read recently or which is on my all time Top Ten List. So this Books & Reviews Page will be edited whenever necessary (or whenever I have time!).
Enjoy and get in touch with me whenever you like to discuss the site or some author or book we both like! Have a nice day!

Books are the bridges between soals!
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