You ask about ZEUS?

Well, I'm sure in time you will learn to regret asking about me. To be honest with you, I even regret knowing things about myself at times. It is a scary thing to behold to be sure. Well, my name is Zeus. That much you know already. Actually, my middle name is Zeus, so I have been going by that name for about 12 years now. I'm only 28, so 12 years is a long time.

Looking stylish, if I do say so myself...-------------------And a more recent pic.
That's my bro on the left. Granted, this 'recent' pic is still probably 6 years old. So below I've added a more recent pic of me sitting on my ass watching a movie. Also keep in mind that this web page was created several years ago, without pictures being updated.

- Height - Six feet tall (maybe 6'1", i'm still growing
- Weight - 192 pounds
- Birthday - May 18, 1973
- Hair - Brown. Long.
- Eyes - Two of them. Also brown.
- Anatomy - I own a full set of organs and limbs (some larger than others)
- Appearance - Pretty darned good looking, If I do say so myself.
- Status - Alive.
- Heratage - No known inbreeding. Decendant of the Irish, English, and Scottish. So I'm a cheap, pompus drunk. (ok, so I don't drink that much - a disgrace to my ancestry - in all honesty I just consider myself American)
- Where - I currently live in Maine. Near bangor. But I did live in Portland Maine for about 5 years.
- Favorite Subject - Parapsychology
- Favorite Philospher - Definatly Feuerbach. I loved 'The Essence of Christianity'
- Religion - Athiest. I am actually a very religious person, my religion just does not involve any gods or other immortals. I was raised a Christian, and used to belive in gods, but then again, I used to belive in Santa Claus too, back when I did not know better.
- Anomolies - Am a farily adept psychic, and my ablilities lie mostly in the cognitive aspects of the disciplines. I can read a mind better than visualize objects, my ganzfeld is better than my remote viewing, for example. I do get occasionally mistaken, however, just like anyone. I belive strongly in Bio-Pk, or DMILS theory as it is now called, (Distant Mental Influence on Living Systems, or something to that effect) and feel I can do it with strong results.
- Karate. I have done Shotokan for about a year and a half, and played with Ju-Jistu, Ti-Chi, and Tae-kwon-do. Right now I do a full contact discipline, a cross between Tae-kwon-do, Akido, Ju-jitsu and Kickboxing. Alot of grappling, full-contact sparring, (with enough gear strapped to your body so you don't actually get hurt) and more applied practice than traditional Kata. Very nice stuff. Now if I only got to class more often.
- ASCII - Well, this, I admit, I haven't done this for a while, although I'm pretty damned good at it. I have played around with most artforms in one sort or another, except nude photography. (can't get those girls in the shower to stop screaming long enough to take a picture) So I came upon this, and initally liked it simply because I can e-mail it to people. Kind of like sticking a self-made sticker on a post card. Livens up just about any E-Mail.
- Arts in general - As I said, I have played around with just about everything. I sew, cook, draw, paint, use charcoals, acryllics, pastels, and on just about anything. I'm not big into most of what people call 'crafts', (If I see one more knitted santa-claus I'll throw up) but I do like the more original peices. Some of the stuff I've done that I would consider a more original idea is hand carved signs for businesses, painting pictures on one-color christmas balls, and a rather nice picture of three puffins that I did on a bellows as a gift. (I also have a self-portrait of me strangling a cat what I am very proud of, but some people refuse to get the joke) One thing I definately have a talent in is make-up. I took a stage makeup class in college, and developed quite a taste for disguise at this time. I have done myself up as abe lincoln and have been called dammned impressive. I'm currently working on prosthetics masks.
- Role Playing - Been at this for quite a while now. It basically consists of hanging out with a group of people while we happen to be in a game. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon, in the company of friends.
- My Wife - Well, I figure this deserves some mention, as I am married. Have been since June 2000. A great woman. I lucked out finding this one and conning her into spending some time with me. She has no idea what the hell she's gotten into. I brag about her as often as I can, as she is by far the most impressive individual I've ever seen. Due to my opinion of myself, I have always had a problem considering other people my equal. She is so far the only person I have met that I can consider my equal without question.
- Play with computers - I used to have a job as a computer consultant. This means I sat in a computer cluster in a university for several hours and answer questions about homework. Pretty nice stuff. Very laid back job, which is why I have the time to do ASCII art and stuff.
- Research - I'm really big into research, although most people consider this a real snooze. I am going to attempt my PhD in a year....
- Parapsychology - This is a great intrest of mine, as well it should be since I will be getting a PhD in a couple of years with the hopes of being able to do this professionally. I recently had the honor of attending the Summer Study Program at the Rhine Research Center. To be found at
Institute for Parapsychology Very interesting stuff. Nice link, if you like that kind of stuff. There is a good FAQ there, too.
- College - Already done my Bachelors. Now I am overqualified for every job I've seen. So perhaps I go back to school to get a PhD and get more overqualified.
- Religion - I am ex-president of the Pagan Campus Organization at the University of Maine in Orono. They celebrate the traditional holidays and what not. It's fun. Great group of people. I was very proud to be part of that organization.
- Choppers - perhaps I should have put this closer to the beginning. However, I am into choppers. Choppers being bicycles which have been modified. I currently have 17 I think (I stopped counting after ten) and have a group called THE JUNKERS. Check it out for more detail.
Well, it also does leave to say that as I live in Maine, this is a large part of who I am. I really think that where someone lives becomes a part of their personality. And although I don't particularly enjoy being so far away from the rest of the country, it is very nice to be able to never lock your doors, never have any crime, no pollution, and to be able to buy lobster for $2.39 a pound in the summertime. And a clean environment like this really lets you appreciate where we all live. It's a beautiful world out there, and so many people let is pass them by without even taking the opportunity to look up and take in their surroundings.
And last, but definatly, I now possess a woman. Not a bad specimen, either. So I'm throwing in a couple decent pics I not-so-recently took of her.
Well, I had mentioned that I excell at stage makeup, and from what I can tell, this is the only picture taken of me in one of my get-ups. Not a great pic, but not bad.

Oh, and I should have mentioned that I have a slight tendancy toward sarcastic humor. Here is a link to the best sight on the net I have seen for it. It is a psudo-newspaper called the onion. It can be highly offensive, if you can't take a joke.
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