1. Name the son of David who ascended to king of Israel upon his father's death.
2. With what gesture did Judas betray Christ?
3. Name the mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments.
4. Name the friend of Jesus, that Jesus raised from the dead.
5. Name the season which is a forty-day devotional preparation for Easter.
6. Name the prayer contained in Matthew 6:9-13.
7. Name the nephew of Abraham whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back on Sodom and Gomorrah.
8. Name the two food items which God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt.
9. Name the grandson of Noah who lived to be 969 years of age.
10. Name the mountain from which Moses viewed the promised land before his death.
11. Name the salt water lake into which the Jordan river flows.
12. Name the woman who betrayed Sampson.
13. What is the Greek word which means "one who proclaims good news"?
14. The fifth book of the Old Testament has a name which means "second law." Name this book.
15. What is the subject of the book of Genesis?
16. Name the two sons of Isaac and Rebekah.
17. Name the successor to Moses who directed the Israelite conquest of Canaan.
18. Name the son of Saul and friend of David who twice protected David against the jealousy of Saul.
19. Name the last judge of Israel.
20. Name the prophet who was swallowed by a large fish.
21. Who baptized Jesus?
22. Name the first king of Israel.
23. Name the son born to one hundred-year old Abraham and ninety-year old Sarah.
24. Name the original languages of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
25. Name the three sons of Noah.
26. Name the garden where Jesus was betrayed and was subsequently arrested.
27. Name the rule which is stated in Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31.
28. Name the parable told in Luke 10:29-37 about the concern and kindness of a stranger.
29. Name the Philistine giant from Gath who was killed by David.
30. Name the type of wood God instructed Noah to use for building the ark.
31. Name the catastrophe described in Genesis six through eight.
32. Name the largest river in western Asia which according to Genesis 2:14 flowed from Eden and served as the northern boundary of Israel.
33. Name the father of David.
34. Name the land owner in Bethlehem in Judah who married Ruth.
35. Name the prisoner released by Pilate instead of Christ as a part of the Passover custom.
36. According to the Beatitudes, what will the meek inherit?
37. Name the occupation of Adam and Eve's son Cain.
38. Name the site outside Jerusalem where Christ was crucified.
39. Name the Sunday before Easter which celebrates the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem.
40. Name the shortest book in the Old Testament, having only twenty-one verses.
41. Name the village where Jesus grew up.
42. Name the apostle, who as Saul, persecuted Christians before his conversion on the road to Damascus.
43. Name the Galilean fisherman whose name is Greek for "rock."
44. Name the son of Solomon who served as the last king of a united Israel and the first king of Judah.
45. Name the last book of the New Testament which is often referred to as the "Apocalypse."
46. Name the form of capital punishment used to execute Stephen in Acts 14:19.
47. What occurred in the "upper Room?"
48. Name the wife of David, daughter of Eliam, mother of Solomon, whose first husband, Uriah, was ordered by David into the fore-front of battle where he was killed.
49. What is the Greek word for "messenger?"
50. Name the location which Revelation states will be the site of the final battle between the forces of good and evil.
51. Name the husband and wife who fell dead after falsely claiming to have given the entire proceeds of the sale of their property to the community common fund.
52. Name the Greek word used to describe God's unmerited love for man.
53. Name the fifth book of the New Testament which tells of the early Christian church and the career of Paul.
54. Name the handsome, rebellious son of David, whose hair became entangled in the branches of an oak tree.
55. Name the brother of Moses, who often spoke for his brother because Moses had a slight speech impediment.
56. Name the people who in Genesis 11:1-9 attempted to build a tower to heaven.
57. Judas Iscariot died shortly after he betrayed Christ. How did he die?
58. What is the Hebrew word for "master" or "teacher?"
59. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
60. What did Salome get in exchange for dancing for King Herod?
61. What does the word "gospel" mean?
62. What was the key to Sampson's strength?
63. What is the Apocrypha?
64. According to the Old Testament, who is Yahweh?
65. In the Old Testament, who said "Am I my brother's keeper?"
66. In the book of Exodus, God revealed himself to Moses. In what form did God appear?
67. What punishment was given Daniel because he disobeyed the king's order and continued to pray to God?
68. During the night, how did God guide the Israelites as they fled the bondage of Egypt?
69. Name the gifts given to the infant Jesus by the wise men.
70. Who interpreted the handwriting on the wall?
71. Name the faithful servant of God who, with God's permission, was severely tested by Satan in an attempt to get him to curse God.
72. How much was Judas Iscariot paid to betray Christ?
73. Name the Passover meal that Jesus ate with the apostles the night before his crucifixion.
74. Which of the four Gospels contains the most information about the birth and early life of Christ?
75. Name the sea on which Jesus walked to join the disciples who had left before him in a boat.
76. Which is the shortest of the four Gospels?
77. Name the Old Testament book which states "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
78. Name the object brought back by the dove to Noah's ark which signified that the flood was receding.
79. Which of the Gospels considers the ways in which Christ fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament.
80. Name the sermon of Jesus which begins with the Beatitudes and contains the Lord's Prayer and the Golden Rule.
81. Name the Old Testament book containing one hundred and fifty songs, many of which were written by David.
82. Name the second wife of King Xerxes who saved the Jews from Haman's plan of annihilation.
83. What punishment was given the youths of Bethel for jeering Elisha and making fun of his bald-head?
84. Name the king of Israel who four-hundred and eighty years after deliverance from Egypt, built the temple to God.
85. How did King Saul die?
86. Name the prophet who ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire.
87. Name the son of Jacob who was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites because they were jealous of him.
88. In Genesis 9:11, God made a covenant with Noah. What was the nature of this covenant?
89. Name the son of Isaac who stole his brother Esau's birthright.
90. How many people did Jesus feed from five loaves of bread and two fish?
91. Who said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God?"
92. When the Pharisee asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment in the law, what was Jesus' reply?
93. Name the prophet who prophesied the sending of John the Baptist to prepare the way for Christ.
94. Name the apostle who denied Christ three times.
95. Name the wealthy tax collector who could not see Jesus because of his short height, so he climbed a sycamore tree to do so.
96. Name the miracle performed by Jesus at a wedding in Galilee.
97. In a conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus told him what must occur for one to enter the Kingdom of God. What did he say must occur?
98. Name the apostle who doubted the resurrection of Christ, and had to touch Christ's wounds of crucifixion to believe.
99. Name the apostle who replaced Judas.
100. Name the religious holiday which falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.
101. Name the sorcerer who tried to buy the Holy Spirit with money.
102. Name the only apostle who was a Roman citizen.
103. When asked how many times we should forgive a transgressor, what was the reply of Jesus?