The Writer's Guild of Gadsden Home Page

Gadsden, Alabama

Oh me, oh life!
Of the questions of these recurring.
Of the endless trains of the faithless,
Of the cities filled with the foolish.
What good amid these?
Oh me, oh life.
That you are here.
That life exists-an identity.
That the powerful play goes on,
and you may contribute a verse.
                       -Walt Whitman


The Writer's Guild of Gadsden welcomes you to our home on the web!


The Writer's Guild of Gadsden will be sponsoring a benefit fundraiser for the Birmingham chapter of the American Diabetes Association in the spring of 1998. The benefit is entitled A Night of One Acts, and will present four one-act plays by local playwrights. If you are interested in submitting an original, unproduced, unpublished one-act of you creation, e-mail Chris West at for guidelines for submitting a script.


I have found a nice little place in cyberspace for novelists and short stories writer's! It's the Novel Frontier, and you can hook up to it by pointing your browser to (or by clicking here) I was e-mailed by one of the sysops of this web page, and he has also added a link to our page from Novel Frontier. Check it out, I promise you'll enjoy it!

A Little Bit About Us

The Writer's Guild of Gadsden is a non-profit organization in the Gadsden, Alabama area. Our members are local poets, playwrights, and novelists that come together to share the experiences, joys and pains of our common interest in the written word. The primary goal of the Guild is to promote each others work and to encourage one another. The Guild has regular monthly meetings at the Gadsden Public Library, where the atmoshphere is very relaxed and informal. Membership into the Guild is free, and we openly welcome and invite anyone to sit in on a meeting. If you are a writer and would like to join the Guild, e-mail Chris West, and you will be sent detailed information about the Guild, meeting times, and other information.

Feel free to view some of our work by clicking on the Titles below!

To find out more about the Gadsden area, and what it has to offer, visit by Internet Solutions.

Links to other sites on the Web

Authoring Tools
Read some poems by Christopher A. West
Read some excerpts from Marjorie Ashleys Book


I have been hunting down some web sites with tools that we can use. Such as: Roget's Thesaurus; Webster's Dictionary;etc. If you happen to know of any web sites that you think might be useful, please let me know about it and I'll put in a link for it on the TOOLS page.

Please remember that all examples on this web page have been COPYRIGHTED by the original author.

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