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Helping Parents Help their Children


Helping Parents Help their Children



Glossary of Terms: Do you ever struggle remembering terms and concepts from your own days in the classroom?  This link provides a quick, alphabetized listing of major terms and concepts taught in the middle school classroom.  Click to enter.


On Line Flash Cards: Does your child still struggle with basic math facts? Sites are available on line that allows a child to practice interactively. Types of problems and difficulty levels can be determined by the user. An excellent resource!

Flash Cards



Homework: Do you often wonder about the best way to help your child with his or her homework?  See what the professionals say will have those most impact.  Click to enter.


It’s Not the Same Math! Do you struggle helping your child with math? Are you unsure of the method the teacher is using to instruct your child? There are ways to help, even though the mathematics is taught differently than when you were in school.

Math Help



Struggling With a Particular Problem? You can submit a question to Dr. Math. This is a popular site. However, be aware that it could take up to a week to receive a response.

Dr. Math



Considering An Advanced Placement Class? What considerations should be given before enrolling in an AP class? Is it right for your child? What are the advantages and possible disadvantages? Find out more information by clicking below.

AP Information



Tutor? Have you ever wondered if your child would benefit from hiring a private tutor?  There are several key factors that should influence your decision.  Click below to learn more.




Internet Safety: Do you worry about your child surfing the net?  Are you sure you are taking all safety precautions. Information is available to keep you better informed and your children safe.  Click below to inquire.

Safety Tips



Math Activities at Home: Internet site are available entertain your child while instructing at the same time.  Try some of the following sites.


Family Math Challenges


Interactive Pre-Algebra Problem Solving


Logic Puzzles


Word Problems


Aeronautic Activities (Grades 4-7)