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For Release 9 a.m. CDT |
south loop news release
South Loop School Band Scores at City
Band Festival
Band receives judges’ highest rating
Jullian High School, May 20th, 1998: On May 20th, 1998, South Loop School’s Advanced Band participated in the Chicago Public School’s Annual City-Wide Elementary Band Festival. This year, bands from Chicago public elementary schools throughout the city met at Julian High School for a celebration of music and excitement that lasted for two days.
The festival allows the bands to perform, not only for each other, but for a panel of three judges who rate the them in every area of performance. Each judge can award up to five points in eight different areas ranging from intonation to appearance. The judges add their scores up and each group is issued a final rating which can range from a top score of one, which indicates superior performance, down to a five, which is a poor rating.
After enjoying the other groups’ performances, the pressure really builds as each band mounts the stage to display their talents. Every band must play three selections, one of which must be a march. No popular music or gospel music is allowed.
South Loop was the second to the last band to perform this year and everyone was anxious to find out what the judges thought of them as Mr. Millman opened the sealed scores. Cheers erupted as the performers discovered that the judges had awarded them their highest total rating of one, with one of the judges even issuing the band a perfect score of 40 points! Judges were impressed; not just by the band’s performance, but also by the difficulty of the selections they performed which were at the high school level.
Congratulations to the band! Although it was mentioned that all the bands could be considered winners merely for attending the festival, South Loop has established themselves as one of the top bands in the city.