Viol8 violate (vilat), vt. to infringe or transgress, to break, to disobey (a law, obligation, duty etc.); to treat irreverently, to profane, to desecrate; to do violence to, to outrage; to deflower, by force, to ravish, to rape. violable, a. violation , n. violative, a. violator, n. [L violatus, p.p. of violare, cogn. with VIS] Violate from the Latin Viölo, i. v.a. to injure, to profane, to pollute; to deflower; to break, to transgress, to violate. MIRROR ME, INVITEON TRANSLUCENT WINGS OF TENDERNESS MIRROR ME, IN TIME CAUGHT IN REFLECTIONS OF INNOCENCE MIRROR ME, IN SIDE WHERE CONTEMPT BREEDS SIMILARITY MIRROR ME, IN LIFE EMULATE TO VIOLATE ME SIMULACRA CHAINED TO REALITY SIMULACRA I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY SEE IN ME SIMULACRA I HIDE MYSELF WITHIN ME SIMULACRA Violation of realities is a Futant reality hacking technique. To fully understand multiple realities one must be equipped with the knowledge needed to hack into other realities. Before going any further you are asked to read thoroughly the basis of belief systems in order to acquire the necessary codes to enable you to master reality hacking techniques. When Wilhelm reich wrote about the little man, he was referring to You, placing gender aside for the moment the little person is the creation due to enforced reality. Just one, one for everybody. Any deviation from this reality is seen because of its constructs to be a journey into the negative. As a direct result of this a large and I mean, Large percentage of your thought processes are made to appear as negative thought. They are not addressed, extrapolated and considered leaving the only option of inhibition thus increasing the stress that the little person must endure in order to live in the bona fide reality. Violate all realities