On the Sociological Turn in Epistemology
Copyright©1999-2007, Vesela Maleeva. All rights reserved.
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The question whether the accounting of
beliefs is different in the realms of the "natural sciences" and the "social
sciences "is not new in epistemology. But it is hardly a question any longer
whether "the social" plays a role in scientific knowledge. The point of hot
disputes between philosophers is whether "the sociology of knowledge may step in
to explain beliefs if and only if those beliefs cannot be explained in terms of
their rational merits" or whether the link between social setting and knowledge
claims is of an intrinsic, essential quality. Put in other words is "sociology
only for deviants "and is a sociological account to step in when and only when
there is some deviation from the norm of rationality, or is both, the genesis
and the maintenance of all human knowledge social? The claim that knowledge is
social means more than just mere holding that knowledge is contextual, that it
is produced at some place and time, it is a thesis about the limits or
boundaries of inquiry. The rightness of concepts, all standards and
presuppositions are part of tradition, they are relative to tradition. Knowledge
always reflects a perspective on the world, a context which is not only
expressed, but produced and reproduced by this type of knowledge. Knowledge
cannot be understood in terms of the simple criteria of correctness - knowledge
both reflects and reconstructs the various purposes, contexts, interests,
assumptions, and functions of the various intellectual efforts. Does this mean,
then, that following the tradition of Scepticism, evaluations, standards, or
universal claims should be denied to be formulated ? The point that seems very
important to me is that no understanding of the world is a direct, unmediated
process, any person's contact with reality involves the understanding of
concepts, presuppositions, and standards, which are by no means some simple
logical relationships, or literal words and sentences. This applies to the
social and historical sciences as well: there is no ultimate explanation of
historical events (as Karl Marx has thought, for example).In a way this kind of
point of view is very unwelcome, and disturbing, because it is leaving behind
the distinction between science and ideology, between knowledge and opinion. All
evidence, all data have their theoretical context, experiments and observations
do not exist alone, but in a theoretical context. And theoretical context
influences perception, which opens up paths to debate.
Karl Mannheim has separated natural sciences
from cultural, because the purity of "formal knowledge" is distinct from our
beliefs, which are subjective, influenced by our interests, and are therefore
similar to ideology. For Mannheim the accounting for the natural sciences comes
through "evidence", and when a discovery is made it adds up to the results of
the past, correcting and completing earlier knowledge. The shift is not
paradigmatical, but of a degree: the later stage supersedes the earlier, what is
added is more of the same type, and a theory is valid forever. This does not
hold for cultural sciences: "Every epoch has its fundamentally new approach and
its characteristic point of view, and consequently sees the 'same' object from a
new perspective." Mannheim's "cumulative" account of the natural sciences has
been criticized by T.S.Kuhn, for whom theoretical shifts in science are not
simply rational solutions to increasing knowledge, and the standards of
inference and evaluation are of a paradigmatical nature. From this difference
commentators draw different conclusions, one view being that natural sciences
require a sociological account, and another - that a new and richer notion of
rationality is necessary.
The contemporary problems of the various
sciences, the methods they use, their scientific concepts at least partially
follow scientific tradition, which constitutes the history of the sciences. The
problems, with which sciences occupy themselves, are not chosen independently
from the current historical processes, the methods used and the formulation of
concepts - similarly. When a certain science pays attention to a
certain problem, it is following old questions, trying to answer them, if
possible, in new ways. In the history of sciences there are periods of intensive
growth, which are often followed by periods of stagnation. In Ancient Greece
philosophers were interested in basic problems, connected with natural
phenomena. Before that knowledge was mainly concerned with practical issues - in
architecture, ship-building, etc. Pythagoras and his school were the first to
organize this knowledge in a scientific way, by discovering the meaning of
mathematical proportions in the natural phenomena. This brought on to the
flourishing of mathematics, astronomy and physics. Until the Italian Renaissance
there was silence in connection with these problems, except for the Arabic
countries, which achieved some remarkable results in practical sciences, but
since this was not followed by theoretical scientific discoveries, this
knowledge did not develop some depth interpretation of nature. A new epoch in
the development of science starts with Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, a period
which still takes place in our time. And there is no guarantee it will not end
soon, or that science will not turn on to other, different phases, with human
interest directed at other things. Science is not outside of history, and our
personal actions would not amount to much, had history been not favorable for
these concrete issues of investigations.
