My Choice!
For my choice of a realaudio site of the week, please
click on the image(s) below.
When you click on the icon your Real Audio Player will begin to play my selection. Enjoy!
* The Genocide Awareness Project *
A windows media file on the genocide awareness project, which advocates prolife policies visually.
Listen Now
Visit the site, The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
* The Death of Truth *
Death of Truth, effects of postmodernism in today's culture, an important series.
Common Objections Series with Gary Delashmutt
"How is the Bible Different from Other Scriptures?" by Gary Delashmutt
"Doesn't Evolution Discredit the Bible?" by Doug Rudy
"Can You Interpret the Bible Any Way You Want?" by
Rick Morris
The Scopes Trial and Restoring Biblical Truths in a Compromising Church, Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis.
Why I am Not an Atheist, by Ravi Zacharias.
Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 1
Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 2
Alpha and Omega Ministries, a discussion on Jehovah's Witnesses.
The following is the top five questions students ask, it is a series of messages by Ravi Zacharias.
Ravi Zacharias Part 1
Ravi Zacharias Part 2
Ravi Zacharias Part 3
Ravi Zacharias Part 4
Ravi Zacharias Part 5