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curated by Paolo Mamone Capria

the artists


Born in Knightstown ( U.S.A., State of Indiana ) in 1920, Randall Morgan died in Massalubrense (Sorrentine Peninsula) in 1994. Painter and ceramist Morgan completed his artistic formation in 1948 at the Columbia University in New York.
In 1953 he was in Italy directing "Positano Art Workshop".
After this experience he returned to the USA to teach Art at the Washington University in St.Louis between 1962/1963.
From 1966 he settled on the Sorrentine Peninsula.
His main personal exhibitions date from 1951: they were held in New York, St.Louis, Colorado Springs, Yuma, Rome, Milan, Bologna, Salerno, Ancona.
He also took part in several collective art exhibitions : from the shows at the MOMA and at the Whitney Museum in New York to the X "Quadriennale" of Rome, from the exhibition titled "L'immagine ed il suo doppio" ( in Milan and other cities ) to the most important Art Fairs ( Paris, Los Angels, London, Bologna ).
His works can be found at the Whitney Museum in New York, at the Barnes Institution in Philadelphia, at Detroit College of Art and at the St.Louis Art Museum.
Among the Italian art critics who reviewed his work there are to
mention : D.Micacchi, V.Sgarbi, E.Siciliano, V.Zurlini, C.Masini. Works exhibited
"Landascape from Massalubrense".About 1975.Cm.50x70, lithography.


Artist/painter born in Sorrento in 1923, where he actually resides in Via S.Renato, N.23.
He started his artistic formation attending Sorrento's College of Art and Naples' Fine Arts Academy, and frequenting the Neapolitan artist Luigi Crisconio.
In 1949 he held his first significant exhibition in Rome.More than 50 personal shows followed in Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Venice, Cortina d'Ampezzo.
In 1951 he took part at the VI "Quadriennale" of Rome, after which he participated in several prominent collective exhibitions such as The Art Exhibition in the Life of Southern Italy in 1953 and the International Contemporary Art Exhibition in 1955, both in Rome and Mancini Price in Naples in 1963.
Domenico Fiorentino has obtained many awards and prizes, last but not least the acquisition of one of his paintings by the Modern Art Gallery of Sassoferrato ( Ancona ) in 1994.
His works are owned by several art collectors in the USA, Europe and Italy.
Those who have taken interest in his work, among art critics and historians, are : C.Millet, P.Potter, D.Bacigalupa, A.Sinclair, V.Guzzi, P.Ricci, C.Barbieri, P.Girace, A.Schettini, R.Pane,
V.Mariani, R.Varese, P.Rizzi, G.C.Argan, A.Trimarco, A.Calabrese. Works exhibited
1)"Midday at S.Agata", 1954, tempera on paper, cm.50x60.
2)"Girl with the bottle", 1960, watercolour, cm.69x50.
3)"Olive trees in Sorrento", 1975, watercolour, cm.36x50.
4)"The church of Bambino Gesù in Sorrento", 1958, watercolour,
cm 51x40.
5)"Profile of a little girl", 1956, watercolour, cm.25x17.
6)"Saint Renato road in Sorrento", 1994, watercolour, cm.30x41.


Painter and sculptor, Apreda was born in Sorrento in 1938.
He has to-day his art studio in Sant'Agnello, at Via M.B.Gargiulo, N.4.
He graduated at the Fine Arts Academy in Naples, attending the courses of Emilio Greco .
He became in turn a teacher of plastic arts at Naples Liceo specialising in art subjects.
He showed his works from 1959, exhibiting in Naples, Milan, Rome, Bologna, Padova, Sorrento, Carrara, Rimini, Assisi, Capri, Vienna, Avignone.
He received various prizes, to mention that of Gemito in 1961.
He has been very active in the artistic life on the Sorrentine Peninsula.
He sculptured several holy works for churches in the Sorrento area.
His carvings are part of Naples Fine Arts Academy collection and of the Sacred Art picture gallery in Torre del Greco.
Art critics such as        P.Bellonzi, C.L.Ragghianti, L.Vergine, F.Mancini, R.Attardi, C.barbieri, A Schettini, P.Girace, A.Calabrese, M.Maiorino have reviewed his work .

Works exhibited

1)"The Annunciation", 1965, glazed cement, cm.117x83.
2)"Cardinal", 1961, ink on paper, cm.50x19.
3)"Lovers", 1985, glazed cement, cm.73x93.
4)"The Cardinals", 1965, bronze, cm.90x39.
5)"Landscape", 1965, oil on masonite, cm.33,5x49,5.
6)"The pomegranates", 1970, oil on card-board, diameter cm.41,5.


