Why should I need anagrams?
I don't need anagrams, they are just fun. I have a certain order
in a certain situation: if I reverse the situation and invert the
roles, I get something comical. The reversal often reconciles
antinomies, and the disequilibrium between any two realities which
exist beside one another is transformed into an initial equilibrium
characteristic of any game. The anagram and the secret language have
the statuses of a code. The anagrams operate according to a general
principle of rearrangement: a constellation of messages can be
deciphered, for deciphering the anagram moves to a plurality of
hidden meanings, moves from the overt to the covert, it is like
"finding faces in the trees," with their surplus of signification.
The anagram gives primacy to the uncovering of hidden meanings and
truths as they involve juggling where meaning is shifted from one
axis to another. |
What is the philosophy of anagrams?
The reversal is a particular threat to hierarchy and direction.
If everyday life is viewed as "getting somewhere" as an expression
of progress, the reversal reminds us that what goes one way in one
order could come to be about in another way and another order, and
what happens in the domain of communication could often be turned
back on itself. Language is nonmaterial, it has no "concrete" effect
upon the physical world and is the place of all excercises in
reversibility. Events are both reversible and infinitely
rearrangeable. Anagrams show the infinite connectibility of all
things and the arbitrariness of all connections: the essential is
never to arrive anywhere, never to be anywhere. Each inversion and
reversal undercuts the status of the original order - the linguistic
sign and what it signifies in the case of the anagrams. This calls
statuses and role relationships into question, emphasizing the
reversible and flexible nature of communication. With the anagrams
reversibility becomes available to the entire text as an object -
the text can be rearranged in mechanical space in accordance with a
variety of orders. Reversals may seem to be inherently ironic
because they produce both a doubling and a contradiction, expessing
the movement of thought caught against itself. The reversibility of
discourse is made possible by the reversibility of knowledge itself,
of "reality" and its dimensions. |
If your browser doesn't support forms, you can get anagrams using
email. Send a blank message to the
to get the instructions on using Anagram/by/Mail. |
Designed by Vesela Maleeva as a version of Anu Garg's
site Last updated 23 April 2000
Copyright©1999-2007. All rights reserved. Please ask permission before printing anything. vmaleeva@hotmail.com |