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Welcome, just take this page to be the front door of my little domain here and I shall be your humble host.
All are welcome, so please step in.

OK, this is only a beginner's work, so please be patient of my web site.
One thing I'll promise is that you will not find it filled with details about myself. (That's a privilege reserved only for those who have gotten to know me over time.) And as for those who already know me, you should expect to find little if not, nothing more about me. I'm sure everyone hates nothing more then a web page that just goes on and on about it's creator. Not me, I'm creating this page for a purpose, or at least that's what I would like to hope I'm doing.
With time I would like to understand every detail of the internet, and therefore churning out much better WebPages in the future too, but that will be a later story.

  So far these are the pages I have.

[Friends] - A page dedicated to my friends.
[Gallery] - A drawing gallery of mine.
[Comics] - Still on test.
[Links] - Links to other friends Web Pages.

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