The development of the sciences (with the specific methods of the
concrete sciences and the changes of their paradigms) is connected with, but is
not the same as the development of the human thought in general. It is apparent
that the changes in both, the concrete knowledge in science, and the development
of thought in general, are heavily dependent on the circumstances under which
this knowledge and development occurs. This does not only apply to the realm of
the natural sciences, where inventions become old very quickly, but to art as
well: had Picasso lived on an inhabited island he would not have created his
masterpiece, or had Einstein lived ten centuries ago, he would not have been a
great scientist. All human knowledge is relative: science, and even art. But
natural sciences are that sphere of knowledge, which grows old by definition
with incredible speed: every perfect performance in science means putting
forward new, unsolved questions, which, in their turn need to be solved by
future investigations, hopefully surpassing contemporary results. This opens up
the huge problem of what, then, does being rational mean after all, if every
circle of answers and every "perfect" explanation only opens up another circle
of questions and new puzzles to be solved. It seems that the rational is giving
explanations by reducing the unknown to the very small amount of knowledge
available to us at that certain space of time in which we live, and without even
the slightest guarantee that there is some "progressiveness" in the line of the
development. Between the known data and a new event there can exist a huge field
of things unknown, and if we cannot, for example, explain some strange new
event, we call it "supernatural" or "impossible". The realm of the unknown is
endless, which is obviously apparent in the situations when a scientist
discovers some different result than the one s/he has been seeking for. It is
only a childish belief that the mathematician comes to some valuable result
working methodically at his writing-desk, measuring everything with a ruler or
other mechanical tools. And although mathematical imagination is different than
imagination in art, the psychological process is in both cases the same -
something similar to Plato's "ecstasy." Moreover, sometimes a dilettante can
make a discovery as important, or even more important than the specialist. But
the dilettante lacks the confirmation of a work-method and s/he is most of the
time uncertain about the meaning of an idea, which has suddenly occurred, and
unable to evaluate it and bring into reality.
Problems in science, and in art too, are
inherited, which is proven once more by the fact that problems, solved by
tradition thoroughly are left behind, and contemporary science does not occupy
itself with them, because such activities would be meaningless. For example, a
theorem, proved in a simple new and non trivial way remains a history. In art
similar instances are especially easy to recall, which brings forth various
excessive thoughts in the key that art is something unnecessary, needless. Which
brings forth the disturbing thought, can rationality, then, become blunt to, and
can the craving for something new make science "needless" as well. There is an obvious link between personal
interactions and the development of sciences. This is not only the question of
the formation of various "circles" or "schools", only, but the fact of close
friendship and contact between scientists, working for the same cause. New
experiments bring along difficulties, paradoxes, and their interpretations are
shared among people with similar interests, discussed, and the exchange of
information is crucial for the development of any branch of any science. This
exchange is not done so effectively through publications, but through personal
discussions of important problems with colleagues.
