I respect anyone who sticks a needle in their arm

HEROIN aka Smack, Hammer, Go slow, H, Horse, Harry Dope, Speed Ball (when mixed with amphetamines) Heroin is a semi-synthetic opiate derived from morphine extracted from the opium poppy and has very useful analgesic properties. Although a very safe drug for recreational use there is potential for addiction and an overdose can be fatal. The drug is usually diluted with a range of other powders, therefore purity is often unknown. When using therefore try a small amount first to determine the strength of the drug. CONSUMPTION: Available sometimes as crystals but usually as a white crystalline powder, soluble in water. Coloured preparations reflect different contaminants present. Heroin can be snorted, swallowed, injected intravenously or into muscle, smoked and taken as a suppository. EFFECTS: The onset of the effects can be rapid, especially if injected, can last 3-4 hours, and will vary for each person due to the quality of the heroin, body size and tolerance, mood and the reaction with other drugs. EFFECTS WHILE HIGH: MIND: A sense of floating A feeling of euphoria Increased feeling of being relaxed and at ease Release from all cares Feeling empathetic and connected with other people. BODY: Feeling very relaxed Talkative Pupils become smaller Blurred vision No feeling of pain Shallow breathing Constipation Nausea Vomiting Itchiness Loss of appetite. SEXUAL RESPONSE: It is generally held that heroin reduces sexual drive, and prevents orgasm. However there is an increased desire for intimacy. Some men report that an erection can occur with no ejaculation within the first 3-4 hours after a hit, and then an ability to have multiple ejaculations after that period. EFFECTS COMING DOWN AND AFTER: MIND: Feelings of anxiety Depression Relaxation. BODY: Fatigue Nausea Headaches Dehydration Constipation Dry mouth. KEEPING HEALTHY: Rest Meditate or listen to a relaxation tape after taking heroin Eat high fibre food to help with constipation Have a massage Take multi-vitamin tablets Talk, shop, gossip, have coffee, visit an art gallery with loving friends. Once difficulty with heroin is that contaminated material is often injected. If you have been using heroin regularly over a number of weeks, some people report a sense of "hanging out" if use is suddenly stopped. Reducing gradually the amount of heroin used can lessen the effects of " hanging out". WITHDRAWAL: Heroin dependence both physical and psychological, can occur with regular use. Withdrawal will develop within 12 hours of ceasing regular use. Withdrawal symptoms will be experienced within 36-72 hours. SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: Chills and shivering Excessive sweating Gooseflesh is prominent Irritability Insomnia Muscle cramps, aches Restlessness Diarrhoea Infection of the nose. If symptoms of withdrawal are observed seek medical attention. Ring a detoxification centre, drug referral centre, or user organisation for advice. IMPLICATIONS FOR HIV POSITIVE PEOPLE: Difficulties arise for HIV positive people when nutrition and rest are insufficient to maintain a competent immune system. Eat as much as possible over the period to replace the body's stored energy resources. Get sleep, and fluids, use water instead of alcohol. Dry mouth due to lack of saliva can hasten tooth decay. Little is known about possible interactions with anti viral drugs or the impact on the immune system.

now you know. go get some!

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