Peter and Meghan Knapp
The Latest
Happy 2009!  May this year be better than the last.  And for some of you, may it be MUCH better than the last.
The holidays treated us well.  We had good traveling to Pennsylvania, and then back again through Cleveland.  The girls (mostly) tolerated the long car ride well.  They were so happy to be home that they ran around like maniacs for a few hours!
In the new year, Sammy will be starting Dance and Gym class.  We have already purchased ballet shoes for her.  Charlotte it on her way to being pull-up free, and mostly only uses them for the night time now.  Yea!
I will try to be better about updating the blog, as some of you have indicated you do in fact read it.  Thanks, and feel free to leave comments!


More about Peter 
More about Zimmie  
Family Recipes
Baby Page,
School Web Pages
Georgetown College
Ohio State University
University of Indianapolis
Dunbar High School
Southern Elementary
Personal Web Pages of Friends
Kevin Tangney
Penny Zimmerman
Emily Zimmerman
Jerry Zimmerman

Michael Knapp
Gnall family page
Blast from the Past: News and Pics from
North Central High School
High School Alumni
News from 2007


Kate Elias
Jakob Hoffman Brown

Audrey Gray and Adam Cahill, August 2, 2008
Matt and Naomi State December 12, 2008
Eleanor Szpylka February 29, 2008
Susie Knapp (Baba) March 2, 2008

Erika has passed her teaching portfolio!
Anushree had her Rice Ceremony April 19th
Julie and Brett are expecting Baby 3 in October
Heidi and Matt are expecting Baby Boy in Sept.!

New in 2008
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