Most of the pages on the top of the list are pages that I frequent, those towards the bottem of the list are pages that I feel do a good job of showing us exactly what is out there. I do not necessarly agree with the views and opinions expressed on the websites linked to on this or any other page on my site. In fact, there are several (espically on this page) that I strongly disagree with. I just feel that everyone has a right to know both sides of every story.
Vampires - A fun site. Very addictive. NEW 4/5/03
Encyclopedia of Monsters Etc. - The best beastary that I've found on the WEB. NEW 6/25/01
Afterlife Codes - A site that seeks to prove that the soul survives death of the body. NEW 6/24/01
Choice in Dying - Information on living wills and Advance Medical Directives. NEW 6/24/01
Living With Suicide: Shared Experiences and Voices of Loss - The name preaty much says it all. NEW 6/24/01
Several Dismal Fates - A site that shows how torture was used through out the world in the 20th century. NOT for those with a weak stomach. NEW 5/14/01
A Heretic's Final Journey - A site that explains in detail how the Catholics used torture in the Middle Ages NEW 5/14/01
The Dark Side of the Web- A wonderful site with TONS of links to sites that are goth or death related A gothic webzine, the only webzine that I read on a regular basis
Poppy Z. Brite- The official WEB site of my favorite author NEW 4/15/01
Gemstone III- This is a great game that I fell in love with 6 years ago. This site has postcards that you can send to friends (or ememies). This site is not for the easily offended however.
Death Clock- This is really cool. It lets you know how many seconds you have left to live. You can even send your friends their own Death Clock through the e-mail telling them how long they have to live
A Goth Survey- The name preaty much says it all, fun to read
The Christian Holocaust- An Antichristian hate group
Stop the Hate- Report Hate Crimes, hate crime info, I highly recomend this site
Challenging Online Hate- Self explanitory, Highly recomended
Artists for a Hate Free America- Information on hate crimes and artists that speak out against them, highly recomended
Mind, Body and Spirit- The best place to buy New Age books on the Internet
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