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Danish Demographic Database The Danish Demographic Database is the cooperative efforts of the Danish Data Archives, the Danish Emigration Archives, and the Centre of Microfilming of the Danish State Arhives. You can search directly in censuses and the Danish emigrant database. It also contains the original sources. The census database is still incomplete, but covers the period 1787-1911. The emigration database covers the period 1868-1900.

The Danish Emigration Archives

Other Recommended Danish Sites:
Aalborg City Archives

European Migration Institution Association

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Schroeder & Fuelling: German Emigrant Databases 18th & 19th Century This online database contains the surname, christian name, place of origin, year emigrated, destination, and sometimes remarks. If you cannot find your ancestor, you can submit a request for them to look it up for you in their library and databases.

Weil im Schönbuch database - online database of German marriage records. More than 1700 marriage records have been extracted from the Evangelical church in Weil im Sch"onbuch, W"urttemberg, Germany, from 1591 to 1705. There are 6400 names and more than 450 different German, Swiss, Austrian and French towns in this database.

Galizien German Descendants Surname/Village Database

German Illness Translations This is a compiled listing of illnesses and causes of death from three primary sources. They may aid you in interpreting the conditions in which your ancestors lived and died.

Archives in Germany All of the pages are in German, but most of the text is addresses and literature citations. Translations for most of the common terms are found on the site.

German genealogy: Emigration from Germany to America Passenger Lists for Hamburg 1850-1934 and much more useful information.

German Immigrant Lists

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Village of Brunnental It contains surnames and family histories, the GEDLIST files for over 17,000 descendants of the village of Brunnental by surname, and a brief history of the village.

St. Petersburg Records Database for Glueckstal Colonies Births, marriages, and deaths. Also has cross references.

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Irish-Canadian List This site has the names of Irish immigrants who settled in Canada. You can search the list by surname, date, location in Ireland or Canada. Since the list is made up of names submitted by present day researchers, it does not claim to be complete, but perhaps you can get a clue do to further research.

The National Archives of Ireland: Transportation Records This site has an online search for a wide range of records relating to transportation of convicts from Ireland to Australia covering the period 1788 to 1868.

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland This is the official place of deposit for public records in Northern Ireland. They have millions of documents that cover anywhere from the thirteenth century to the present. They have three basic categories: records of government departments (go back to the early-nineteenth century); records of courts of law, local authorities and other non-departmental public bodies; and records deposited by private individuals, churches, businesses and institutions.

The Irish Jewish Museum They have burial records from 1715 and synagogue records from all synagogues in Ireland. The synagogue records contain: membership, births, marriages, deaths, family name, Hebrew name, Hebrew date-of- birth, and the original family name spelling. They look it up for you. You need to enclose a family tree. There is no charge for this service, but a donation for the upkeep of the museum would be appreciated.

The National Archives of Ireland: OS Parish List Search Page

Irish Emigrants A series of lists of ships arriving in the US or Canada from Ireland or England, and their Irish passengers.

Irish Counties A wide variety of records and information for each of Ireland's 32 counties.

The Olive Tree Genealogy: Irish Ship Lists From 1716 to 1779

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Arduini & Pizzo: An Italian-American Genealogy This site is full of helpful information. It contains tips on reading Italian birth, death, and marriage records. It also tells what records are available, what information can be found on them, where and how to write to Italy for records, and a lot of history, heritage, and links.

PIE: Pursuing Our Italian Names Together Italian Genealogy, Heritage, Culture & Databases on the WWW

The Italian Genealogy Homepage Contains a few databases and lots of helpful information about what databases are available and how to use them.

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Gjerpen - Telemark - Norway This site has a mini-dictionary of Norwegian genealogical words. It also has some links to church records in certain Parishs in Norway and census information.

National Archives of Norway

The National Library of Norway

Norway Genealogy GenWeb Page This site has a little bit of everything, including an Index to Norway Parishes and Farms. This information is submitted to the site by individual genealogists.

The Census of Norway from the year 1801 It is a digital letter-by-letter copy of the original census, organized by parish. On every person there are 14 variables. The parishes (approx. 300) has been put together in counties (17).

The University of Bergen,Norway, Dept. of History It is written in English or Norwegian. If you "click" on elctronic sources you are linked to the 1801 Census and a list of people who left Bergen by ship in late 1800's. A must site for Norwegian genealogists.

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Addresses of Scotland Archives

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Addresses of State Archives in Switzerland

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United Kingdom

Ron Taylor's UK Census Finding Aids and Indexes. It contains various indexes to UK Census Data, mainly from the 1851 Census. There are also indexes to strays from various counties and from Scotland, Ireland, Germany and France. There are over 100,000 people included online (expect over 600,000 records when finished).

LARGO: Libraries and Archives Research Guide Online - London

The Public Record Office of England

UK Public Libraries

The Wills of the Cheshire Register Office 1492 - 1857 The index to the wills is in alphabetic sequence so you can search by name. When you choose a name, the entry gives the name, abode, occupation, date, type and notes. Type can be will, administrative bond, inventory of personal property, codicil, or other probate documents. There are instructions on how to order the documents and they even take MC for payment.

Harvard Law School Deeds Project -- Lancashire A list of deeds, bonds and court cases that go back to the 14th Century in Lancashire. Each case describes the names, dates, type of case, amount of money, which King was on the throne at the time and other details. They go back to 1321 and if your family name is there, you have a wonderful piece of information.

The Bodleian Library (Oxford University)

Genuki Contains a county by county list of addresses for finding source documents, a growing number of actual online documents, and a form for searching marriage databases.

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A Web of On-line Dictionaries Linked to more than 400 dictionaries of over 130 different languages.

Public Libraries of Europe

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