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Theses and Qualification Areas:

  • M.A. - "The Romantic Hero in the Early Novels of Dostoevsky", University of Sofia, Bulgaria; Department of Russian Philology;
  • Ph.D. - "The Problem of Identity as Documented in the Bulgarian Novel from the 1950-ies", University of Sofia, Bulgaria; Department of Sociology;
  • Ph.D. - "The Problem of Consciousness, Time and Space in Hegel and Bakhtin", University of Waterloo and of Guelph/McMaster, 1993-1998; Department of Philosophy;
  • Ph.D. Qualification Areas, Sociology: Sociology of Personality, Sociology of Literature, Culture and Personality Theories; Social Psychology;
  • Ph.D. Qualification Areas, Philosophy: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Aesthetics, Epistemology, History of Philosophy.


  1. “Goliamata klechka” ("The Big Shot"), Mladez i obshtestvo, Sofia, 1990, No 3-4;
  2. “Opit za nalagane na utopichnia ideal za ‘Nov Chovek’” ("An Attempt to Reinforce the Ideal for a 'New Man'"), Sociological Problems, Sofia, 1990, No 4, pp. 47-60;
  3. “Rituali na vlastta: retorika na dve traurni ceremonii” ("Rituals of Power: the Rhetoric of two Mourning Ceremonies"), Sociological Problems, 1991, No 5, pp. 37-46;
  4. “Identity and the Social Construction of Reality”, Epistemology and Sociology of Mind Seminar, Dubrovnik, Inter-University Center, May, 1991;
  5. “Metamorfosite na identichnostta” ("The Metamorphosis of Identity"), Year Journal of Sofia University "St. Kilment Ohridsky", Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, Sofia, No.65, 1992;
  6. “Identichnostta na 'Az-a': mejdu socialnata rolia i nepredvidimata individualnost" ("The Identity of the 'I': between Social Roles and the Unpredictable Unique Personality"), Sociological Problems, Sofia, 1993, No 1, pp. 86-91;
  7. “Clive Bell’s Significant Forms”, The University of Waterloo Graduate Students Conference, Waterloo, April, 1994;
  8. “On the Sociological Turn in Epistemology”, The University of Waterloo, Department of Philosophy Colloquium, Waterloo, April, 1995;
  9. “The Borderline between My Identities”, The University of Waterloo Graduate Students Conference, Waterloo, April, 1995;
  10. “ The Shapes of Time and Space in the Aesthetics of Clive Bell”, The University of Guelph Visiting Professors Seminar, Guelph, October, 1997;
  11. “Bisnes etikata i suvremenniat sviat”, (“Business Ethics and the Contemporary World”); Danish College of Management Conference, Sofia, May, 2005.
  12. „Problemut za lichnostta v kiber-prostranstvoto” (“The Problem of Personality in Cyber-Space”) , Sofia University – Department of Political Science; Official Celebration of the 20th Anniversary since the Establishment of the Department of Political Science at the University of Sofia, Sofia, 13 May 2006.
  13. „Etikata i biznes etikata -- problemi i problemni situacii v 8 glavi” („Ethics and Business Ethics – Problems and Problem Situations in 8 Chapters”) – KOMATEC, Full-day seminar, Sofia, 23 May 2006.

Last updated June 2008
