Here, as mentioned, I intend not to focus on things said in other highly respectable websites. So, to lose some of you not interested in what will be said here, I will direct you to another place. All links will be repeated below, of course. The Institute for Parapsychology has an excellent webpage, where you can find out about parapsychology in general, what is going on at that lab, and learn about their Summer Study Program, which I had the honor of attending in the summer of '97. An outstanding program which I would reccomend highly. They also have several links to various other places, book lists, and being probably the best known center for parapsychology in the world, they are pretty broad in their website. The Koestler Parapsychology Unit at the University of Edinburgh is a highly up-to-date laboratory in a prestigious University. They stand on an acedemic ground, and are a huge source of on-line reading of various papers, or refernces to other places (such as books, or other non-computer oriented research) to find information. They usually have a few experiments going on as well, and very clear and concise explanations of some of what has been going on for years in the field for those of you who may be a bit fuzzy on certain terms. The last citation I will make is the Parapsychology FAQ written by Dean Radin, umong others, and is, to the best of my knowledge, the most widely refered to question and answer page on parapsychology, covering just about everything, from a scientific to a philosophical range.
To further complicate matters, I will put together some items of my own. To be honest, I have seen few sites where people are a bit broader in their scope. So I will have a few pages of my own.
Most will consist of what I have seen mostly of the material that Psi covers. I have not lived in a Laboratory, and what most of us see of Psi is not in a lab. Nor is it in any scientific background whatsoever. There are a multitude of respectable scientific locations where one can check out postulated theories, experiments, and such, but it kind of leaves out the more experiential side of Psi, the side that really gets people interested in the first place. I will cover this material more than anything else, as all the scientists should be satisfied with what they see in some of the other web sites.
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