Hobbies and Interests:
poetry, sunshine walks, photography and hanging out at Fotocommunity online, creepy gothic houses, the scent of fresh hay, dragons, philosophy and psychology, playing tennis, having people visit me from far away, all cats, autumn leaves, going to the theatre, Caesar salads, the sea, Impressionists, exploring new places, sleeping in, ash and birch trees, old churches, piano music, ice-cream, believing six impossible things before breakfast, Halloween, seafood, listening to a friend talking, ice-skating, wild gardens, romantic fountains, French perfumes, swimming in a lake with a moose beside me, Chagall, hand-written letters, lavish mineral spas, watermelons, unexpected sweet surprises, skiing in pine mountains, discovering a new book I love, the first green grass in spring, fairies.
Favorite Books:Master and Margarita, all by Ray Bradbury, The Idiot, White Nights (by Dostoevsky), all by Clifford Simak, Anna Karenina, Anna Snegina, We Love Glenda so Much, Birdy, Heraclitus Fragments, Monday Begins on Saturday, Fiesta, Polinka Saks, Franny and Zooey, Solarius, Doctor Zhivago, The Count of Monte Cristo, all by Agatha Christie, The Enchiridion, Winnie the Pooh, French Lessons (by Rasputin), Immortality (by Kundera), Alice in Wonderland, Lolita, all Chekhov’s, Bunin’s and Kuprin’s novels, Avtobiografia (by Nushich), The Hunchback of Notre Dame, all poetry by Marina Zvetaeva and Anna Ahmatova, Povesti Belkina, Demon (by Lermontov), Pervaya Ljubov (by Turgenev), Goluboe i Zelenoe/Light Blue and Green (by Kazakov), Rudolfio (by Rasputin).
Favorite Movies: All Tarkovski, Trois Couleurs: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge, all Felini, Chuchelo /The Scarecrow, La Lecon Particuliere, all François Truffaut, Once Upon a Time in America, Lady With the Little Dog/Dama s Sobachkoi, Charlie Chaplin movies, War and Peace, Black Cat White Cat, Blade Runner, Rain man, Akira Kurosawa films, Never Ending Story, Michael, Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli’s version), Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Oblomov, Melody, Underground, Dracula (all versions, but most with Frank Langella), Tootsie, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Matilda, Ironia Sudbi ili s Legkim Parom, E.T., Amadeus, West Side Story, Camille, Wuthering Heights (1939 version), Moy Laskovyy i Nezhnyy Zver.
Favorite Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Counter-tenors, Peter Gabriel, Grieg, Radiohead’s Creep, Orthodox Church music, Odes by Irene Papas/Vangelis, Uriah Heep, Jean Baptiste Lully, Kieth Jarrett, Camille Saint-Saens, Jan Garbarek, John Tavener, Tschaikowsky, Vivaldi, Vladimir Visozkii, Franz Liszt, Bulat Okujava, Ian Anderson, Queen’s Teo Toriate, old Russian film music, Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven, Mozart, Coolio’s Gangsta's Paradise, Beethoven, Enio Morricone’s Deborah’s Theme, Mendelssohn’s Violin Concertos, The Beatles, Rolling Stones’ Angie.
Favorite TV Shows: The Adams Family, The Muppet Show, Jake 2.0, Nikita, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Brady Bunch, Catwalk, I Dream of Jeannie, Pink Panther, Nu Pogodi, ALF, The Circle of Fear, The Crocodile Hunter, Bewitched, Get Smart, Angel
About Me:
INXJ. Boring, as it is, I like the Samurai values: truth, courage, compassion, respect,
courtesy, honesty, honour, and faithfulness.