Battles of the Civil War

Confederate Orders of Battle
- Battle
of Aiken, S.C.
- Battle
of Allatoona Pass, Ga.
- Battle of Appomattox
Courthouse, Va. Order
of Battle 1st Corp. 2nd Corp.
3rd Corp. Anderson's Corp. Cav Corp.
- Battle
of Armstrong's Hill, Tn.
- Battle
of Averasboro, N. C.
- Battle of Battery Wagner, S.
of Battle Battery Wagner
- Battle of Belmont, Mo.
Order of Battle Belmont, Mo.
- Battle of Bentonville, N. C.
- Battle
of Bloody Bridge, S. C.
- Battle of Boonville, Mo.
- Battle of
Brandy Station, Va.
Order of Battle Brandy Station
- Battle
of Brice's Cross Roads, Ms.
- Battle
of Britton Lane, Tn
- Battle
of Cape Girardeau, Mo.
- Battle
of Carnifex Ferry, W. Va.
- Battle
of Cedar Creek, Va.
- Battle
of Champion Hill, Ms.
- Battle
of Chancellorsville, Va.
- Battle
of Chancellorsville, Va.
Order of Battle Chancellorsville
- Battle
of Chattanooga, Tn. Order of Battle
Chattanooga, Tn.
- Battle
of Chickamauga, Ga.
Order of Battle Chickamauga, Tn.
- Battle of Cold Harbor, Va.
Order of Battle Cold Harbor
- Battle of Corinth, Ms.
Order of Battle Corinth, Ms.
- Battle
of Cross Keys, Va
- Battle
of Droop Mountain W. Va.
- Battle
of Fort Blakeley, Al.
- Battle
of Fort DeRussy, La.
- Battle
of Fort Donalson, Tn.
- Battle
of Fort Duffield, Ky.
- Battle
of Fort Henry, Tn.
- Battle
of Fort Sanders, Tn.
- Battle of Five Forks, Va.
- Battle of
Franklin, Tn [Save the Battlefield]
- Battle of Franklin, Tn.
Order of Battle Franklin, Tn.
- Battle of Fredericksburg, Va.
Order of Battle
- Battle
of Fredericktown, Mo.
- Battles of Georgia
Georgia in the Civil War
- Battle
of Gettysburg, Pa.
Order of Battle
of Gettysburg, Pa.
- Battle
of Greenbrier River, W.Va.
- Battle
of Helena, Ark.
- Battle of Honey Hill, SC
- Battle of
Kennesaw Mtn., Ga.
- Battle of
Kernstown, Va.
Order of Battle Kernstown, Va.
- Battle
of Jackson, Ms.
- Battle of Jackson, Ms.
Order of Battle
Jackson, Ms.
- Battle of 1st. Manassas, Va.
Order of Battle 1st. Manassas,Va.
- Battle of
2nd. Manassas, Va.
Order of Battle 2nd. Manassas,Va.
- Manassas, Va. Memorial
- Battle
of Marianna, Fl.
- Battle
of Middle Boggy Atoka, Ok.
- Battle
of Milliken's Bend, Ms.
- Battle of Mill Springs/Fishing Creek, Ky
- Battle of Mobile Bay,
Order of Battle Mobile, Al.
- Battle of Mobile
Bay/Ft. Gaines, Al.
- Battle
of Murfreesboro, Tn.
- Battle of Nashville, Tn.
Order of Battle
Nashville, Tn.
- Battle of Natural Bridge, Fl.
- Battle
of Oconee River Bridge, Ga.
- Battle
of Olustee, Fl.
- Battle
of Palmito Ranch, Tx.
- Battle of
Parkers Croosroads, Tn.
- Battle
of Peachtree Creek, Ga.
- Battle of
Perryville, Ky.
- Battle
of Pickett's Mill, Ga.
- Battle
of Pilot Knob, Mo.
- Battle
of Pilot Knob, Mo.
- Battle
of Pleasant Hill, La.
Order of Battle of Pleasant Hill
- Battle
of Port Hudson, La.
- Battle
of Port Gibson, Ms.
- Battle
of Port Royal, Va.
- Battle
of Port Royal Ferry, Va.
- Battle
of Prairie DeAnn, Ar.
- Battle
of Prairie Grove, Ar
Order of Battle of Prairie Grove
- Battle of
Raymond, Ms.
- Battle
of Resaca, Ga.
- Battle of Ringgold Gap,
- Battle of
Rogersville/Big Creek, Tn.
- Battle
of Saltville, Va.
- Battle
of Secessionville, Va.
- Battle
of Selma, Al.
Order of Battle of Selma, Al.
- Battle
of Sharpsburg, Md.
Order of Battle of
Sharpsburg, Md.
- Battle of
Shiloh, Tn.
Order of Battle of Shiloh, Tn.
- Battle
of Shiloh, Tn.
- Battle
of Sol Legare Island, S.C.
- Battles of South
Carolina So. Carolina in the Civil War
- Battle
of Staunton River, Va.
- Battle
of Stirling Plantation, La.
- Battle
of Stockbridge, Ga.
- Battle of
Stones River, Tn.
- Battle
of Vicksburg, Ms.
Order of Battle Vicksburg, Ms.
- Battles of
Virginia Virginia in the Civil War
- Battle of
The Wilderness, Va.
Order of
Battle of The Wilderness
- Battle of Whitney Lane, Ark.
- Fort Fisher,
N. C.
- Port
Royal Expedition, S.C.
- Siege and Battle of
Corinth, Ms.[Friends]
- Siege of
Petersburg, Va.