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Ice Princess is the story of sixteen-year-old Ariel, a figure skater who has has begun her quest for gold at the coming Winter Olympics in Cortina. Her coach/father, Richard, a domineering, sometimes unstable former gold medalist, also hopes she will follow in his footsteps. Is winning the gold her dream or his? Soemtimes it's hard even for them to tell.

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The biggest obstacle to her progress toward the gold had been her father's oldest pupil, Shelby, the recently-retired reigning champion. Ariel doubts Shelby will retire from visiting her father, however, for she seems determined to take her dead mother's place in the family.  There have already been rumors that Richard is the father of Shelby's small daughter, Melissa. Yet Ariel is pleased with Shelby's new professional status, for that, along with Ariel's own fifth-place finish at the recent olympics, make her the favorite for the next ones. Richard has bought a place in Cortina so she can practice frequently on the olympic ice over the next four years, so that Ariel becomes very comfortable skating in the new Olympic Arena.

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Although she is making a great deal of money from skating in exhibition performances, Ariel is beginning to feel the pressure of being the favorite, especially when she can't go anywhere without being recognized. Whether touring or at home, she is public property. She follows her father's orders to conduct herself graciously at all times. He has promised her she'll adjust. Can Ariel withstand the emotional pressure, avoid
injury, and continue to develop her technique over the next four years enough to win the gold?

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Father and daughter are about to leave for Cortina for the first time when things start happening. Problems in addition to the noraml ones skaters face place Ariel's quest for the gold in jeopary.

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