The problem of "the rational" and "the social" I
regard as the problem of two perspectives, of two different approaches to
reality. The first one I will call the purely theoretical or the scientific. If
focuses on the theoretical thinker as interested in problems and solutions valid
in their own right for everyone, at any time, whenever certain conditions, from
the assumption of which the thinker starts, prevail. The second perspective is
the sociologist's perspective of double vision, pointing to the link that exists
between the thinker, the thought and the thinker's social world. It is "double"
because it acknowledges not only the "knowledge of" and the "knowledge
about" things, but the knowledge how beliefs provide motivation to justify what
is being done and interprets reality in such a way that the justification is
made plausible. From this perspective all ideas have a social location, thoughts
do not occur in isolation from the social context in which particular people
think particular things. This link is most easily seen when thought legitimates,
justifies or explains a particular situation. The link is not direct, but
neither is it absent altogether. Words, emotions, self-interpretation and
actions are predefined by the society one lives in, and so are such things as
one's cognitive approach to the surrounding universe. Society predefines for us
the fundamental symbolic apparatus with which we grasp the world, order our
experiences and interpret our existence. The same way it constitutes our values,
information and logic - the store of "knowledge" - the structures of society
become the structures of our own consciousness. The "sociological" account does not exclude the
"rational", but includes it, encompasses it, by pointing to the way the
"rational" is rational for the thinker.
Experiments in the field of cognitive science
yield contradictory conclusions regarding most experiments in the field of
inheritance and socializing, and I will not argue for the privilege of any point
of view: the distinction between what exactly is inherited or genetically
encoded in an infant and what is achieved by learning is very fuzzy. What is
important and hardly disputable is that perception and experience depend on the
way reality is taken-for-granted (as in the Mueller-Lyer arrows).
It is a common experience that the arrows are
seen to be different lengths. This can be accounted for from a culturological
point of view as well: that the illusion is born because we are accustomed to
inside and outside corners when living in societies where distances are
identified by the everyday geometrical experiences (of buildings, corners,
street curbs, etc.). It could be argued here that our society does have a
neutral way of telling the actual length of the arrows: by measuring them with a
ruler. How can handling the ruler, measuring, adding numbers be social? Are not
there any eternal values in mathematics, for example? Is not applying a ruler
and measuring the two lines the most appropriate and logical way to behave when
making a decision which line is longer and which is shorter? The problem with
making such a decision is that it is entirely taken out of context, and applying
measures to everything would be unnatural most of the time. This is not so much
connected with the problem of questioning the world-taken-for-granted, but with
the problem of which things and how are rendered visible. The structures
taken-for-granted are not questioned by the inhabitants of the structure in
question as a rule. An exception would be the person who starts re-evaluating
whatever has been imposed as a self-evident world. Because everyone approaches
reality similarly, the world-view resulting from this becomes self-validating.
Its proof lies in the reiterated experience of other man, who take it for
granted as well. Reality is socially constructed.
The point here is to see whether this social
constructivist view still holds in the realm of science. For the purity of the
example I will take the case of the theoretical scientist, as someone who
undertakes theoretical contemplation for the sake of understanding and
observing. The ultimate end of science is not always the mastery of things
in nature, society control or fighting back something (a disease, for example),
and maybe not even happiness. There are technical devices for the mastery of the
world, but here the question is something else. There is a difference between
scientific theorizing and the application of science in practice. Theorizing
allows one to abandon the world of everyday relevances and to make a leap into
disinterestedness, or a shift into another relevance structure - that of whether
or not the anticipated will pass the test of verification by supervening
experiences. The scientist has to select the object of his inquiry (state the
problem at hand), and the anticipated solution becomes then the goal of the
scientific activity. But by the mere stating of the problem the sections of the
world which are related to the problem as relevant, are defined at once. This
determines the "level" of the research - the demarcation line of what does and
what does not pertain to the problem. There are things to be investigated, and
the real of the world, considered irrelevant to the problem in question, are
accepted as given, as "data", without questioning. Then the problem stated has
open horizons - the hidden implications within the problem itself, together with
the problems to be stated afterwards. All this is handed to the scientist by
the historical tradition of his science: results and problems obtained by
others, solutions suggested by others, methods developed by others. This
theoretical universe has its peculiar province of meaning and cognitive style.
