The Old Virtual Room 218

Welcome to Mr. H's Classroom

A Webpage for Mr. H's Classes

This Page is Updated Everyday with News Stories



These are a list of links that can accessed from my page.

This should be able to help you on many of my assignments in class

General Links

Excellent Multi-Search Engine The Weather Channel
The Homework Central Page The History Channel History Homepage
History Search My School's Webpage
Cool Clip Art ABC NEWS The White House
The Democrats
The Republicans Info on Presidential Candidates
The House of Reprentatives
The Senate State Department CIA
Department of Defense
Supreme Court Supreme Court Justices
The Reference Desk

World History Links

Why Do Civilizations Fall? Encyclopedia Mythica Ancient Civilizations
Early Humans Australopithecus
John Paul II reflects on creation and evolution
Ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Mesopotamia
City of Ur Ancient Mesopotamia
Mesopotamian Cuneiform Counting in Babylon
Why Do Civilizations Fall?
Royal Tombs of Ur Ziggurats Assyrians
History of the Ancient Middle East: Assyrians
Assyrian Kings List Babylonians: Hanging Gardens
Write Like a Babylonian
Egyptian Book of the Dead Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Egyptian Mummies Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Ancient Egypt Hieroglyphics
Ancient Wonders of the World Virtual Egyptian Tomb The Virtual Mummy
Battle of Hastings
Roman Empire The Roman Calendar
Archaeological Sites in Israel: The Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Middle Ages Info Middle Ages Fun Help for your History Book

Amreican History Part 1 Links

Virtual Tour of Plimoth Plantation Salem Witches II Colonial America
Colonial America II Colonial America Site
Liberty the American Revolution United States Military Academy Map Library

Amreican History Part II Links

Help for your History Book
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
Lewis and Clark's Historic Trail
The Battle of New Orleans War of 1812-1814 Virtualology: War of 1812 War of 1812
Andrew Jackson American Presidents: Andrew Jackson
Brief Biography of Andrew Jackson
The Alamo Siege and Battle of the Alamo 13 days at the Alamo
The Donner Party The Oregon Trail The Oregon Trail Part 2 The Santa Fe Trail
The Missouri Compromise The Dred Scott Case History of Dred Scott
Milestone Cases in Supreme Court History Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas
John Brown John Brown (1800-1859) The Raid on Harper's Ferry
Battle of Fort Sumter Official Records and Battle Description
History Place: The U.S. Civil War 1861-1865
Fort Sumter National Monument Civil War Photographs Civil War Interactive
Civil War Medicine Civil War at a Glance
The Civil War William Clarke Quantrill Bill Anderson
The Battle of Pilot Knob Battle of Lexington, Missouri
Battle of Wilson's Creek
The Battle of Wilson's Creek Official Records And Battle
The Battle of Wilson's Creek
Claiborne Fox Jackson From Revolution to Reconstruction
54th Massachusetts Infantry Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial
Robert Gould Shaw Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1824-1909
Turn of the Century in U.S. History Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
Thomas Edison Samuel F.B. Morse
Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell II
Cornelius Vanderbilt Andrew Carnegie
Treaties Between the United States and Native Americans
Index of Native American Resources
The Wright Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright
Henry Ford Samuel Gompers Knights of Labor
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Important People: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony's Home
First World War First World War Encyclopedia World War I - Trenches on the Web
World War One Aviation Germany During World War One
The Roarin' 20's The Roarin' 20's The Roarin' 20's
Great Depression The GREAT Depression
The Rise of Adolf Hitler World War II in Europe Timeline
Germany During World War Two
Germany's World War Two Weapons Armies of World War Two World War II
The Homefront during WW II World War II World War II, Analyzed
World War II Maps from WW II
Stalingrad Battlefield Info Battle of Stalingrad Battle for Stalingrad
D-Day 6th June 1944 National Geographic: Untold Stories of D-Day
American Experience: Guts and Glory Normandy: 6 June-24 July 1944
(Caution)Jews during World War II and the Holocaust (Caution)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill Joseph Stalin
Search World War II National Geographic: Remembering Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor - Remembered
Pearl Harbor Attack, 7 December 1941 Pearl Harbor: Plus Sixty Years
Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington
Marine Corp War Memorial World War 2 in the Pacific
Naval Air War In The Pacific Air War Over the Pacific: Midway War in the Pacific - US marines in WWII
World War II Warships in the Pacific
Cold War Museum Cold War Policies 1945-1991
Origins of the Cold War
The Korean War Korean War Factbook
Korean War: Weapons, History, and Bibliography
Berlin Airlift
The Real Thirteen Days: The Hidden History of the Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuba Missile Crisis
JFK Assassination
The Vietnam War The Vietnam War
The Vietnam Memorial “The Wall”
The Moon Landing The Beatles
Originals of Rock and Roll Radical Times: The AntiWar Movement of the 1960’s

Fun Links

The Saint Louis Cardinals
The Saint Louis RAMS

Univesity of Michigan - Ann Arbor Wolverine's Page
Michigan State University - East Lansing
Where my Brother works
University of Missouri Rolla
Lindenwood Univeristy