If you live in or near
Bowling Green or will be traveling on Interstate 65, we invite you
to visit with us during one of our services. This church is
composed of a group of believers in Jesus Christ, who want to
simply be Christians without denominational names and practices.
We're sincerely striving to pattern ourselves to be like the
church you read about in the New Testament--the church of Christ,
one belonging to Him. Our purpose is to provide an environment in
which Christians can grow and flourish into the image of Jesus
Christ (Eph. 4:16).
We do not pretend to have all the answers, but we do believe
with all of our hearts that "all things pertaining to life and
godliness" have been revealed to us in the Bible, the Word of God
(2 Pet. 1:3). We also believe we must search the scriptures daily
to see if these things are so as the people of Berea did in the
long ago (Acts 17:11). Our only wish is to be pleasing in the
sight of God.
We're striving to be a Bible-teaching, truth-loving,
God-glorifying, Christ-centered church. We want our Creator to
receive all of the praise, honor, and glory. We hope you will
want to come visit us at Eastside. We'd like to have the
opportunity of becoming personally acquainted with you.
You are visitor #
February 1, 1998