The regulative principle of a science-branch can be formulated: "Any problem
emerging within the scientific field has to partake of the universal style of
this field and has to be compatible with the preconstituted problems and their
solution by either accepting them or refuting them." Theoretical thinking is a
process, though its presentation comes in static terms. The world of scientific
thought remains apart from the immediacy of the world of everyday life, and in a
sense the theorizing self has no social environment and stands outside of social
relationships, but, all the same, the theoretical scientist has to bid up an
artificial device, comparable to the world itself - this is the method of
science, which constitutes ideal models, a likeness of reality. But this
theoretical model is possible only within a universe of discourse, which
is pre given to the scientist (as the outcome of other people's theorizing), and,
again, it is founded on the assumption that other people, too, can make the same
subject matter the topic of their theoretical thought and that will be the
verification or the falsification of their results by mine and mine by theirs.
But this presupposes communication, and communication is possible only
outside the pure theoretical field. The pure theoretic attitude has to be
dropped in order that the scientist returns to the world of daily life,
paradoxically, it seems, because this is the world he has left as inaccessible
to direct approach by theorizing . Scientific activity presupposes co-operation
between the scientists, their teachers, and the teachers of their teachers, a
co-operation by mutual influence and criticism - scientific activity is
socially founded. In the construction of the scientific world there are the
boundaries of the realm of the scientist's science, which has been inherited
from the scientist's ancestors as a stock of approved propositions. And,
again, the postulate of adequacy requires that the typical construction is
compatible with the totality of both our daily life and our scientific
Scientists traditionally select problems which have an impact on reality (in contrast to
the example I tried to follow through above). History of science shows quite
transparently that in pursuing a problem scientists are motivated by the
practical use of science. The ancient interest towards mathematics and astronomy
are connected with the application of this knowledge in sailing, in building, in
land surveying. XV-th century is famous for the Great geographical discoveries,
and it is more than a mere coincidence that Copernicus made his discoveries soon
after this period. Galileo, backing up the ideas of Copernicus, used the
telescope, which was a new invention then, and demonstrated that instruments of
technology, which are invented for purely practical purposes, come quite handy
in science. And, vice versa, science stimulates new scientific discoveries.
Scientific discoveries traditionally are invented for practical use, and this is
a criterion for meaningfulness of the results of the efforts invested in a
scientist's work. Atom physics from the first half of our century is connected
with another, although a pitiful example of the consequences science has upon
practical reality, something which shows the contradictory meaning of everything
in the world, and especially that actions have unpredicted consequences. But
there is more to the motive of being interested in the practical outcome of
science, connected with the wish to see that a new found idea works, to verify
in an unprejudiced way that something from the reality has been grasped
Closely connected with this are the motives for
the choice a scientist makes when following one or another theory or hypothesis
to interpret some phenomenon. Theories are preferred not because one is more
clear or not so contradictory as another, but because the scientist is hoping to
take part in its development and to be able to verify it personally. The wish to
take part in things personally, to be able to help some idea unfold and see the
results from personal efforts is maybe stronger than the rational evaluating of
different theoretical ideas. Of course, the theories of choice must both point
to a possibly true line of thought-development. From here springs an interesting paradox: the
logical reconstruction of the conceptual structure and the testing of scientific
theories does not really provide the advance of science. There is certainly a
difference between the rules of testing as described by philosophers and the
actual research process. But by applying the approved method, by which the
experiment is justified, science would never have developed. The methods of
justification of certain theories are overpowered by other procedures, belonging
to the realm of discovery. Standards of justification forbid moves that are
"external", but science survives, because these moves are allowed to prevail.
Scientists often "interpret the evidence so that it fits our fanciful ideas,
eliminate difficulties by ad hoc procedures, push them aside, or simply
refuse to take them seriously." Both contexts are simultaneous and they are both
equally important for the growth of science.
Another distinction, which Feyerabend points out
to be invalid (after Neurath), is the distinction between the observational and
the theoretical terms. Theories and observations can be both abandoned -
theories can collapse because of conflicting observations, and observations may
be removed for theoretical reasons. Experience arises together with
theoretical assumptions, not before them: ". . . Eliminate part of the
theoretical knowledge of a sensing subject and you have a person who is
completely disoriented and incapable of carrying out the simplest action.
