* MUSIC * |
STAINED... They're awesome! Okay, okay, so the bassist is my ex-boyfriend and the lead singer loves the best thing to ever come from Britian - Depeche Mode - but their music is good too! You can listen to some of their stuff in MP3 on their page. I think Goodbye is the best :) You'll need WinAmp to listen to MP3.
I love just about everything DM did after 1985, but Ultra is one of the better albums. Violator is a classic! If you are in the DM fan club, STAINED did Higher Love on the cd put out by fans. You can also listen to it on STAINED's homepage. Of course, CD Now has just about everything you'll ever need for Depeche Mode. :) |
NIN... No words necessary. You can buy or listen to NIN at CD Now... (if you haven't heard NIN already, I'd be worried) |
Deep Red is one of my faves, they're from Miami, I think, you can get their stuff from Isotank. |
Switchblade Symphony, wonderful voices, such talent. You can listen to or buy their albums at CD Now although, to listent to stuff from there, you need that piece-o-crud Real Audio : P |
The Shroud is such a great band... I love the sound of Lydia's voice. If you'd like music by The Shroud you can get it at Isotank. Unfortunatly, CD Now doesn't carry them :( |
Love Spirals Downward, you gotta love their spooky and sexy music. CD Now's got em! |