A Reprobate's Perception
For me there is no Refiner--
Only fire
That knows no respect
Of persons.
For me there is no grand purpose--
Only purposes
I choose to create
Or accommodate for myself.
What I gain from the fire
That burns everywhere
Without end,
I must take
By force and defiance
Of nature's cruelty and brutality,
By rape of nature's tender mercies
(For no mercy is due me),
Or by exhausting what defaults to me
In any given happenstance.
Perhaps it is not this way for you.
Perhaps you see a Refiner
Near the fire,
In the fire,
Or reflecting off a silver's purifying
Draw strength then, from that, if you choose.
For me, there is only fire--
No silver glow,
No Refiner to know,
Nowhere else to go,
But through the flame and the fire.
--Dave Leigh
© 2004