Of Sorrentine parents he was born in Naples in 1937.
He resides in Cortina d'Ampezzo, in Via Salieto, 20.
He started developing his artistic talent, both as a painter and as engraver, by attending and then graduating first at the Fine Arts Academy of Turin then Naples, as a pupil of Emilio Notte.
In 1962 he became an Art teacher at the Art Institute of Cortina D'Ampezzo.
In 1970 he obtained the headmastership of the Institute.
From 1973 he was also appointed as curator of "Mario Rimoldi" Modern Art Museum of Cortina D'Ampezzo.
From 1954 he organized personal exhibitions in Milan,Rome, Naples,Bologna, Florence, Genova, Verona, Vicenza, Treviso, Tokyo, Paris.
He has taken part in collective exhibitions: the most important being the Biennal Exhibition of Milan and London and Los Angels Art Fairs.
He painted several decorations for pubblic sites as well as for cruise ships.
Some of his paintings are placed in the Vatican Museum collections, in the Rimoldi Museum and in the collections of a Tokyo pubblic Art Gallery.
Among the art critics who took interest in his work are R.Tassi, G.Soavi, M.Luzi, F.Zeri, D.Buzzati, E.Fabiani, V.Sgarbi, L.Vergine, G.Gatt, L.Carluccio, B.Munari.

Works exhibited

1)"Laying down figure", 1993, dry oil on paper, cm.32x25.
2)"Roman nymphaeum in Sorrento", 1982, lithography, cm.34,5x50. 3)"Upon sea-Piano di Sorrento", 1985, water coloured lithography, cm.49,5x35.
4)"In the studio", 1985, hand coloured lithography, cm.30x60.
5)"Apulia olive-tree", 1983, lithography, cm.52x34,5.
6)"Olive-trees", 1994, oil on canvas card-board, cm.20x30.


Vincenzo Stinga is a painter and engraver.
Born in Sorrento in 1939, he resides in Rome, in Via Colli della Farnesina, 174.
He studied in Naples taking the Art Certificate at the Art Institute, then attending Fine Arts Academy.
After that he has been teaching painting at the VIth Rome Liceo, specialising in art subjects.
From 1968 he has held various one person shows, exhibiting in Naples, Rome, Florence, Foggia, Sorrento, Positano, Cannes.
He also painted large murals for buildings in Sorrento, Rome and Cannes.
He has illustrated books for the Rizzoli publishing house.
To end with he has been collaborating for a few years now with the Sorrentine marquetry master Giuseppe Rocco.
Togheter with him Stinga was entrusted the task to realize the wooden doors of Sorrento Cathedral.
Among the art critics who wrote reviews of his work        are
D.Micacchi, P.Ricci, T.Paloscia, C.Barbieri, P.Girace, M.Prisco, A.Schettini, M.Bignardi, G.Grassi, S.Di Bartolomeo, A.Giammarino.

Works exhibited

1)"Self-portrait", 1968, mixed technique on paper, cm.50x35.
2)"The Sorrentine Martyrs", 1989, mixed technique on paper, cm.79x59.
3)"Raffaele", 1973, sanguine and spindle-tree on paper, cm.70x50. 4)"The well", 1987, etching, cm.39,5x27,5.
5)"The tin pail", 1986, water-coloured etching, cm.40x28.
6)"The Venuses and the cats", 1990, water-coloured etching, cm.28x40.


Born in S.Agnello in 1950, Giuseppe Ferraro is resident in Massalubrense ( Torca village ), in Via Casalvecchio,11.
Painter, he obtained his artistic formation as a self-taught artist and frequenting Randall Morgan studio.
From 1974 he has had personal shows in Rome, Salerno, Sorrento, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Pompei and Positano.
In 1987 and in 1988 he partecipated in the collective exhibition of the Italian Contemporary Art of Tokyo, while in 1989 at the Bari Art Fair.
M.Apa, C.Vivaldi, V.Sgarbi, R.Morgan, B.Malandrino, M.Prisco are some of the art critics who reviewed his work.

Works exhibited

1)"Mediterranean lights", 1993, oil on canvas fragment, cm.19,5x29,5.
2)"Moments", 1993, oil on canvas fragment, cm.20,5x30,5.
3)"Road towards the sea", 1992, oil on canvas fragment , cm.31x43. 4)"Li Galli isles", 1993, watercolour, cm.15x25.
5)"Still life", 1993, watercolour, cm.27,5x37,5.



Born in Sorrento in 1946, he actually lives and works in Rome, in Via Giovanni Conti,66.As for education Scala is a self-taught artist-painter.
His formation developed throught relating Sorrentine artists as well as throught the experience and interchanges with the artistic life in Rome, where he has been staying since 1972.
He started exhibiting from 1971 with personal shows in Rome and Sorrento and some collective exhibitions in Naples.
Scala is a very existentialist artist. He has been living now, for many years, a Bohemiam dimension of life.
Owing to this his paintings are placed in small art shops, in idealogically committed galleries and in high class Roman residences.
Those who have taken interest in his painting , among the art critics are : U.Milizia, R.Lucchese, F.Selva, G.Biagioni Gazzoli, V.Papi, A.Bonito Oliva, D.Trombadori, M.Lunetta.

Works exhibited

1)"My father", 1982, water colour, cm.52x56.
2)"Full moon", 1987, water colour, cm.26,5x30,5.
3)"A mysterious man at bath", 1993, water colour, cm.27,5x34. 4)"The piers in the storm", 1990, watercolour, cm.18,5x27,5.
5)"Interno", 1992, watercolour, cm.30x19,5.

(Translation by Antonino Fiorentino)

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