You have to dig up the ego before you can let it go Let existence know that only you can run the show Accepting the ALL will oft soften the hardest blow Can you hear the message if it's sung real slow? Where, what, who are you, do you really know? Are the answers near the surface or buried deep below Way down beneath the crud your familyarites did sow. MOVE ON AND DO YOUR THING..It's not of the others that we sing YOU!!!, potential HUEman, it is a joy to bring Your SELF to the surface of that thing That exists only as a rambling spring That flows thru all the yang and ying It's up to you, the bell, to ring (This song was "writ" by the guinea pig king.......) Cut your SELF loose from the mire of the bank Let your SELF flow, go sliding through the prank The jokes on you if you're living in the dank and have not from the Garden of Eden drank The elixir that makes life other than a blank The juice, that your parents out of you did spank For your miseries it's mostly them and their helpers you've to thank. There is NO BLAME for anyone to share Except perhaps the one who decided not to go bare And then that we all were meant to pair And pulled into a cave, like a lion to his lair, A member of the "opposite" sex by the hair, From thenceforth always to despair, That someone's going to take what he can't spare....... Can you realize that's all due to the fear That's been laid on us all by those we hold dear That the cup runs dry it's been made to appear The truth now comes that it's always run over in our sphere 'tis only when the fear brings out the profiteer That man gets tied to habits so austere WE ARE SINGING VERY LOUD NOW, BUT CAN YOU HEAR? YOUR 5 WITH 27 ZEROS OF ATOMS YOU CAN'T HELP BUT SHARE EVEN IF YOU LOCK YOURSELF IN A BOX REAL BARE THE BOX BECOMES YOU AND YOU THE BOX A PAIR AND YOU AND THE BOX ALL A PART OF THE AIR GOING IN AND ABOUT YOU AND THE "IT" IN "GOD'S LAIR" FROM THE TIPS OF YOUR TOES TO THE ENDS OF YOUR HAIR NOTHING IS YOURS AND EVERYTHNG IS YOU, IF YOU DARE. "Christ is the answer" many people do now preach But Jesus himself would not this teach For in his eyes there was no QUESTION,no breach The oneness of all, to accept, he did beseech To leave brethren, wife and child and others to reach That Kingdom of God, within, in forest and on beach Under tree and in river as BUddha too, did quietly screech. To dance with Krishna the Gopi women went Accepting the dishonor of family being rent. Be one with ALL before life is spent Or remain in your misery, resigned and bent By the horrible torture of perpetual lent. Don't look back, there is nothing to resent Just let it all go, there's no need to repent. . . . . . . Bliss is just around the corner, you're not far from it Between you and it is just some hardened curd (crud). When you flake it off you'll stop playing the skit That was programmed by someone afraid of the teat That the great divine "mother" bares and makes fit For all to imbibe the joy, to take and transmit The fabric called love of which the ALL is knit. . . . . . . LOVE's sister, IMAGINATION, awaits The key to reality to open the locked gates To exert their brother WILL is all that obliterates The layers hiding the within which always vibrates With the ALL, the ONENESS, which achieved always sates Unlimited desires that otherwise 'ere degenerates That which is the real SELF "GOD" ejaculates. So come all you faith-full or -less Gather around your SELF and to your heart press The FREEDOM that lies within, under the mess That fear and, her handmaiden, ignorance does suppress Let it go and your SELF you will bless Come all together but in our al-one-ness DREAM<>CREAM with ALL the ONENESS. . . . . . . refrain??? from the pain and sing it again....... then pass it on or destroy it. "written" faster than it was typed, and the typist is speedy. so, should you find it too simple do not rush to label it simplistic. back to thisbethepageHenry OZ=77, Phibonacci, Angel Aaahaahahh.