Where Poetry Abounds.....

.....and Angels Fear to Tread

Well, we've been here a while now and it's time the look and feel of "Where Angels Fear To Tread" is tweaked just a little. Please be patient while we're updating and adding new poets. Hopefully, it'll be well worth the wait. :)
Tantalum and Poet Angel

Also, one must note that the title does say ''Where Angels Fear to Tread.'' By this I mean to imply that most of the poetry here is very dark in nature, and the faint of heart should not continue beyond this point.

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Mystique's Poems
Tantalum's Poems
Paine's Poems
Yabree's Poems
Octaviun's Poems
Rak's Poems
K'Lynn's Poems
Poems By Unknown Authors
(or authors who do not wish to be named.)
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