A Prayer From the Fray

(with apologies to Rilke)


The circles of my life stretch out over the things of the world

In orbits increasingly wide.

Perhaps I will never reach the outermost.

But God knows I've tried!


I am circling about the One who encompasses me!

Revolving about him--as all creation does--since time began

--To him, a day; to me, time without end.


I circle him, as if an ancient tower,

And still I do not know--though I am not without a billion clues:

Am I a falcon? A storm? Or some great, mysterious song?

Perhaps I'm just one small part of the song that pervades all being and time,

That song we all hear but typically ignore.

If that, then what part am I?

A single note? A melody line? A rest? A score?


O Thou Great Jehovah!

Your name is the tower the righteous run to for safety!*

But what about me?

Will I find admission there?


Widening circles!

Increasing orbits over the things of the world.

They are no substitute for you. You remain their center--and mine,

Yet they draw me from you.

They are shells that should release your glory

But their backs are turned to me.


Though a falcon might joy in the widening expanse,

She must tire eventually.

A storm can only dissipate.

And a song can only grow sadder with each new increment away from you!


Let this orbit be my last, then!

That I might spiral in again to you!

Let my orbit decay!

Or let the outermost ring make a Möbius turn

That brings me back to you:

First and Last;

Alpha Omega;

Center encompassing all.

All in all!

You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they find their rest in you!”**


--Dave Leigh

© 2005


  *Proverbs 18:10

** Augustine, Confessions