Eliminate further knowledge and his sensory world (his 'observation language')
will start disintegrating, colors and other simple sensations will disappear
until he is in a stage even more primitive than a small child. A small child, on
the other hand, does not posses a stable perceptual world which he uses for
making sense of the theories put before him. Quite the contrary - he passes
through various perceptual stages which are only loosely connected with each
other (earlier stages disappear when new stages take over) and which
embody all the theoretical knowledge available at the time. Moreover, the whole
process starts only because the child reacts correctly towards signals,
interprets them correctly, because he possesses the means of
interpretation before he has experienced his first clear sensation."
The development of the individual is connected
with the development of science and the development of society. The flexibility
of the human mind (where most "instincts" are replaced by "institutions"), leads
to our bondage to society in our innermost being. The sphere of the problematic
in the philosophy of science is connected with the case when a scientist's
anticipations are not answered. What has gone wrong - is it a question of
mistaken anticipation or a mistake in the analysis of facts? But the "given
facts" come into the picture because there are expectations to be answered, if
there are rules to be followed. Expectation and observation collide, but the
observation is constituted by the expectation. The solution invents a theory
that is relevant, falsifiable, but not yet falsified. Criticisms follow the
solution, and when a criticism succeeds, it creates new problems: to explain why
the theory was plausible to that point, how are successful consequences of the
old theory to be explained and to find out why the theory has failed (Popper's
Some ideas do not start from a problem, but from
other things, like playing, or even from accidents (the discovery of penicillin,
the discovery of the Roentgen rays, the discovery of vitamin C, and many more).
could these developments be excluded? The old and the new paradigms are seen the
new encompassing the old, while in reality they only overlap in certain segments
where the shared part represents problems of the old theory, remembered and made
to fit the new one. What, then, marks off the new paradigm, in comparison with
the old one? The principles of critical rationalism (which take falsifications
seriously, increase content, and avoid ad hoc hypothesis), as well as
the principles of logical empiricism (which prescribe to be precise, to base
theories on measurements, and to avoid vague and non-testable ideas) seem at
least questionable, because they do not give an account of the development of
science. science is not so entirely rational, and the difference between science
and methodology, the fact that there are "deviations" and "flaws" shows the
weakness of method, and, perhaps, the weakness of reason's laws as remaining
valid under all circumstances.
The problem of method is a question of tradition
as well. It is held that we have been following for some hundreds of years the
method of Copernicus, Galileo, and their followers from the XVI and the XVII
centuries. Heisenberg holds that Galileo has followed the tradition of Plato,
abandoning the tradition of Aristotle. Galileo turned aside Aristotle's
descriptive science and took on Plato's structural science, and experience was
important for him as experience based on mathematical connections. If we put
some distance between ourselves and our immediate experience and idealize it, we
can approach the mathematical structure of phenomena, achieving. simplicity,
which is necessary for a new stage in our understanding. Aristotle, according to
his immediate experience, has acknowledged that light objects fall slower than
heavier objects. Galileo has suggested that in vacuum all bodies would fall with
equal speed, and that this can be expressed in simple mathematical terms. It was
not possible to check this in Galileo's times, but Galileo's thesis brought
forth new experiments. The new method was not attempting to describe the
immediate visible facts, it was trying to project experiments, to design
artificially phenomena, which could not be observed directly in the usual
circumstances, but were figured out on the grounds of mathematical
theory. The new scientific method is characterized by
two typical features: the attempt to carry out every time new and very precise
experiments, which idealize and isolate the experience, and to create this way
new phenomena, which are compared with mathematical structures in the role of
the laws of nature. Why did Kepler, Galileo and Copernicus believe in this new
method and how does contemporary science follow their principles?
