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A work in progress by Dave Leigh |
Now you can blog and interact with Dave by going to:
Dave's Newest Blog Series: The Jesus Agenda
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Theological Paper |
T-1. "The Primacy of Christ: Summarizing a Christocentric Theology - Dave's attempt at sketching out a systematic theology by starting with--of all places--the person of Christ!
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Poetry by Dave Leigh |
P-1. "A Reprobate's Perspective"
P-2. "Abyss"
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Download Papers and Articles by Dave Leigh: |
D-1. The Full Stature of Women as Servants of Christ in His Church
D-2. Am I Wrong Because I'm Politically Correct? (Inclusive Language Issue)
D-3. What Is Lost? Some Quick Answers to Often-Raised Objections to Inclusive Language Translation
D-4. On the Colorado Springs Guidelines for Bible Translation (Inclusive Language Issue)
D-5. Scandalous Scenarios (Inclusive Language Issue)
D-6. The Idea of Submission in 1 Peter
D-7. Goals for Egalitarian Groups
D-8. A Dream I Had On Christmas
D-9. Reflections on Grudem's Six Questions and the Current Debate
D-10. Too Hot for the Standard: "BGC Shoots & Ladders"
D-11. Give Women an Unrestricted Role in the Church
D-12. A Classic Protestant Perspective on 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 and the Question of Christ's Subjection to the Father
D-13. Can't find an egalitarian church in your area? Sven & Inga are back to talk about when to cut bait and what to do next.
D-14. Wondering how authority works for egalitarians? Consider my "Thoughts on Equality and Spiritual Authority."
D-15. "The Egalitarian Marriage of a True Patriarch" will open your eyes about a biblical model for submissive wives.
D-16. More on the notorious "Six Questions" in this "Response to David Bayly's Update on CBMW's Six Questions."
D-17. "A Review of a Review" responds to CBMW's treatment of a key book by egalitarian author Rebecca Merrill Groothuis
D-18. A female apostle? "Junia the Apostle" responds to CBMW's treatment of Romans 16:7
D-19. "Should Divorced People Be Treated as Second-Class Citizens in the Church?"
D. 20. "Elders (presbuteros): Biblical Evidence that the Word, Even When Masculine, May Include Women"
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Articles By Friends On Issues You Should Know About: |
F-1. "The Use of Classical Disciplines in Biblical Research " - A response by scholar Catherine Clark Kroeger to accusations that she misrepresents the meaning of kephale (head) in scripture.
F-2. "Looking at the Definitions" - More on key words in the gender debate, by Dr. Catherine Clark Kroeger.
F-5. "Specious Questions: Responding to Grudem's Questions 3, 4 & 5" - Ruth Evans shows how common biblical reference materials refute three key claims of complementarianism.
Please Note: All material copyrighted by the authors. Although some articles have been published, many are in their original, pre-edited form. Some works are works in progress.
Want to interact with others about biblical equality? Visit the
Egalitarian Christian Alliance
Christians for Biblical Equality
Or blog and interact with Dave directly by going to:
Dave's MySpace Page
"Our concern is not how to worship in the catacombs, but how to remain human in the skyscrapers."
-- Abraham Joshua Heschel
"Survival in this wicked world may be a crime that has to be redeemed by subsequent achievements."
-- Walter Kaufmann, The Faith of a Heretic, p. 193
"God would rather be the suffering God of suffering people than the blest God of unblest people."
-- Karl Barth quoted by John Ortberg
"I have learned that God has not had an easy life."
-- child @ Ortberg's church
"God's love is not a mild benevolence but a consuming fire."
-- Bede Griffiths
Jackie: "What kind of man are you?"
JFK: "An idealist without illusions."
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"It belongs to the self-respect of intellect to pursue every tangle of thought to its final unravelment."
-- Alfred North Whitehead
"The search of reason ends at the shore of the known; on the immense expanse beyond it only the sense of the ineffable can glide."
-- Heschel
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