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Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra

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We give four free concerts a year at El Camino College in Torrance, California.

For more information about our Conductor and Music Director Barry Brisk, [ click here. ]

For a brochure about the Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra, its mission statement and history, [ click here. ]

Next Concert

The next concert of the Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra will be given on Friday, November 16, 2001 at 8:15 p.m. in Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campus, 16007 Crenshaw Boulevard at Redondo Beach Boulevard in Torrance, California. You are also welcome to attend a pre-concert Lecture starting at 7:30 p.m. This will be our first concert of our 52nd season!

Admission is always free and no reservations or tickets are ever required to a BCSO concert! On campus parking is $2 (although this modest fee was officially waived at recent previous concerts!).

For the concert program click on [ Next Concert Program]

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An interactive map to the concert location is included below. You can click on the map to zoom in or out, or even get verbal directions from your starting point to the location of the concert!

BCSO Concerts at Marsee AuditoriumEl Camino College
Torrance, CA 90504
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Next Concert Program

Friday, November 16, 2001 at 8:15 p.m.



Pre-Concert Lecture - 7:30 p.m.

Merry Overture by Matt Doran

Piano Concerto No. 2 by Sergei Rachmaninoff with María Pérez-Goodman, Piano Soloist
For more information about this concerto, [ click here. ]

Daphnis and Chloe Suite, Suite No. 2 by Maurice Ravel
For more information about this composition, [ click here ] or [ click here. ]

Meditation from Thaïs by Jules Massenet
This piece is in memory of Raymond Wurfl and Pauline Roehl. Raymond Wurfl was a violinist with the BCSO for many years, both heading the second violin section as well as most recently playing as a first violin. Pauline Roehl (and her husband John) was a generous supporter of the BCSO for 51 years and mother of BCSO violinist Grace Van Dusen. For more information about Ray and Pauline, [ click here. ] [This composition can also be considered a memorial to the victims of the September 11 tragedy....Webmaster's editorial comment].
For more information about Meditation, [ click here. ]
For more information about Thaïs, [ click here. ]

For the biographies of key performers at this concert, as printed in the Program, [ click here. ]
For more information the compositions to be played at this concert, as printed in the Program, [ click here. ]

GALA RECEPTION. After the concert, members of the Beach Cities Symphony Association are invited to our GALA reception honoring “Star-Spangled Banner” special conductor, Robert Peterson, soloist Maria Perez-Goodman, and conductor Barry Brisk. Please join Maestros Peterson and Brisk, Maria Perez-Goodman, and the members of the orchestra in celebrating the beginning of our 52nd season. The reception is being held in the upstairs lobby. If you have not yet joined the Beach Cities Symphony Association, purchase your membership this evening at the table in the lobby and join this evening’s party. We will see you there!

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Other Stuff


Memorial Service for BCSO violinist Raymond Wurfl was on Saturday, October 13, 2001. Call Ray's daughter Jenice Wurfl at (818) 728-1553 for more information.

For an historical letter by Robert Peterson about the Beach Cities Symphony, [ click here. ]

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Schedule of Remaining Concerts

All concerts are Friday evenings, 8:15 p.m. at the Marsee Auditorium, El Camino Community College Campus. Programs are subject to change. Pre-concert lectures are at 7:30 p.m.

Below are the remaining Friday evening dates and programs for our 52nd season

January 18, 2002

Symphonies of Wind Instruments by Igor Stravinsky

Violin Concerto in d minor BWV 1052 by J. S. Bach
Rebecca Rutkowski, Violin Soloist

Symphony No. 5 in c minor, Op. 67 by L. van Beethoven

March 29, 2002

Royal Fireworks Music by G. F. Handel (arr. Hardy)

Symphonic Variations by Cesar Franck
Linda Love, Piano Soloist

Death and Transfiguration by Richard Strauss

May 24, 2002

Coppelia Ballet Suite No. 1 by Leo Delibes

Rienzi Overture by Richard Wagner

MTAC Artists of the Future Concerto Soloists


Appreciation Party for Members

Sunday, June 3, 2001 was a very important date for all BCSO financial supporters and musicians, as we had our annual appreciation party. Advertisers, supporters, orchestra members and their guests were invited to enjoy this lovely afternoon of entertainment and refreshments.

Invitation to Musicians

Musicians are always welcome to join our symphony, which as open rehearsals Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Redondo High School band room. Some positions have waiting lists, but string players are always welcome. A call to (310) 379-9725 or (310) 539-4649 will provide answers to your questions.

Weekly rehearsals for the 2001-2002 season started on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in the Redondo High School Music Room (on Pacific Coast Highway).  

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    Our Newsletters contain detailed information about Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra programs as well as other activities, events and notices. For a view of recent Newsletters, click on

  • October 2001 Newsletter  
  • The following is an archive of previous newsletters.

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    For a list of our orchestra musicians, [ click here. ]

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    Advertisers and Supporters

    Buying anything (for example, books or CDs) after clicking on this link to helps support the concert series because 5% of the purchase price is returned to BCSA through the Associates Program.

    Shop at!


    For a list of our current advertisers and supporters, [ click here. ]

    Our ability to offer quality free concerts would not be possible without their very generous efforts. Thank and support them whenever you can.

    For a list of our current financially supporting members, [ click here. ]

    Our policy of offering quality free concerts would not be possible without their very generous support.

        For a list of the ten top reasons for becoming a Member of the Beach Cities Symphony Association, [ click here. ]

    Once again it is time to appeal to you, our subscribers and advertisers, to support the Beach Cities Symphony for its Fifty Second Anniversary season. Music Director Barry Brisk has planned a concert series that pays homage to the past and also looks to the future through the works of living composers. In return for renewing your membership you will continue to receive our newsletter, remain eligible for prize drawings at our concerts, and retain your position as a valued supporter of one of the South Bay’s most prestigious and venerable institutions.



    Angel $1,000 or more***Conductor’s Circle $500***Sponsor $250***Benefactor $150***Patron $100***Associate $50***Contributor $30

    Enclosed find my check for $_______________to cover my membership in the Beach Cities Symphony Association, Inc. for the 2001-2002 season. Please send me advance notice of the Orchestra’s concerts and receptions.



    City, State, Zip Code_________________________________________________________________

    Employer (for matching funds)_________________________________________________________


    Mail to Beach Cities Symphony Association, P.O.Box 248, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-0248. For information call (310) 379-9725. IRS #23-7055575 - a non-profit organization.

      For a list of our current Board of Directors, [ click here. ]

    Our ability to offer quality free concerts would not be possible without their very generous efforts.

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    For More Information

    For further information, or to be placed on or off the BCSO electronic mailing list, or to make suggested changes for this page, please send e-mail to
    Dr. Peter Landecker at (for Beach Cities Symphony Association) or

    Click here for more information about the BCSO E-Mail Reminder List service

    Click here for a short article about the webmaster written by BSCO double bass player Toni Empringham

    Alternatively, call 310-379-9725 or 310-539-4649

    or write

    Beach Cities Symphony Association, P.O. Box 248, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-0248

    Also, a simple way to find this page is to go to or*bcso or*bcsa.

    This page will be updated frequently. Please come back soon and visit us.

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    This page was last revised on July 2, 2004, with a minor change on June 25, 2008.

    All material at this website is Copyright © 1998 - 2008.