The first question seems to have a theological
answer. Galileo has held that nature is the second book of God (the first being
the Bible), and that it is written in mathematical letters, and that we should
learn its alphabet if we want to read it. Kepler, in his work about the world
harmony was even more straightforward, maintaining that God has created the
earth according to his creative ideas. These ideas are pure forms, which Plato
has acknowledged and they are accessible to human beings in the appearance of
mathematical relations. Human beings are capable of understanding them only
because they were created as a spiritual similarity to God. Physics is a
reflection of the divine creative ideas, and this is the reason why physics is
serving God. It is obvious that in these thought-systems theology and philosophy
are very much merged together, and that the development in science had
theological grounds. This is not typical for contemporary science, but the
method has remained, because it was unusually effective. It was a successful
method because the experiments proved repeatable, and the results could be
registered as being the same, in as far as they were carried out under the same
circumstances. This is not a self-evident thing, because for its being true it
is necessary that all natural processes should be causally determined, that the
order of things should follow the laws of cause and effect. In due time the
repetition of a certain type of causality became one of the main principles of
science. From this main position in science comes the understanding that we are
investigating nature as "it is in reality". We begin by building up a view of
the world existing in space and time and following its own laws independently of
the observing subject. This is the reason that we try to isolate carefully any
influence coming from the observer. The new phenomena, which we construct in an
experiment should take their place in reality, and there should be no doubt that
they exist "out there", and not only in the head of the experimenting scientist:
all interference is excluded. But the question remains - are scientists
justified to follow this tradition of Copernicus and Galileo ? What happens in
reality when there is no observer present and how do we know what "real" or
"reality" means there? Contemporary physics contains many examples of difficult
problems, where tradition does not help (the epistemological problems of the
quantum theory, for example.
Contemporary empirical science draws its
concepts and mathematical formulas from experimental evidence. But this is not
entirely true, because approaching the unknown scientists do not only use tools
which permit direct observation, and laws are not formulated only with the help
of such directly observable evidence. What is questioned in this case is not the
traditional scientific method, but only the suggestion that concepts and
mathematical relations can be simply abstracted from experience. Heisenberg
holds that in the quantum theory it is impossible to rely on absolute causality,
but experiments, when they are repeated many times, can lead on to observable
statistical laws. Furthermore, by repeating analogous series of experiments an
objective evaluation of these laws can be also achieved. This for Heisenberg can
be counted for a natural branch of the traditional method, a method, which is
taken to give objective, i.e. true statements about the changes in nature.
The history of the concepts with which science
attempts to argue about phenomena is traditional as well. After Galileo and
Copernicus, when the new science was beginning from astronomy, the speed and the
position of bodies were the first concepts to describe natural phenomena. Newton
later used the concepts of mass and force. Newton's mechanics was used for
describing the movement of atoms and from here - to describe the characteristics
of matter. The movement of light was understood as fast movement of small
particles, or series of waves, and waves were matter of some sort. Scientists
thought that the smallest particles of these waves were following, in the long
run, the laws of Newton. Only in the XIX-th century it became clearer that the
electromagnetic phenomena have a different nature, until Faraday introduced the
concept of electromagnetic field. In this case tradition was not helpful. Only
after the discovery of relativity the idea of the existence of ether was
dismissed, and with it the possibility to reduce electromagnetism to mechanics.
In the other branches of physics the conceptual problem was even worse, because
a lot of the old concepts were unsatisfactory, and needed some clarification.
But, on the other hand, at the beginning of a research it is impossible to not
use words in their connection with the old concepts, because the new concepts do
not exist yet. A language is learned through tradition, and traditional concepts
give us the means to think about problems and ask questions. When the discovery
that the atom consists of a nucleus and electrons was made, it was impossible
not to ask - where are these electrons and what are their orbits? When
observations are made about stars, which are very far away from the Earth, a
seemingly logical question arises: do some two events take place simultaneously?
These pointless questions are not just mere "prejudice" - it is the case when
basic scientific concepts have to be revised, and tradition, or the historical
process here can be a stumbling block, until the new concepts obtain social
The changes, which have affected our
contemporary approach towards nature are a symptom of the deep changes in our
existence, which affect all the spheres of life and our way of thinking in
general. At the time of Galileo and Newton the medieval way of perception of
reality was still at the bottom of the dominating thought-system, where
everything in nature and nature itself was seen as God's creation. The
discoveries were interpreted as God's permission for the humans to have a
glimpse of the created by God reality. By isolating some processes from their
natural context Galileo interpreted them mathematically, i.e. explained them in
a new way, showing the infinite problems science had to face from then on. For
Newton reality was already not only something created by God, which was to be
viewed only as a whole.
The experimental method, which isolated
different sides from the natural process, making these sides objectively
visible, and helped understand the laws, which govern them, together with the
mathematical formulation of the connections between these processes, made
possible draw conclusions about the laws of cosmos in general. This method,
starting from Newton's mechanics, had great development in the XVIII-th century
in optics and thermodynamics. With the invention of the telescope astronomy was
reaching new results. Chemistry was investigating processes on the level of
atoms. The meaning of the word "nature", which was the object of inquiry was
shifting, encompassing new spheres of human experience, which were approachable
by the new techniques and methods of inquiry. This process did not depend
whether reality was directly experienced by human beings. The mathematical
description of reality was the most important point of view, i.e. something
which held a most precise, short and encompassing information about the laws of
nature. It was possible at least theoretically to ignore the human being and
his/her interference with nature. Matter was seen as something which does not
change in mass and is capable moving when affected by forces, it was stable
throughout all the changing phenomena. Reality was viewed as atoms, which move
in time and space - the "foundations" of all the rest of possible combinations
of their movement and place. The development of the theory of electricity in the
second half of the XIX-th century was the first theory, which had to admit the
existence of a magnetic field in the place of matter.
The view of reality becomes again unclear and
more abstract. At the beginning of the XX-th century nature was still approached
as made of the smallest known elementary particles, and this was the last
objective reality, and still in the tradition of the atomistic ancient
philosophies. But this simplistic viewpoint had to give way to a more abstract
one. Because when perceiving the reality of the elementary particles it is
impossible to ignore the processes by the means of which the knowledge about
these particles is obtained. The scientific laws, which are expressed
mathematically (in quantum theory) apply not to the elementary particles as
such, but to the knowledge about them. Therefore the question whether
these particles exist in time and space "as such" cannot anymore be expressed
this way. It is more correct to describe what happens when an elementary
particle under observation interacts with some other physical system, an
instrument for measuring, for example. Then mathematics is clearly describing
not some new type of reality, and not the behavior of particles, but our
knowledge about that behavior There is just no reality "as such", the
knowledge about reality includes the existence of the scientist.
In the XVIII and the XIX centuries technical
instruments were mostly mechanical, where machines resembled the movement of the
human arms. Later on, in the second half of the XIX century electro-mechanical
instruments helped investigate objects, which were not directly given to the
scientists in their experience. Even today electro-mechanical instruments are
not well understood by a lot of people, and sometimes even found scary, although
they surround us everywhere. Further on atom techniques do not permit at all any
natural experience. With the development of computer science the
technical processes are resembling a global biological process, where
structures, typical for human beings are transferring themselves on to the
surrounding reality, a biological process, which seems to be escaping human
control every now and then. It is held, that the changes which took place in
nature and human life, have deformed human thinking as well, and that in this is
to be sought the deep explanation of the big crises of our time. For the first
time the human being has to face himself/herself, with no "partners" and
"enemies", we are surrounded just by the structures of human thought, i.e., most
of the time we stumble across our own selves. In scientific analysis we stumble
across our knowledge about things, and not with "things themselves". The
relation between the human being and reality has reached a stage, where the
division between an object and a subject, inner and outer world, soul and body,
is unacceptable and leads on to difficulties. Science is concentrated not on the
knowledge about reality "as such", but on reality in as far as it is questioned
by the human being, and again we come across ourselves. Mathematical formulae
reflect not reality, but our knowledge about reality, and this means that
science is no longer following the tradition of
January 1995
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